Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Tonight's homework:
December 23, 2014

Happy Christmas, Kids!

Today is our last day before a long Winter Break.  I just want to take a minute to tell you how happy you each make me with your hard work every day.  Thank you for making it fun to come to school!

Please move your stick to bringing, wash your hands and read this message.  I'd like you to have your Math homework on your desk.  Next, please take down your Happy Holiday picture.  You should take that home as a decoration!  Finally, please update your list of books read list.  I will try to check those today!

I hope to have morning meeting right after Morning Movers!  I will see you on the rug then!

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  If we have time later, I will have many of you share!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Math:  56 X 9      674-589     54/3
December 22, 2014

Dear Excited Students,

Hello.  Isn't it exciting how close Christmas is?  I can't wait; I bet you can't either!  Don't worry, I'll keep you plenty busy with work for the next day and half so your time goes fast!

Please order your lunch, wash your hands and read this message.  Next, as a way to get ready for today's Social Studies test, please make sure page D33 in  your blue packet is completed.  Next, please complete p.35.  If you finish that, you can complete and color page D31.

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  ___________, _____________ and ___________ will share.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Read SSp 59-67
Share poetry folder
study for SS
December 19, 2014

Happy Friday,

I am glad you are here.  Please wash your hands, order your lunch and read your message.  Please grab your ipad and take a photo that represents your learning this week.  It has been a long time since we have done this; remember, you want to capture something specific and unique.  You will share the photo at morning meeting.

If you have not finished your Iroquois clothing paragraph, I need you to do that this morning.  After that, please work on making cards for our Iroquois IQ game.  You need an index card and your study guide to complete this task. 

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  __;Leslie_____, _Megan__________ and __Katie_______ will share. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
Math P7-5
Handwriting p29
study for SS

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

December 18, 2014

Dear Students,

Hello! I am glad to see you today.  I have high hopes for what we will do today.  This morning, please accomplish the following:

Read the message
order your lunch
wash your hands

Next, I'd like you to work in your writer's notebook.  Find the list you were making yesterday and add more facts to the topic you have chosen.  I expect you will have between 12-20 facts by the time you go to the library. 

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
Study for SS
December 17, 2014

Hello Carolers,

I am so happy to see you today!  Please wash your hands, read the message and order your lunch.  Next, I'd like you to work on p.11 in your Math packet.  After that, I'd like you to color the Happy Holiday sign I gave you. 

Today will be a busy day...let's get right to work so we can accomplish all that we need to!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, December 15, 2014

December 16, 2014

Hello Students,

It is true...I can't be with you again today.  I am so very sorry!  I hope to be with you tomorrow!
Please continue to do your best work.  Mrs. Walker told me you were great yesterday at Holly Hanging!

Please wash your hands, read the message and order your lunch.  Next, you should update your reading status.  Finally, please work on the Daily Common Core Review 7-4 page in your Math packet.  When you finish, please practice counting the quarters at your group.

Have a great day!

Mrs. Harvey
December 15, 2014

Hello Holly Hangers,

I am sorry that I can't be here with you today.  I know I can count on you to do your very best work in my absence!  I  am jealous because you get to go to Holly Hanging today, and I have to miss it!  Be sure to show the younger students how we act on field trips!  Be respectful!

Please order your lunch, wash your hands and read the message.  Next, number your spelling pretest from 1-20.  After that, you should review the types of sentences in the writer's toolbox section of your writer's notebook.  Finally, you can read this week's poem and illustrate it.

Have a great day!  I hope to see you tomorrow!

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, December 12, 2014

Tonight's homework:
share poetry folder
study for SS

This week we learned:
I learned how to multiply two digit numbers with one digit numbers.  16 X 2 = 32
I learned that the Iroquois used the deer's brain to tan the hide.  Jackson
I learned that spending 24 minutes on one problem is not worth it!  For example, using arrays to find double digit multiplication Aiden
I learned how the Iroquois used the deer parts.  For example, they used the jaw bone for scraping materials.  Tre
I learned that generalization are like opinions that are actually true.  Hayden
I learned a variety of things about the Iroquois.  Arrianna
I learned how to multiply 2 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers.  For example, 20 X 60 = 1,200 Megan
December 12, 2014

Dear Iroquois experts,

Hello!  Today will be a busy day!  I hope we can squeeze some learning in!  Please order your lunch, wash your hands and read the message.

