Friday, May 30, 2014

Tonight's homework:

update reading list
finish summary
share poetry folder
return chorus letter

Simple Machine project
May 30, 2014
B day

Hello Students,

I am glad to see you today.  Please get settled in and right to work this morning.  After you have ordered your lunch, washed your hands and read the message, you should take a picture that represents your learning this week.  Please email the picture to me at

After your have complete your photographic assignment, please complete page 19 in your Science review packet.  Next, you can study for today's Social Studies test with a partner.

What instincts, learned behaviors or inherited traits will you be using as you start your day?

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Tonight's homework:

Spelling activity
Math orange packet p.1&2

study for SS
simple machine project
May 29, 2014
A day

Dear Super Performers,

You were amazing in the concerts yesterday; congratulations on a superb performance!  Thank you also to the polite audience members!  Today, we have another special event: the spelling bee.  Please join me in wishing Ryan the best of luck in his competition today.

Please wash your hands, read the message and order your lunch.  Next, I'd like you to complete page 18 in your science review packet.  If you have Math work (test or QR activity)  After that, you can use the graph paper rectangles to create your own math magic trick, using the cards on the board.  Lastly, you can practice the fluency passage with a partner.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tonight's homework:
spelling activity
Study for SS

bring swim stuff
Simple machines project
Concert tonight: dress nicely, bring instrument

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 28, 2014
F day

Hello Scientists,

I hope you are well today.  I am excited for you to take the hands-on part of the Science test.  I think you will enjoy it, and I know you are well prepared for it.  We need to be ready for the test at 7:55.  Please work efficiently to meet this goal.

Please wash your hands, order your lunch and read the message.  While you are up, please add to the easel.  Next, please complete page 17 in your Science review packet.  Finally, you can work in your writer's notebook until I call you for morning meeting.

Mrs. Harvey
Must earn 25 points this week
Spelling suggestions:
adaptations               natural            coloration
camouflage              habitat             memorial
inverse                     ecosystem       denounce
animal                      mammal          squirrel

Tonight's homework:
Take Topic 13 Math test at
spelling activity
study for SS
finish adaptation web
Simple Machines project

Band people- bring instrument tomorrow!!!

Monday, May 26, 2014

May 27, 2014
E day

Dear Relaxed Students,

Hello and welcome back!  I am excited to hear about your long weekend.  I hope it was fun, relaxing and memorable for you!

This week will be filled with new memories.  You will take the NYS Science Manipulative test on Wednesday.  On Thursday we will watch Ryan compete in the Spelling bee.  You will all have a chance to show off your fraction and decimal skills with a  Math topic test!

To get started, please wash your hands, order your lunch and sign up for the club if need be.  You also should return your library books.  Next, please complete pages 15-16 in your Science Review packet.  After that, please read this week's new poem. Lastly, you can practice the fluency passage from last week with a partner.  A few of you will share this passage at morning meeting.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, May 23, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Study for SS
share poetry folder

return permission slip
register for the Girls on the Run 5K
 click here to register for the 5k
May 23, 2014
D day

Dear Students,

Happy Memorial Day weekend!  Do you know why we celebrate this holiday?  I hope to discuss this with you today.  In the mean time, please order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands.  I'd also like to complete your morning measuring page.  After that, please complete pages 13 and 14 in your science packet.  Finally, please review for your SS quiz with a partner.

Let's have a great day!

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
Math P13-9

return permission slip
Study for SS

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 22, 2014
C day

Hello Super Scientists,

I am sorry I can't be here this morning, but I look forward to seeing you before lunch.  Thank you in advance for being the best students ever.

Please wash your hands, order your lunch and read the message.  You should visit a morning measuring station today.  Also, I need you to complete pages 10, 11 and 12 this morning in your science packet.  If you finish that early, please log on to IXL and practice a math skill that is still confusing for you.

Have a great morning!

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:

Spelling activity 
Math blue packet page 16
study for SS

return permission slip

History project
simple machines project
swim stuff

May 21, 2014
B day

Hello Students,

I am excited to see some of you perform in today's concert.  This will take place at 9:30, so sadly you will miss your A.E. time today.

Please order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands.  ___Jack______, ____Ben_____ and ________ will share today.  For morning work, please complete pages 8 and 9 in your Science Review packet.  You should also complete one morning measuring station.  When you finish that, please complete the P side of last night's homework.

