Friday, February 28, 2014

This week we learned:
I learned how to play "Race to 3" with pattern blocks.  (Matthew)
In Phys. Ed., I learned a new game called Kickball Basketball.  This helps me improve my layups.  (Peter)

This week, I learned how to add proper fractions.  (Alexa)
I learned how to add and subtract fractions.  (Brooke)
I learned the next part in Neighbors from Outer Space.  (Melanie)

I learned that marvel means to wonder.  (Sophia)
I learned how to write an essay thesis statement.  (Matthew and Ben)
I learned that a solar eclipse happens every so often.  (Ryan)
Tonight's Homework
Read (to ride)

share poetry folder

work on science fair project

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Friday, February 28, 2014
F day

Hello Studentcicles,

It's a cold one out there!  Please come in where it's warm and get ready to learn.  After you wash your hands and order your lunch, please complete p. 9 in your blue math packet.  Next, you should partner with a friend for your spelling test.  Once that is done, please take a picture that represents this week's learning. Finally, please practice your fluency passage.  We will have a few presentations at morning meeting!

Anthony, ____ and _____ will share.

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:
Read (to ride, OR)
Spelling activity
Analogy page
Math P12-5
science fair project
Thursday, February 27, 2014
E day

Hello Snowy Kids,

It's a nasty morning out there.  I am glad you are here, safe and sound.  __________, __________ and __________ will share today.

Please return your library books, order your lunch and wash your hands.  After that, I would like you to complete pages 7 and 8 in your blue math packet.  Work very carefully on these pages.

If you finish those pages, you can check out today's wonder at

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Today's homework:
Read (to ride, OR)
Math P12-3
Spelling activity

Science Fair project

February 26, 2014
D day

Hello Line Plotters,

Do you remember how to make a line plot?  Today is your day to prove it!  After you wash your hands and order you lunch, please use the chart below to plot the top seven silver medal winners in the Sochi Olympics.  You can use yesterday's line plot to help you.  When that is done, please complete page 5 in your blue math packets.  While you are up, you should pick up your Math journal!

I will be around to collect your math and your spelling work.  Please have that on your desk.  If you finish your morning work early, take a few minutes to complete page 332 in your PC.

___________, __________ and ___________ will share today.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Read (to ride, OR)
Spelling activity
Math P12-2 
study for Music test

Science fair projects
Newbery club meeting

study multiplication/division facts!!!!
February 25, 2014
C day

Hello Fraction Reducers,

I am curious to see how comfortable you are with simplifying fractions today.  I hope the Brainpop video helped yesterday! __Sophia__________, _____________ and ___________ will share today.

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  While you are up, please pick up your blue math packet.  I would like you to complete page 1 for morning work.  When that is done, you can read the new poem.  Finally, please listen to this week's fluency passage on the blog.  Click on the link for page 326.

Now that the Olympics are over, I would like to build a line plot with you.  We can use information from the following chart.  We will do this during Math today!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, February 24, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Read (to ride, OR)
Math P12-1
watch brainpop video on simplifying fractions, email results to
complete spelling contract, do activity

Science fair project
study for Music
Suggested words for spelling:
volley         monkey
noisy          jersey
greasy        barley
toasty         pulley

Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 24, 2014
C day

Hello and welcome back!

I am excited to see you.  It seems like we have been separated for months.  I hope your vacation was relaxing.  We are going to get right back into our busy days.

Please get started by ordering your lunch, washing your hands and adding an equivalent fraction to the easel.  Please avoid any repeats.  We are starting a new math topic today which means I need to you to complete page 287 in your math textbook.  After that, I would like you to review the fluency passage on p. 326 in your PC.  Once that is comfortable, please read the poems on the "Poems to Peruse" section of my blog. 

We will have the Poetry Alive presentation this morning at 8:30.  It should be a lot of fun.  Thank you in advance for your polite, enthusiastic behavior!

Mrs. Harvey

Winter Break Challenges

Well, as the saying goes, "better late than never!" I apologize to any student who checked the blog during this break for the challenges I mentioned.  I got so involved with my kids that I never took the time to post your challenges.  Here are a few last minute projects you might choose to work on.  Please bring them to school tomorrow if you choose to do any of them.