After you finished updating your reading status, please read pages 48-51 in your Social Studies blue book with a partner.  I know the title is "Crafts", but I want you to read to find out why the Iroquois did these "crafts."  I think you will find they were different from the crafts we do today.  Once you have read the pages, please complete page D17 in your blue packet.  If you have time, you may color the picture!

Mrs. Harvey

_____Matthew____, ___________ and ___________ will share.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Math P7-1
Spelling activity
Handwriting p. 27

Book orders due tomorrow

December 11, 2014

Welcome Snowy Students,

I am glad you arrived safely today!  It is surely slippery out there! 

Please wash your hands, read the message and order your lunch.  Next, please update your reading status; I know it's been a while since you have done that!  Finally, you can work on page D39 in your Iroquois packet.

Mrs. Harvey

_________Hayden__, _____________ and _____________ will share today.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

December 10, 2014

Dear Multipliers,

Hello!  Today you will have a chance to show off your multiplication skills.  I hope you are feeling prepared to multiply 3 digit numbers by 1 digit!  You will take your Math test after lunch today.

Please order your lunch, wash your hands and read the message.  Next, I'd like you to complete page 15 in your math packet.  After that, if you need to finish your QR quiz, please do so.  Finally, you can read quietly at desk.

Mrs. Harvey

_________Caprice_______, _______Aiden_______ and ______________ will share. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tonight's homework:
finish practice test at www.pearsonsuccessnet.com
Handwriting p.25
Spelling activity
Hello Half Dayers,

I hope you have some fun plans for this afternoon.  It is always a treat to have time off from school!  I look forward to meeting with some of your parents while you are away!

As usual, we have a lot of work to do.  Please move your stick to "Bringing" and wash your hands.  Next, read the message.  Finally, you will need your learning log and your ipad.  Please walk around this morning and complete the Iroquois QR quiz.  There are nine questions.  Be sure to answer these questions thoroughly.  You may use your blue book if you need help, but please do not work with another person!  This job should be completed by 9:10.

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  __Ben_________, ___Tre______ and ______Billy______ will share. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Spelling suggestions:
economy        chronological        allegiance    naughty       interesting
consequence   destination            mischievous  conjunction   Santa Claus

Tonight's homework:
Math P6-6
Spelling activity
Handwriting page 24

food drive
Giving Tree
December 8, 2014

Hello there,

I hope you had a great weekend!  I am so happy to receive a positive note from Mrs. Ripa regarding your work on Friday afternoon.  You have all earned "Caught Being Good" ticket!

Please come in and get settled right away.  I'd like you to order your lunch, wash your hands and read the message.  After you read today's poem, please number your Spelling pretest from 1-20.  We will start the test right after Morning Movers.

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  _____________, _____Donald_______ and ___Arrianna_________ will do a free share today.

Friday, December 5, 2014

December 5, 2014

Dear Students,

Hello!  I am glad to see you today!  We will learn and shop today!  I hope you have your Holiday list prepared!  We will go shopping at 11:30!

Please order your lunch, wash your hands and read the message. After you spread out your homework, I need some of you to complete your Math work from yesterday.  You should have completed pages 8 and 10.  Once that is complete, please do page D7 and D11 in your Social Studies packet.