I hope to start morning meeting right away today.  You can help make this happen by having your homework on your desk.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
Math R13-8
study for SS
return permission slip
bring animal picture
come vote

History project
Simple machines project
May 20, 2014
A day

Hello Citizens,

Today is the day our taxpayers vote on the school budget. Be sure to be friendly towards the people you see in the hallway today.  They are guests in our school and we should make them feel welcome. You also have a chance to exercise your right to vote...if you come back with your parents later today, you can vote for a specific end of the year assembly.

Please wash your hands, read the message and order your lunch.  If you are going to the club or being picked up, please sign up as needed.

Peter, _____Kalib_____, and _Brooke_________ will share an animal.  Please complete pages 6 and 7 in your science review packet.  You should also try to get to one morning measuring station.  When you finish that, you can practice page 98 in your PC with a partner.

Have a great day!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, May 19, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Math P13-7
set up spelling contract
Spelling activity
bring animal picture to share
study for SS

History project
Simple Machine Project

Spelling Suggestions:
absent          nonsense
dolphin        problem
furnish         reptile
mischief      urgent
twenty         capture
May 19, 2014
F day

Happy Monday,

I am glad to see you today.  __Jenna_____, _______ and _______ will share today.

Please order your lunch, wash your hands, sign up for the club and read this message.  I would like you to accomplish a few things this morning-

1.  complete page 4 and 5 in the Science Review packet
2.  Read the new poem
3.  set up your spelling pretest paper
4.  Practice PC page 50 with a partner

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, May 15, 2014

May 16, 2014
E day

Hello Hard Workers,

I am sorry that I can't be with you today.  I trust that you will show Mrs. Solem what great kids you are. Please order your lunch, wash your hands and sign up for the club, if need be.

I have quite a few things for you to do this morning.  First of all, please complete page 10 (Quick Check 13-5) in your blue packet.  I also need you to finish your morning measuring page.  Please also make time to do your spelling test with a partner.  Finally, you can review the prefixes that tell where on page 60 in your PC.  If time allows, you can take a picture to represent your learning.

I hope you have a great day.  I look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Mrs. Harvey

__Anna______, __Maggie____, _Avery______ and _Everett___ will share at morning meeting.
Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
Math P13-5

History project
Simple machine project
bring animal picture
May 15, 2014
D day

Dear Decimal Dudes and Divas,

I hope you are feeling comfortable with changing fractions into decimals.  We will continue to work on this concept today.  ______Sophia___, ___Jordyn_______ and __
Ryan_______ will share an animal at morning meeting.

Please order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands.  Those of you going to the club or being picked up should sign up.  Your first job is to complete p. 9 in your blue math packet.  While you are working, figure out the decimal name for the card I gave you.  Come tell me the fraction and decimal name when you have a chance.  Finally, please find a partner and play Toss and Talk that goes with lesson 13-4.  I have the game boards on the ipad cart.  You will need to read the directions carefully.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tonight's homework:

Math P13-4
Spelling activity

History project
bring animal picture to share
Simple Machine Project

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May 14, 2014
C day

Dear Adaptation Experts,

I hope you are feeling knowledgeable about animal adaptations.  I thought it was neat learning about them together yesterday.  Your morning work will involve showing what you learned.

Please wash your hands, order your lunch and read the message.  Those of you who need to, please sign up for the Club or for pick up.  Next, you should spread out your homework.  Finally, please build an adaptations web similar to the one you see on the board.  You need to add at least 4 of your own ideas to the web.  Be detailed about what the adaptation helps the animal to do.  Once you have written the adaptation.  Please illustrate and color your web.  The more details you use, the better grade I can give you.

We will continue to practice identifying tone and mood today.  We will also look for more similes.  As you can see, we have a lot to do!

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  Matthew, Nicole and Kendall will share today.

Pictures for our Newspaper

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
History project
bring animal picture to share
complete mammal paragraph

Monday, May 12, 2014

May 13, 2014
B day

Hello Curious Kids,

I bet you are curious about the F.B.I.  Today you will learn more about this organization.  We will have a special presentation at 8:15 in the high school.  Until then, I have high expectations about what we can accomplish.