Challenge one:  Analogy adventure- create ten or more analogies for the rest of the class to complete. Follow this format- ketchup is to burger as mustard is to ________.  Remember, analogies can be synonyms, antonyms, part-whole, categories or object to function.  Try to generate analogies from a variety of types.

Challenge two: QR Scavenger hunt- create a list of 5 questions that will help the class review any concept we were learning about before vacation.  I will use a website to turn the questions into a scavenger hnt for us to do this week.  If you email me your questions at harveysclass@outlook dot com I might be able to have it ready for Monday morning.

Challenge three:  Multiplication and Division workout- solve the following problems.  31 x 4, 54 x 72, 831 x 9, 843 x 75, 56 / 7, 765/5, 8432/4

Friday, February 14, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Read (to ride, OR)
share poetry folder
Science project
study for Music

be kind to your parents; it's Valentine's Day!!!!!!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 14, 2014
A day

Good Morning, Valentines,

I am looking forward to a fun start to our busy day.  Please get right to your regular routine: wash your hands and order your lunch.  Once that is done, please pass out your valentines.  While you are doing that, be sure to admire your classmates' clever valentine boxes.  They are all so creative!

Once your valentines are passed out, please take a picture that represents your learning today.  Be sure to email it to my outlook address.  Finally, please meet with the other people in your reading group to read pages 30-45 in your minis.  I'd like you to learn more about how people explained space in days long ago.  

We will start our party soon.  Please be efficient in your morning work.

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:
Read (to ride, OR)
Spelling activity
Math p.284-285

Science fair form
February 13, 2014
F day

Good morning Creators,

I am happy to see you today!  We have a busy day of fun learning planned! To get started, please order your lunch and wash your hands.  After that, please pick up a pink post it note and write on it what you do to build relationships.  Next, please help pass out some papers.  Finally, please pick up your plant and draw a detailed picture of it in your Science log.

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  ________Jack____, _Kaitlyn_________ and ____________ will share.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Read (to ride, OR)
Math P11-7

Spelling activity
Study for SS and Music
Science fair form
bring Valentine box

item to share

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 12, 2014
E day

Hello USA Supporters,

I hope you remembered to wear your red, white and blue!

We will visit the library later today, so please return your library books as you are up washing your hands and ordering your lunch.  _Jenna___________, __Nicole___________ and ____Matthew_______ will share today.

Please complete page 15 in your Blue Math packet.  Once that is done, I need you to add to the web on the easel.  You might want to review your theme book for specific facts.  Finally, if time allows, please read the poems on the Poems to Peruse section of my blog.

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:
Read(to ride, OR)
Math P11-6
Spelling activity
Science fair form
Study for SS and Music
Valentines and box
bring item to share

Orchestra tomorrow
check out ISS site

Click here to learn more about the International Space Station
February 11, 2014
D day

Dear Color Kids,

I am curious to see what colors you are wearing today to support the Olympics.  Do you know what country I am representing?  ______Avery____, _________ and ________ will share today.

Please wash your hands and order you lunch as usual.  While you are up, take a look at your plants- are they still making good progress?  I need you to do your blue packet this morning.  Finish p. 11 and complete p. 12.  When that is done, check out this Wonderopolis post.  It ties in nicely with our reading unit.

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, February 10, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Read (to ride, OR)
Math R11-6
Spelling activity
Study for SS
return science fair form by Thurs.

bring item for free share
Olympic challenge
Valentine box

February 10, 2014
C day

Dear Winter Sport Fanatics,

I am curious to see who remembered to wear a winter sport on their shirt today.  I appreciate your enthusiasm for the Olympics!  ____________, _________ and __________ will share today.

Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  While you are up, please pick up your new poem. Read through it and put it in your poetry folder.  I also need you to number your new spelling pretest paper.  We will do a fluency share this morning.  Work with a partner to practice the skit on p. 282.  Finally,  please read and work on p. 74 in your planner.  You need to shade a path of the positive behaviors to build a relationship.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, February 7, 2014

This week we learned:
I learned that the brassica plant is fast growing. -Kalib
I learned how to use Spacebook. -Jack
I learned about equivalent fractions and numberlines.  -Ben
I learned that  Nicholas Copernicus discovered that the earth isn't in the center of the solar system.  -Sophia
I learned how to use hashtags on Spacebook.  -Everett

Tonight's homework:
Read (to ride, OR)

share poetry folder
study for SS

Olympic research
science fair forms and Valentine box due next Thursday
Family Fun Night tonight!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 7, 2014
B day

Dear Educreation experts,

I am so crazy impressed with your Educreation equivalent fraction videos.  I was able to log on to the site from home and see your good work.  Many of you used great visuals, specific vocabulary and clever narration to explain the process of making equivalent fractions.  I am so very proud of you.  (For those of you who didn't finish your video- please do that this morning!

______________, ___________ and __________ will share today.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, please use your iPad to take a photo that represents this week's learning.  You should email that to me at the outlook address.  Finally, please use the databases at the library website to learn some cool facts about the Olympics.  You can enter the facts you find at the link below.

Perhaps this research can be used to complete one of your bingo board activities!

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February 6, 2014
A day

Good morning Planters,

I am glad you are here today.  I am sorry I can't be with you.  I know you will be on your best behavior though.  ________, _______ and ________ will share.  Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  While you are up, give your plants a few squirts of water.  Remember your oath....don't water too much!

If you haven't finished your educreations video about nutrition yet, please do that this morning.  If you are done with that, please make a new video describing how to find equivalent fractions.  Be sure to use pictures and clear explanations in your video.

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:
Read (to ride)
Spelling activity
Math: 56 X 43, 62 X 74   562/6  784/4

bring in hot cocoa
talk with parents about RTR, OR, Olympic bingo
valentine box
science fair slip due 2/13
Click the link below to enter your space facts!

Space Facts
February 5, 2014
F day

Good morning,

I am glad to see you today.  With the forecast, I was afraid we might have another snowday.  __Anna_____, ___________ and Peter_________ will share today.  Please start the day by washing your hands and ordering your lunch.  While you are up, please pick up your PC and your math journal.

As I am checking your homework, please complete page 8 in your blue math packet.  Be sure to think about our patterns from yesterday's math lesson as you do this.  When that is done, please update your reading status and enjoy some time to read.  I hope to start morning meeting right on time today.

Nicole and Anna will do the announcements.  I wonder if Anna will say happy birthday to herself!

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity 
Math P11-4

bring cocoa
work on valentine's box

Monday, February 3, 2014

February 4, 2014
E day

Hello Book Choosers,

Today, you will have a chance to pick out new books at the library.  If you haven't done so already, please return your old library books now.  While you are up, please wash your hands and order your lunch.

I am anxious to learn more about space with you today.  I also can't wait to introduce our new spwitter board to you.  It's kind of like twitter, but it's all about space...get it?  Spwitter!

Please complete the subject/object pronoun page.  Once that is done, you can have some free app time.  I hope to start morning meeting right away today.  ___Melanie_______, _______Alexa____ and _______ will share.
Jenna and Sophia will do the announcements.

Mrs. Harvey


Tonight's homework:
Math P11-3
fill in Spelling contract, complete activity

return Sci/SS letter
hot chocolate
bring in box tops
Orchestra  starts tomorrow
valentines mailbox

Spelling suggestions:
relationships           vegetables           orbit
valentine                 Olympics             Jupiter
February                   gravity              Mercury

Sunday, February 2, 2014

February 3, 2014
D day

Dear Students,

Happy February!  I hope your weekend was fabulous!  Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  While you are up, be sure to pick up our newest poem.  Read through the poem and underline all of the verbs you can find.  Make sure that gets clipped into your poetry folder.

We will begin a new unit in LEAD 21 today.  It is all about space.  I am curious to hear what you already know about this topic.  Please number your spelling pretest paper to 20 and review last week's fluency passage with a partner.  I hope to have a fluency presentation before morning meeting.

Alexa and Kendall will do the announcements.  kendall___________, ____________ and __________ will share.

Mrs. Harvey