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
Math P6-4
Handwriting p. 23

SS shop
Dear Students,

Good morning.  I look forward to working with you today. We will begin a new unit in Lead 21.  It focuses on a region in the United States known as the Atlantic States.  The Atlantic states are the states that border the Atlantic Ocean.  Have you been to any of those states?  We will learn about them today.
Please order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands.  If you have not yet finished your letter to your parents, please do that now.  If you are finished, please use your ipad to log into ixl.  I'd like you to practice skill D.5.  I will be around to check your homework.
Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
Handwriting p. 22
67 * 6     456-231   87/3

letter to Santa
Spirit clothes order due 12/5

Dear 1/2 Dayers,

Hello there.  I hope you are ready to work, even if it's only for a half day!  Please wash your hands, move your stick to "bringing" and read the message! 

Our schedule is a little different today.  You will have rehearsal for our Holiday Sing Along at 9:45.  Before then we will do some Reading and Writing work.

To get started today, please spread out your homework.  Next, complete page 6 in the new math packet.  Be sure to show your work.  I hope to have morning meeting as soon as Morning Movers ends.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Spelling suggestions:
Christmas              December           Hiawatha           Chanukah
confederacy           partial                 holidays             obstreperous
matriarchal             product               Hanukkah           celebration

Tonight's homework:
Math P6-2
Handwriting p. 18-19
Spelling activity

return green slip
food drive
Giving tree
December 2, 2014

Dear Clever Students,

Hello.  I hope you are well today.  Please wash your hands, read the message and order you lunch. We have Library today, so please also put your books on the cart. 

On your desk, you should find your spelling pretest.  Please use that to update your personal choice list.  Next, create this week's spelling contract with words that you need to know how to spell.  If you need suggestions, I will give you some shortly.

Once your spelling contract is set up, please finish your "I'm thankful for..." sign.  This should be in your work folder.  If you have already finished this, you can have some free ipad time!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1, 2014

Welcome Back, Turkey Eaters!

I hope your Thanksgiving was fabulous!  Can you believe it is December already?  That means it's Christmas season: one of my favorite times of the year!

Please order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands.  We have a new word for the month: GOALS.  Please complete page 52 in your planner to get yourself into a "Goals" mood.  Next, please update your list of books read.  I will meet with you today to see if you met our goal for November!

Finally, you can read our new poem.  Once you have placed it in your folder, please illustrate the margins.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

For Matthew

This is the picture you will need to answer the question.  Thank you for doing this outside of school.  I hope your swim practice was successful!  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tonight's homework:
fill out green slip
update books read list

Monday, November 24, 2014

Dear Delightful "Doctors,"

Good morning!  I can't wait to share the results of your hard working during surgery yesterday.  Today, we will move on to writing the final draft of your narratives!

After you have parked your bag and coat using our new system, please order your lunch, wash your hands and read the message.  You can scan the QR code to read the message or read it on the screen.  Next, put the papers that are on  your desk in  your take home folder.  Finally, please complete PC page 131. 

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:
* X and / pages
return library books

book orders due tomorrow
food donation

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Dear Snow Survivors,

Hello!  I am truly sorry that I cannot be here to greet  you this morning.  I will be here when you return from Phys. Ed.  I am looking forward to seeing all of you.  I can't wait to hear your storm stories.  I hope you are all okay.

Please wash you hands, order your lunch and read the message.  I am assuming you have kept up with your work in your spelling contract.  If so, you should be all ready for a spelling test today.  Please put a heading on your paper and meet with a partner to complete your tests.  When that is done, you can begin to tell your storm story in your writer's notebook.  Be sure to give plenty of details telling me your thoughts and feelings during the historic storm.

I really can't wait to see you all!

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, November 21, 2014

November 21, 2014

Dear Students,

Hello!  How are you?  I am terribly worried about all of you and your families.  We have received a crazy amount of snow and I hope that you are all safe and warm.  I also hope that you all get through the weekend without too much damage due to the expected thaw.

Take care of yourselves and your families.  I look forward to seeing you back in school as soon as we can all get there!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, November 17, 2014

Tonight's homework:
finish  PN (personal narrative)
Spelling activity

bring in food for food drive
book orders due Friday
parent form due Friday

Spelling contract suggestions:
November 17, 2014

Dear Snowy Students,

Hello!  I am glad you have arrived safely.  Come in and get warm!  Please order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands. Next, I'd like you to update your reading status.  Finally, please number your spelling test paper from 1-20.  We will have our pretest shortly.

