Wednesday, April 30, 2014

May 1, 2014
A day
These children are dancing around a maypole
to celebrate the coming of spring!

Happy May,

It is hard to believe that today is May 1st.  First of all, it seems like it was just September and we were first meeting each other.  Secondly, the weather reminds me more of March 1st.  Either way, welcome to a new month and a new word: SYNERGY.

After you have washed your hands and ordered your lunch,  you should learn more about the metric way to find capacity on pages 380-381.  It will make more sense if you read the orange section at the top.  Finally, please complete #8-19 in your math journal.

If you still have time, read about SYNERGY in your planner on p. 104.   Lastly, learn more about "mayday" at this wonderopolis link.

Mrs. Harvey
 Tonight's homework:
spelling activity

PC pages 41, 2, 20, 22, 23
Study for SS

Paint the town purple on Friday
History project
simple machine challenge
April 30, 2014
F day

Welcome Hard Workers,

I don't tell you often enough how much I appreciate your hard work.  Thank you for being such great learners.  Today, you will have a chance to show what you have learned.  It is the first day of the NYS Math test.

Please wash your hands, order your lunch and sharpen your #2 pencils.  Next, I'd like you to do page 382-383  in your Math text book.  Please complete #1-15.  While you are doing that, I will come around to check your homework.  Please have it on your desk!

I hope to do a little gonoodle before we start the test. Let's be efficient so that can happen!

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 29, 2014
E day

Happy Tuesday,

Today, you will have a chance to choose new library books.  Please return your old library books right away.  Once that is done, you should wash your hands and order your lunch.   Next, please add to the easel.  Finally,  please complete page 5 in your orange packet.

Once all of your work is done, pease enjoy a few minutes of silent reading.  It is almost the end of the month....squeeze in as much reading as you can!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, April 28, 2014

Tonight's homework:
complete spelling contract
Spelling activity
URY p. 46, 47, 48
finish simple machine pages
Study for Sci and SS

think about "paint the town purple"
History project

simple project

Suggested spelling words:

distaste             misguide           unfreeze
disloyal            misinform         unbuckle
discomfort        misbehave        unselfish
April 28, 2014
D day

Happy Monday,

I hope your weekend was great!  I am looking forward to a productive week with you.  Please wash your hands and order your lunch.

Your first job this morning is to solve these problems.

When that is done, please come see me to have them checked.  After that, I'd like you to complete page 43in you URY book.  Finally, please read the new poem and illustrate it!

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, April 25, 2014

Tonight's homework:
URY book, page 34, and 36

study for SS, Science and Music test
History project

April 25, 2014
C day

Hello Comfy Kids,

I am curious to see your jammies today; did you remember to wear them!?!  Even though we are dressed comfortably, we will be working hard today on a diverse amount of activities!  _Nicole_________, ____Alexa______, ______M elanie_____, ___Anthony___________ and _______Kendall ______ will share.

Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  After you have read the message, please number the pages in the orange packet. I'd like you to complete pages 1 and 3 this morning.

After your math work is done, please use your ipad to take a picture that represents your learning this week.

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tonight's homework:
spelling activity
URY p. 22, 30, 32
study for Science, SS, Music

pj day, read-a-thon
book swap books
share poems
April 24, 2014
B day

Happy Poem in Pocket Day!

Today is a day that we are all encouraged to carry our favorite poem in our pocket and then randomly share that poem with other people.  I hope to celebrate this day with you today!

Please wash your hands, order your lunch and read this message.  Next, please complete page 21 in your URY book.  This will help you practice your division skills.  After that, I'd like  you to read the poem books to find your favorite poem.  Once you find it, please type it up exactly as you see it using the Pages app.  Be sure to give the poet credit!

It will be a fun day!

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  _____Anna_______, __Kalib_________, __Avery_________, ____Ryan_________ and _________ will share.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
UYR page 20, 24, 28
study for SS, Science and Music
finish SS battle pages

History project
bring in book swap books
Farm camp form
April 23, 2014
A day

Good morning,

I look forward to hearing more about your vacations today.  __Mark__________, _____jacob____, __Ben_______, ____Jack____ and _Maggie_________ will share 2 truths and a fib.  Please wash your hands, order your lunch and read the message.

This morning's morning work is all about math.  Please pick up your UYR book and complete page 19.  After that, please complete page 399 in your math text book.  I'd like you to do numbers 1-19.  (It sounds like a lot, but trust me- they are easy problems!)

I am going to share a new book with you at morning meeting.  Let's work efficiently so we can start right after announcements.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Today's homework:
Spelling activity
area/perimeter page
study for SS, Science and Music tests
S.S. battle pages

check out area/perimeter practice on school website
read-a-thon permission slip and money

Monday, April 21, 2014

April 22, 2014
F day

Hello Long Lost Students,

I hope you have had a fabulous vacation.  I am looking forward to hearing all about it.  (Sophia, if you're reading this- we hope you are experiencing amazing times with your family in the Ukraine.  Be safe!)  Today at morning meeting, we will play 2 truths and a fib so you can tell us about your break.  _Jenna______, _Brooke________, _Peter_______ and ____Everett____ will tell two truths and a fib today.

We are jumping right back into the routine with a  busy morning.  First of all, please order your lunch, wash your hands and read this message.  Next, please refresh your memory of the latest fluency passage. It is on page 6 in your PC.  You can listen to it by clicking here.  After you have practiced that fluency passage a few times, come see me for a bag of money!

Don't get too excited- it's imitation money.  Your job is to count it.  To see if you counted correctly, scan the QR code in the bag.  If the amount you came up with matches th
e number on the screen, you are correct.  Trade bags with someone else and count up the next bag of cash.  You can keep trading with others until I change the directions!

