Thursday, March 28, 2013

Study for S.S.
bring swim supplies
Good morning!

I am excited about our upcoming vacation, and I bet you are also!  We have a lot of work to do on our busy B day, but the rewards will be great!  Please get started by returning your library books.  Next, you should do your three jobs.  After that, please update your reading status and your books read list.

While I am checking in with each of you, I would like you to read the Storyworks magazine pgs. 10-17 with a partner.  I know many of you read this yesterday, but remember, good readers read text multiple times!  Be thinking about fact vs. opinion as well as text structure and point of view!

As you get started with your day, consider this analogy:

        School is to work as vacation is to _________.

Mrs. harvey

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Read (to ride)
Study for S.S.
complete your SS project
study for spelling
Hello Mammalogists,

I hope you are prepared for your Science test today.  I am anxious to see what you have learned about mammals.  Please take care of your basic three jobs to get the day started.  Next, I'd like you to update your reading status.  It has been a while since we have done this.  Also, make sure your list of books read is updated.  Tomorrow is the day I will check to see how many books you read for March.  Be sure to include your read to ride books on the list!

When all of your reading work is done, please meet with a partner to study for today's mammal test.  Hopefully you have your study guide that you can use!

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Read (to ride)
Yearbook forms due tomorrow
finish wonderopolis summary
use ixl  skill s.1 and s.2
Study for Science
study for S.S.
Happy Tuesday,

Today, I look forward to cheering on Charlie and his teammates in the March Madness Championship game.  It will be a lot of fun to see who wins at the 1:30 game today.

Until then, we will be focused on school work.  Please get started with your three jobs.  Next, please pick up your reading log.  I would like you to sort words 1-16 into the following lists:

Ends with y                 Ends with ey

You can do this right in your word work section. 

When that is done, please work on finishing your oberservations on the skulls, fur and scat.

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, March 25, 2013

Good Monday morning!

I am happy to see you today!  Today will be a work-filled day.  I am looking forward to showing you the results of your math efforts on Friday.  I am happy with some of your super thinking!

Please take care of your three basic jobs. Next, you should prepare your spelling pretest paper.  After that, pick up our new poem and read through it.  I would like you to underline the verbs in today's poem.   Once that is done, you can illustrate the poem.

I hope to start your pretest at 8:00. Please work efficiently until then.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, March 22, 2013

Read (to ride)
Share poetry folder
Study for Science test

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Read (to ride)
Spelling activity
Purple Math book pages 27-29
Hello Project Creators,

I can't wait to see more Science Fair projects today.  We will share them this morning at morning meeting.  Please hustle to complete your three basic jobs.  After that, I need you to unlock your memory bank and finish your planning page for the Emilio and Inez essay. 

As you prepare for morning meeting, please make two piles on the table near my computer.  One pile is for your purple math book, open to page 22.  The other pile is for your complete essay planning sheet, open to page 96.  Once you finish your morning work duties, you can work on your mammal hypotheses or work in your New York book.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Read (to ride)
Purple Math book p. 22-26
Spelling activity

Study for Science and Music
finish Science fair projects
Happy Spring, Busy Bees!

Today is the first official day of Spring...surprising isn't it!  I am sure we will see signs of Spring soon!  Today is our busy B day.  Please begin by returning your library books. 

After your library books have been returned, please do your three normal jobs.  Next, please read the story on pages 91-92 of your purple ELA book.  After reading carefully, you should answer questions #38-42.  Finally, you should steal a few minutes to read.

I will announce when you should meet with your team for your poster work.  Please be efficient with your time!

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Read (to ride)
Spelling activity
Purple Math book, p. 18-21
study for Science, A.E. and Music
work on science fair project
bring supplies for bb poster

Important poem
Essay on p. 26-27 in purple book

Monday, March 18, 2013

Read (to ride)
Spelling activity
Math:  Area/Perimeter (1-5)
              P/C page
Study for Science, AE and Music
complete Science fair project

poster supplies

follow March Madness tournament

Friday, March 15, 2013

Read(to ride)
Share poetry folder
Study for A.E, Music and Science
Work on Science Fair
follow March Madness tournament
Hello Twins,

I am curious to see who you look like today! Please get started right away on your three jobs.  After that, I would like you to update your reading status and put a heading on a paper for your spelling test.

I appreciate your support with the March Madness Poetry Competition.  The voting closes later today.  I have been thinking about how we could have a similar tournament here in our classroom.  Please stay tuned for more information!

Once your other morning work is completed, please read pages 21-22 in your purple ELA book we will discuss this story later today.  When you are done reading that, you can work in your writer's notebook.  Maybe YOU can write a poem using anthropomorphization!

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Read (to ride)
Math page
Spelling activity
finish persuasive essay
Work on Science Fair project
Study for A.E. and Science


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Homework for Tonight:
Read (to ride)
 Spelling activity
Math purple book p.14-16
finish essay planning
Study for Science and A.E.
vote at
science fair project
Happy Wellness Wednesday!

I am looking forward to seeing you all dressed up for picture day!  Please take some time to wash your hands, order your lunch and read the message!