Once you have accomplished all of those jobs, please read through our new poem.  Take a minute to illustrate the poem as well. 

_____Ian_____, ______Hayden_____ and ______Aiden____ will share today.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, November 14, 2014

Tonight's  homework:
share poetry folder

book orders due Friday
return parent form

November 14, 2014

Hi Marvelous Multipliers,

I hope you are doing well today.  I am looking forward to reading  your personal narratives.  I hope you are ready to write them!

Please order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands.  Next, update your reading status.  Finally, I'd like you to spend some time with your writing folder.  First, look again at your first personal narrative and that rubric.  Notice where you did well, and what you need to work on.  Next, reread "Eleven" with a partner.  Highlight areas in that personal narrative that you really like.  Think about how you can make your personal narrative read like Susan Cisneros'.  This process is called, "Reading like a writer."  I think it will really raise the quality of your writing.

Mrs. Harvey

______Leah____, Izabella___________ and Leslie___________ will share.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
Math P5-2
Handwriting page 17
November 13, 2014

Dear Students,

Hello!  I bet you are thrilled to see snow flakes in the air! Regardless of how old I get, I still feel excited at the first snow fall!

Please read the message, order your lunch and wash  your hands.   Next, you should update your reading status and your books read list.  After that, please check your learning log for an Iroquois paragraph.  If you haven't finished writing what  you learned last week about the Iroquois, please finish that.  If you have finished it, but I didn't grade it, please put your learning log on the side table.  Finally, if your work is done and I graded it, please pass out papers.

Mrs. Harvey

p.s. ______Donald_______, _________________ and _____________ will share. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
Make PN (personal narrative) list
Math P5-1
November 12, 2014

Hello Students,

I am so happy to see you today.  I hope you enjoyed your day off yesterday; it was a beautiful day to honor our Veterans. 

Please come in and get settled.  I need you to order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands.  Next, please update your reading status.  Finally, please complete page 113 in your Math text book.  You should do this work in your Math notebook. 

We will learn more about the Iroquois today.  Can you name all 5 of the Iroquois nations?  Think SCOOM!

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  Leah will do the announcements today.  _____Arrianna____, _______Aiden______ and _____________ will share.   

Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 10, 2014

Dear Students,

Hello.  I hope you are well.  I am sorry I can't be with  you today.  I know that you will do your very best work in my absence.  I look forward to seeing  you on Wednesday.

Please read the message, order your lunch and read the message.  You should read and illustrate our new poem.  Once that is done, please number your spelling pretest from 1-20.  Finally, you should practice reading your fluency passage for this week.

If you haven't checked the blog yet for the Iroquois hunting lodge pictures, you should do that tonight.  There are some great pictures!

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  Matthew will do the announcements.

Earth Spirit: Iroquois day

Thanks to the P.T.O.  the students spent a fun day at the main campus learning about Iroquois life.  It was a full day of hard work, interesting learning and dirty fun!  Be sure to ask your child about the experience.  Here are a few pictures that illustrate our day.

This is last year's hunting lodge.  As you can see, it was in rough shape.  Our first job was to dismantle this so we could recycle the natural resources.

Mr. John from Earth Spirit led the hunting lodge station.
This is the frame of the hunting lodge after we started to rebuild.
It was fun, but hard work to dismantle the hunting lodge.

Ms. Kerri shared a few Iroquois stories with us.  
A few children were involved in acting out the stories.  

Ms.  Kerri taught us a game that the Iroquois played.  

Mr.  Scott led an interesting session that involved Iroquois artifacts.  
We learned about the Three Sisters and how the Iroquois prepared some of their food  
The children of the Iroquois were responsible for some intense work.  