Please wash your hands, order your lunch and read this message.  I would like many of you to visit a morning measuring station.  Be sure to measure precisely!  While you are waiting for a station to open up, please spread out your homework.  You can complete the last page in your orange packet as a way to get warmed up for today's math tests.  I would like to begin Math as soon as possible this morning so thank you for working efficiently.

___Mark______, ___Matt____ and _Nicole_____Kendall____ will share an animal after our presentation today.

Mrs. Harvey

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
Math -division page

bring animal picture to share History project

Spelling suggestions:
commercial                    exploration
essential                         observation
substantial                      animal
amphibian                       mammalian
predator                          carnivore
herbivore                         omnivore
May 12, 2014
A day

Good morning!

I hope you had a great long weekend.  I am happy to see you today.  __Kaitlyn______, __________ and __________ will share an animal.  Please order your lunch, wash your hands and read the new poem.

I would like to correct last week's morning measuring with you this morning.  Please leave last week's paper on your desk until we go over it.  While you wait, please illustrate the new poem.  You can also get your spelling pretest paper ready in your spelling folder.

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Tonight's homework:
share poetry folder
be good to the moms!

History project
bring animal to share
May 8, 2014
F day

Dear Children,

Hello!  Did you know that Mother's Day is on Sunday?  Today we will make a gift to honor your mother.  Be thinking of what you'd like to say to her in a card.

Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  After you have read the message, I'd like you to review a few measurement concepts.  In your orange packet, please complete pages 13, 15 and 17.  We will go over these pages a little later. You also need to complete your morning measuring work.

Once you finish all of that, you can enjoy some independent reading.

Mrs. Harvey

p.s. Anthony, ____Melanie____, and Alexa___________will share.
Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
Math P14-10
paragraph about mammals

 Book Fair tomorrow!!!

bring animal picture to share

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 7, 2014
E day

Hello Helpful Children,

You will be happy to know that Mr. Fenz will be here this morning.  Please work efficiently so we are ready for him when he arrives.  I need you to return your library books, order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, please visit a morning measuring station.  Finally, please complete page 22 (DCCR 14-11).

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tonight's homework:
share government tree
celebrate "no homework day"
May 6, 2014
D day

Hello Kids,

I am looking forward to working with you today!  Thank you for your decent behavior with Mrs. Solem yesterday!

Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  After you have read the message and spread out your homework, please complete page 20 in your orange math packet.  Once that is finished, please update your books read list.  Finally, you can squeeze in a few minutes of reading time.  Of course, you should also try to get to a morning measuring station during all of this!

I have a new "share" to share with you this morning.  Don't let me forget to tell you about it at morning meeting.

Mrs. Harvey

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 5, 2014
C day

Hello Door Decorators,

Our door looks incredible!  Thank you to all of you for your creative, hard work!  I love it!  I am sorry that I can't be with you today.  I need to work with some other teachers to get ready to correct the NYS Math tests.  I know I can count on you to work as hard as ever today.

Please wash your hands and order you lunch.  Next, you should pick up the new poem and read it.  Please park this poem in your poetry folder.  I would also like you to complete page 17 in your orange packet.

Morning measuring begins today!  Remember, you have 5 days to visit the three measuring stations and complete the measuring page.  Please see the example next to the easel to refresh your memory.  There should only be two people at a station at a time.  You should begin to complete your morning work and when you see a station spot open up, take a break from your other work and move to that station.  You should only visit one station a day to give everyone a shot.  Be sure to clean up the station when you are done.  The non-chorus people are the experts so if you are  unsure what to do, ask a non-chorus person.

I look forward to hearing about your great day tomorrow, but you never know when I might pop in to say hello!

Mrs. Harvey
p.s.  As Roz says, "I'm watching....I'm always watching!"

Friday, May 2, 2014

May 2, 2014
B day

Happy Purple Friday,

I hope you are well today!  You are reading the message on the screen because we need to be very efficient this morning.  We have to start the math test at 8:00 sharp because you have 90 minutes to work today.  Please work quickly to complete the following:

1.  order your lunch
2. wash your hands
3.  put your homework in two neat piles on the side table
4.  sharpen your pencils
5.  use the bathroom and get a drink
6.  Decorate the guitar I gave you.  You can design it anyway you'd like, but I hope there will be a lot of purple involved.

Thanks for being efficient!

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Tonight's homework

Math P14-7
Spelling activity

history project
paint the school purple tomorrow!!!
bring swim stuff