I am looking forward to a great day back with you.  Thank you for being here!

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tonight's homework:
UYR p.12 and p 54
study for Science, SS and Music

simple machine challenge
collect read-a-thon

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 10, 2014
E day

Hello Scientists,

I am excited to see your simple machine work today.  Make sure I tell you later about the simple machine project I have for you!

In the mean time, please order your lunch, wash your hands and return your library books.  After that, come see me at the easel.  You will be choosing your topic for our class newsletter.  Be sure to have a few options in might not get your first choice!

Once you are done, please start thinking about your newsletter article   You should do this on page 84-85 in your handwriting book.  Complete these pages with as much detail as possible.

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:
URY book p.15-16
(finish p. 9-10)
Spelling activity
study for Science, SS and Music

return photos
yearbook order form due tomorrow

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April 9, 2014
D day

Dear Simple Machine Makers,

Today, I hope you have a chance to complete our simple machine stations.  It will be a fun way to learn.

Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  While you are up, please add any idea you have to the easel.  Be sure to read the list before you add your idea so we can avoid repeats.  Next, I'd like you to complete the pages in your URY book that I assigned yesterday.  (As a reminder, these are pages 59, 60, 63, 64, 65 and 66.)  When you finish those, you can add them to the pile on the side table.  Lastly, please enjoy some math activity time until morning meeting.

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:

Spelling activity
Math: 56 X 34   783/5
study for science

return pictures or money
yearbook order forms due Thursday

Monday, April 7, 2014

April 8, 2014
C day

Good morning Experimenters,

This morning, once your entire group is here and ready, you are going to conduct the experiment we discussed yesterday.  While you are waiting, please take care of the following items:  wash your hands, order your lunch and add to the easel.  If you are the first one ready, you can pick up your pile of supplies and pass out a science text to each person.  The experiment is outlined on page 450 of the text.  Review the procedures while you are waiting.  Be sure everyone has a chance to do each job.  Also, everyone should record the angle measurement on their own chart.  We will complete the average boxes later today.

Once the experiment is completed, please put the supplies in a neat pile on the back table.  You can use any extra time you have to re-read pages 242-245 in your text book.

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
Math P16-11
read science study guide

return year book form
history topic
Hello East Coast Experts,

This week we will learn about the Central Region of the United States.  After you take care of your other work, please click this page to learn more about this area of our country!

Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  Next, you should update your personal choice spelling list and add words to your spelling contract.  For those of you who need suggestions, I recommend these words:


Once your spelling contract is filled in, please use the above link to learn more about our country.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, April 4, 2014

Tonight's homework:
share poetry folder
complete kinetic energy page
read science study guide

return yearbook form by 4/10 vote at
return History report topic 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Happy Friday, Hard Workers,

It's true; I am so impressed with how focused you have been this week.  You have done a great job!

Please wash  your hands, order your lunch and read this message.  After that, I'd like you to finish p. 14 and 16 in your purple packet.  Next, sort the polygons from your envelope into the sort sheet I gave you. Pay special attention to all of the attributes.  If a shape fits in more than one column, please trace it and and label it with the letter.  You can use glue sticks to secure the shapes once you are confident about where they all go.

_____Kalib______, _Kaitlyn____________, ___Ryan_________ and ___Maggie______ will share their videos this morning.  I hope to share the ending of Neighbors from Outer Space with you also, so please be efficient!

If you finish your math work, check out this site that will teach you more about the mid-west states!

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:

Math P16-9
PC p. 133

check out quadilateral quest on my website
Book orders due tomorrow
bring percussion or piano supplies

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April 3, 2014
F day

Howdy Hard Workers,

It is the last day of the ELA test.  I hope you have the stamina to continue to do your best!

Please wash your hands, order your lunch and add to the easel.  Once that is complete, you should pick up your purple packet and your PC.  If you completed your PC last night, please put that, along with your two pieces of math homework on the FRONT table.  Finally, please complete pages 14 and 16 in your purple packet.

Let's have another terrific day!

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  What do you know about the blue and light yellow states below?  We will begin discussing this region on Friday.
Tonight's homework:
Math P16-8, complete triangle resource
PC 89, 90
read study guide

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April 2, 2014
E day

Hello Essayists,

Today is the day you can show off your skills
You've learned how to plan, you know all the drills.
So prepare to read text, prepare to highlight
It's time to show that you know how to write!

I couldn't help it...this poem just leaked out of me as I sat down to write today's message.  It's kind of appropriate as April in National Poetry Month!  And, today is the day you will write some extended responses and an essay on the ELA test!

Please order your lunch, wash your hands, add to the easel and return your library books.  Once that is done, you can sharpen your pencils and review your essay tips and transition words.

I look forward to greeting you at morning meeting just as soon as announcements are over.

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:
Math P16-7
Read Science study guide

Go to bed and eat!
April 1, 2014
D day

Hello Smart Kids,

I know today is typically a day to fool people, but I am looking forward to you showing off your smarts today!  Please wash your hands and order you lunch!  There is plenty to do today!

First of all, on the top of your Machines and Motion study guide, please change the date of your science test to April 30th.  Next, please make sure you have at least two sharpened #2 pencils.  After that, you should review your tips from writing a good essay.  (Remember, you put these in the plastic pocket of your planner.)  While you're at it, review the transition words page with a friend.  Practice saying sentences using your favorite transition words.  Finally, please learn more about our new words of the month, "Seek First To Understand, then to be understood."  You can learn about this by reading and completing p. 94 in your planner.

Later today, ___________, ____________ and ____________________ will share their videos.

Mrs. Harvey