The finished product: the whole class fit inside!
 At the end of the day, we went back outside to see the hunting lodge.  The other classes had worked on it after we left.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Tonight's homework:
share poetry folder
check harveyshomebase.BlogSpot.com for pictures

Thursday, November 6, 2014

November 7, 2014

Dear Wintry Workers,

Today should be an exciting day. I am looking forward to learning about Iroquois ways with you. Please follow these directions so your morning goes smoothly. 

Wash your hands and move your stick to "bringing."  If you don't have a lunch, let Mrs. Siverson know right away.  You should empty your backpack of all school supplies. Only your lunch and your change of shoes and socks should be in your backpack.  At your desk, please reread your paragraph about the Iroquois.  Add any new information to it.  If need be, you can reread pages 66-69 in your Social Studies book.  Your finished paragraph should be parked on the side table.

Aiden will do the announcements.  Be sure to listen to Mrs. Siverson for directions about when to line up!

Mrs. Harvey

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity (10 point activity!)
use ixl
Bring a disposable lunch, indoor shoes, dry socks
Dress for the weather
November 6, 2014

Dear Estimators,

Hello!  Today you will have a chance to show your estimating and subtracting skills on the topic 4 Math test.  I am anxious to see how you do!

Please order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands.  At your desk, you should spread out your homework and update your reading status.  Your reading statuses were much better yesterday....keep up the good work!  Finally, please use this morning to catch up on some PC pages.  You should finish up pages 114 and 133. 

Mr. Fenz will be here today after Library.  Let's try to finish morning meeting before Library so we can be ready for him!  Izabella will do the announcements.  __________, ___________ and ___________ will share.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
Math P4-5, odd only, CHECK YOUR WORK!!

return Reading is slip
Lunch and extra clothes on Friday
November 4, 2014

Dear Map Skill Experts,

Today you will finish your Social Studies test.  I hope you are feeling confident with the information. We will also work more with subtracting; today there will be many zeroes involved!

Please put your library books on the cart, order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, update your reading status.  Finally, please read our new fluency passage on p. 116 in your PC.

___Katie________, _Matthew, __________ and ____Megan____ will share.  __Evan_____will do the announcements.

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, November 3, 2014

Today's homework:
set up spelling contract
spelling activity
Math P4-4, odd only, CHECK YOUR WORK
return library books

return Reading is...slip
Dress for the weather on Friday

Spelling Suggestions:
Thanksgiving              Christmas              Veteran's Day
Iroquois                        despite                   Valentines
November 3, 2014

Hello Students,

I hope your Halloween weekend was filled with more treats than tricks!  I am curious to know which kind of candy is your favorite.  Please write it on the post it note I gave you and put it on the easel.  While you are up, please wash your hands and order your lunch as well.

After you have read this week's poem, please number your spelling folder from 1-20.  Next, you should practice the fluency passage on p.98 in your PC.  Be sure to do this with a partner.  Have fun with your expression and accuracy!

_____Jackson______, _____________ and _____________ will share today.  __Ian___ will do the announcements.

As you can see, we have a new expression for the month.  "Begin with the End in Mind" will make more sense after I read you a story at morning meeting.  You can start making some prediction about what this means!

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, October 31, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Share poetry folder
study for SS test
share Iroquois letter

return Reading is...form
plastic container for leaf art
October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween Spooky Students,

I am excited to spend today with you. It is a fun day, but we still have learning to do.  Our party starts this afternoon at 1:00.  We will be working hard until then!

Amount, include unit
yellow post it
blue post it
purple post it
pink post it 

______________, ____Matthew________ and _______Jackson_______ will share.  Hudson will do the announcements. 

Please wash your hands, order your lunch and read the message.  Your costume bag can be placed under your hook.  On your desk, you will find four post it notes.  Please use the following chart to write your pumpkin data on the correct color.  Next, you should walk around the room and put the correct post it note on the matching poster.  Once that is done, please put a heading on a piece of paper for your spelling test. 