I have two jobs for you this morning. Please do the problems on page 9 in your purple Math book.  Next, I'd like you to build a Shamrock Man using the papers from the side table.  You will need to color some of the pieces and fold others.  Can you follow the picture to complete the man correctly?

______sam____, ____________ and ______________ will share.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Homework for Tonight:
Read (to ride)
Study for Science
 Spelling activity or fact papers
Science fair project
Picture Day
Howdy Busy Bees!

Today is our busy B day.  As soon as you have your three jobs completed, please return your library books.  I'd also like you to complete p. 8 in your Purple Math book.  Once that is done, you can finish drawing and observing the scat samples.  Those of you who are finished can begin doing a Mammal Data card.

While you are up doing your other jobs, please visit the easel.  I'd like you to add a word that has an inflected ending.  (Think about your spelling pretest words from yesterday!)

Be productive,
Mrs. Harvey

Jacob S.,  _Gabby______________, and _Chuck__________ will share today

Monday, March 11, 2013

Homework for Tonight:
Read (to ride)
 Work on Science Fair Project
Study for Science
For Fun- Bravo Concert at HS 7:30
Hello Learners,

I am glad to see you!  Please get started on your three normal jobs.  Once you get those completed, please accomplish the following tasks:

1.  Complete page 7 in your purple Math book
2.  Read the new poem
3.  Get your spelling pretest set up in your Reading log

This week is Wellness Week at I.I.  We will be learning many ways to be healthy and fit.  What are some ways you already work to be healthy?

Owen, ___Lauren_______, and _Laura___________ will share today. 

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, March 8, 2013

Welcome to Friday!

I hope you are having a great week.  I appreciate your seriousness in work yesterday.  Let's continue that trend today!

After you complete your three normal jobs, please solve these problems in your math notebook:

2/4 + 1/9=       3/9 + 4/18=     7/8 - 2/4 =

Lastly, I would like you to do some science work this morning.  Please draw and observe the scat samples in  your field journal.  (Orchestra folks, ask a classmate for help with setting up your page!)

Mrs. Harvey
Homework for Tonight:
Read (to ride)
 Study for Science and S.S.
Share poetry folder
work on Science fair project

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Homework for Tonight:
Read (to ride)
 PC p. 271
Math purple book p.3-6
Dear Students,

Good morning.  We have a busy day planned.  Mr. Fenz will be here first thing this morning.  Please work hard to complete your morning work.

After you take care of your three normal jobs, please pick up an aricle from the side table.  You should read this article carefully either with a friend or independently.  When you have read one, pick another.  Be prepared to share what you have learned at morning meeting.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Happy Read Aloud Day!  Today I hope to celebrate by reading a fun book to you!  In the meantime, please take care of your three jobs. 

Today we will take our Unit 7 Math test.  To get your brain ready, please complete the Math page I handed you.  Next, you should complete Math Box 7.11. 

Finally, if you have time, please steal a few minutes to read.

Mrs. Harvey

___Sofia____, Sophie, and __Megan_______ will share.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Homework for Tonight:
Read (to Ride)
Purple book p.5-8
Practice Companion p.238-239
Math page
Study for S.S.
work on Science fair project

Hello Word Watchers,

I wanted to let you know that I sent Ed our words for the March Madness Poetry Tournament.  The winning words are:


I think the authletes will be challenged to use these words!

Please take care of your three jobs right away.  Next, please read your chapter book.  I have a job for your group to do, but we need to wait for everyone to be here.

__Ellie_________, __Brianna______ and _____Jayden_______ will share today.

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, March 4, 2013

Homework for Tonight:
Read (to ride)
Math page
Study for S.S.

Bring Brass instrument
work on Science Fair project
Happy Monday Students,

I hope your weekend was super!  Today, we will finish up our two truths and a fib share.  Please be thinking of what events from your vacation you would like to share!  As you are taking care of your three jobs this morning, please also be thinking about a win/win situation you have been in.  Write that on a post it note please.

I have a few jobs for you this morning.  Please do them in the following order:

1.  Update your "Books Read" list.  I will be checking that today.
2.  Update your reading status
3.  Finish your adaptation work in your field journal
4.  Illustrate our new poem
5.  pass out papers.

I also have some very exciting news to share with you today.  It has something to do with this:

I will tell you more at morning meeting!=

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, March 1, 2013

Homework for Tonight:
Read (to ride)
Share poetry folder
Study for S.S.
work on Science fair project
Happy Friday Students,

It just occured to me that we never finished sharing our "two truths and a fib" from your vacation.  Let's try to do that this morning.  I hope to have a traditional morning meeting with you.  Let's try to be on the rug by 8:00.

In the meantime, please do your three jobs.  While you are up, please add to the chart on the easel.  You might need to check in a book to get the correct spelling down.  Please read the entries ahead of yours to avoid repeats!

This morning your focus should be on Science.  I would like you to finish the adaptation work we started yesterday.  In your field journal, please draw a picutre to represent each type of adaptation we discussed.  I would also like you to label your picture.  If you need to finish observing the skulls, you can do that next.  Finally, please steal a few minutes to read!

Mrs. Harvey