Mrs. Harvey




Thursday, October 30, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
Math P4-2
Handwriting p. 14
bring costume
Study for SS

return Reading is...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 30, 2014

Hello Red Ribbon Givers,

Today is the day that you should give your Red Ribbons to your loved ones.  If you haven't already, you should color them and pass them to the people in your life that will help keep you on a drug-free path.

Please order your lunch, wash your hands and read the message.  Next, I'd like you to update your reading status.  It has been a few days since you had to do this.  Remember I am looking for a complete sentence telling about your book...capitalization and punctuation are important.  After that has been updated, please complete the last of your pumpkin measurements.

Now that your heirloom projects are complete, we can begin a free share.  __Clara__________, ___Donald_____ and ____Jessie_____ will share.  _Ian_ will do the announcements.

Mrs. Harvey

Tonight's homework:
spelling activity
use ixl
Handwriting p.11
study for SS

return Reading is...slip
Dear Socky Students,

Are you ready to "sock it to" drugs?  I hope so!  I can't wait to see your crazy socks!

Please wash your hands, order your lunch and read the message.  It is almost the end of the month!  Today, as you are waiting for a chance to measure your pumpkin, please add your book club book to your list of books read.  This is a good time to add any other books you have finished recently.  I will check in with you on Friday to see how many books you have read!  Once  your have done one measurement and updated your reading list, please take some time to organize your desk.  If you are feeling organized, you can work on some unfinished Daily 4 work.

All of yesterday's sharers will share their heirloom project.  _Megan_____ will do the announcements.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Read (finish book club book)
Spelling activity
Handwriting p.10
Study for SS

Map skills page A9-A11
Finish Run-on page

Spelling word suggestions:
squirrel     festive     suggestion    theme   haunted   Halloween
latitude      longitude   pumpkin     sausage   spooky   dictionary
encyclopedia  belligerent

October 28, 2014

Dear Team Mates,

I hope you are indeed ready to "team up" against drugs.  Even if you didn't wear a jersey, you can commit to living your live without illegal drugs!

To start your day, return your books to the cart.  Please wash your hands, read the message and order your lunch.  Next, you should glue the chart I gave you into your Math Notebook.  You will use this chart to record various measurements over the next few days.  While you wait for further directions, please number your spelling pretest folder from 1-20.  We will have a pretest right after the announcements.  I will also do a demonstration of some of the measurements in a few minutes.

I am looking forward to a full day of learning with you!  __TRE_______, ___BILL_______, __NATHAN_____, ___Izabella____ and __Hudson____ will share their heirloom projects.  Caprice will do the announcements.

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, October 27, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Read (complete book club work)
Division page (side 8)
Handwriting page 9
return library books

wear a jersey!
October 27, 2014

Dear Red Wearing Students,

Happy Red-Ribbon Week to you all!  I hope you had a fabulous weekend!  I am looking forward to working with you this week!  Today, you will take a test on Topic 4 in Math.  You will be able to show your knowledge of place value, rounding and comparing numbers.  To make sure you are ready, we will have a rounding snow ball fight.  It should be fun and educational!

___Evan________, _Mark_________, ______Donald_____    _MEGAN_______, _______Izabella________ and ____LESLIE____ will share an heirloom project.  ____Chris____ will do the announcements.

Please wash your hands, read the message and order your lunch.  Next, please read the new poem.  Finally, I need you to make two more flashcards like the one I gave you.  You can choose any number between 50, 000 and 999, 999.  Write the number in LARGE print on the blank sheet of paper.  We will use these a little later today.

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 24, 2014

Dear Friday Friends,

I hope you are well today!  I am sorry that I can't be with you today.  I know I can count on you to be your very best!  Please don't share your heirloom project today.  I want to be here to see them!

You should order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands like normal.  Next, please get a head start on your Run-ons Run Wild page.  Remember, this is the page you put in your work folder yesterday!  I challenge you to use a semi-colon (;) to connect two short sentences!

Ben will do the announcements.  Have a super day and a great weekend!

Mrs. Harvey

Tonight's homework:
Read (Book club work)
Math P3-6
study for SS
work on heirloom project

bring pencils
October 23, 2014

Dear Marvelous Map Readers,

Hi there!  I hope all is well with you today!  Please come in, read the message, order  your lunch and wash your hands.  I have a bit of a change for you today- it will be interesting to see who reads the message and follows the directions!

Please DO NOT do your reading status.  With all of your book club work, I know where you are in your reading, so you can take a break from your status for a few days.  Instead, please take out your Map Skills packet.  I'd like you to do page A2.  You can use pages G4-G11 in your Social Studies book to help you.

__Aiden________, __Caprice__________and ___Katie_____ will share their heirloom project.  Clara will do the announcements. 

Mrs. Harvey

                                                                                                                          Conjunction Junction

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Read (Book club work: write paragraph, do response journal)
Math P3-5
use ixl
work on heirloom project

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Dear Non-Bullies,

Hello.  I hope you are doing fine today.  We will attend an anti-bullying assembly later today.  I think you will enjoy learning about this important topic.  Please order your lunch, wash your hands and read the message. 

Your first task is to clip the science study guide into the clips of your science folder.  This will come in handy later this school year.  Next, please update your reading status.  Finally, please take your array off the door.  That can go home now. 

__JESSIE  __________, ___Hayden_______, and __________ will share their heirloom project.  Tre will do the announcements.

Mrs. Harvey

Tonight's homework:
Read (Book club work) (Read, write paragraph, response)
Math P3-4
use ixl.com
heirloom project
October 21, 2014

Hello Library Loaners,

Today, we will go to the library.  Please return your books to the cart right away.  You might consider getting out some non-fiction books seeing how you are already involved in a fiction book club.  Just a thought...

Please wash your hands, order your lunch and read the message.  As you wash your hands, please take any rocks by the sink that belong to you.  Any rocks that are still there at recess time today will be returned to their natural environment.

After your update your reading status, please work on your fourth grade book.  If you have finished that, take a few minutes to organize your desk.

__Ben, ARRIANNA and_Matt_______ will share a heirloom project. Leslie will do the announcements. 

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, October 20, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Read (Book club work: character chart, response, paragraph)
Math P3-3
use ixl.com
work on heirloom project
October 20, 2014

Dear Motivated Monday Monsters,

Hello.  I hope you are well today.  I hope my greeting doesn't offend you.  I was just trying to use that sound device we have talked about recently.  Do you remember what it is called?  See if you can find the name hidden in this message!

Please order your lunch, read the message and update your reading status.  Next, you should read today's poem.  Finally, please update your personal choice list using last week's pretest and spelling test. Billy will do the announcements today.

We are on a break from sharing, unless you are prepared to share your heirloom project.  Please let me know if you are ready to share.  Everyone should be ready next Monday!

Mrs. Harvey

p.s. Mr. Steve, our custodian, fixed your desks so they all stay up when you open them!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Tonight's homework:
share poetry folder
work on heirloom project  (Due 10/27, or earlier if you wish!)
Welcome Raindrop-dodgers!
     I hope you are well.  I am glad to be with you today!  Please order your lunch, wash your hands and read this message.  While you are up, please get your iPad.  You should take a picture of something that represents your learning from this week.
     After you update your reading status, you should log onto ixl.com.  I would like you to practice skill A.1 Place Values.  Let me know if you need help finding this.
     I am excited to introduce a new reading plan for you today.  It's called Book Club, and I think you will like it.  We will also learn a new part of speech: conjunctions!
     Katie will do the announcements.

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  Did you notice the alliteration I used in this letter?  Come see me if you did!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Dear Pattern People,

Today you will show your knowledge of patterns on the Topic 2 test.  I know there were a few hard questions on the practice test.  We will discuss these before you take the actual test.  We will also review factors and multiples.

Please order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands.  While you are up, please pick up your iPad.  After you have updated your reading status, you can work on designing your screen.

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  ______Izabella__, __Ian_____ and ___Mark________ will share today.
Hudson will do the announcements.