Friday, June 27, 2014

June 27, 2014
Summer Vacation

I have one more post to share with all of you before officially beginning summer vacation.  This post is dedicated to all of my readers this year.  While it's true that we didn't break the record for most books read in one year, (847) you have all done a great job with increasing your stamina for reading.  Share this post with your family and friends.  Be sure to explain to them that the number you are holding represents the number of books you have read this year!  Have a happy, safe, reading-filled summer!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

This year, we learned:
I learned we have a funny class.  (Sophia)
I learned that Mrs. Harvey is a good teacher.  (Ben)
I learned what a dutch oven is.  (Jack)
I learned that Mrs. Harvey is the best teacher ever!  (Kaitlyn)
I learned that we will be 5th graders in ten minutes! (Nicole)
I learned that we have the best class ever.  (Everett)
I learned that Mrs. Harvey can be over-dramatic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Peter)
I learned that our class can be very creative with our ideas.  (Melanie)
I learned who all of my classmates are.  (Ryan)
I learned that Mrs. Harvey likes owls, owlot! (a lot!)  (Kalib)
I learned that Mrs. Harvey enjoys chocolate.  (Alexa)
I learned to add, subtract and multiply fraction.  (Anna)
I learned that Mrs. Harvey is the best teacher in the universe.  (Avery)
I learned that Mrs. Harvey is super fun and creative.  (Brooke)
I learned that we have a generous class.  (Jacob)
I learned that Mrs. Harvey has nice and friendly students.  (Mattie)
June 25, 2014
B day

Dear Fourth Graders,

     In honor of today being the last post I will write to you this year, I went back and read the first post of the school year.  You can do that to by clicking here.  It is funny to think about how new we were to each other way back then.  It has truly been a great year with all of you, and I am sad to see you go.
     Please wash your hands, read the message and order your lunch.  After that, I 'd like you to complete page 93 in your handwriting book. It will be neat to see how your cursive has changed since you first learned how to write cursive.  When you finish that, please count up the total number of books you have read.  Bring that number to morning meeting on the post it note I gave you.
     We will have our last morning meeting shortly.  Please write your greeting idea on the easel.  Tuck your yearbooks away for now; you will have time to sign those later!

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  Here is another old link from our blog.  This one shows what we learned during the first week of school!  Check it out!

Monday, June 23, 2014

June 24, 2014
A day

Dear Almost Fifth Graders,

Hello!  I am so happy to be back with you today.  I hope your day went smoothly yesterday. Today will be filled with a lot of activity.  I hope you are ready to work and to play!

Please wash your hands, read the message and move your stick to the bringing column.  We are having a hotdog lunch after our games today so you do not need to order a lunch. Next, I need you to get right to work on your scrapbook pages.  If you haven't started your personal page, please make that the first priority. Once that is done, finish your topic page.  If you are all done with your scrapbook pages, you can continue to work on your Owl memory book.

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  We will be doing our last raffle TODAY so if you have any Caught Being Good Tickets, please add them to the fish bowl now!!!!

Friday, June 20, 2014

June 23, 2014
F day

Hello Students,

I am sorry I can't be with you today.  I look forward to returning tomorrow; just in time for our class picnic!  Thank you in advance for being the super kids that you are!

Please order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands.  Please use this morning to get a head start on your book club work.  Today is the day that most of you will finish your book.  I hope you have enjoyed these fantasy stories!  If your book club work is all done, please take some time to write in your writer's notebook.

Remember, tomorrow is our class picnic.  You do not need to bring a lunch.  Be sure to wear comfortable clothes and sneakers.  We will be playing outside for some time!

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:
Read, complete book club work
tri town letter
June 20, 2014
E day

Hello Half-Dayers,

I hope you are well.  I am excited for you as you have beautiful weather for a half day.  Please remember to wear your sunscreen when you play outside today!

We will work on our scrapbooks for most of the day today. I hope to complete most of the project before your 11:00 dismissal.

Please order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands.  Next, I'd like you to add a memory to our memory jar.  Finally, you should work on your reading work.

Melinda Harvey

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Read, book club work
bring white t-shirt

1234 Cake recipe
1 cup butter
2 cups sugar
3 cups flour
4 eggs

Mix together, bake in a greased 13x9 pan until brown and firm
June 19, 2014
D day

Hello Pioneer Children,

I am so excited to experience with you life as a pioneer.  Our pioneer festivities will begin right after Music today.  I can't wait to see how you have dressed!

__Alexa________, Anthony_______ and __________ will share today.  Please order your lunch, wash your hands and sign up for the club/pick up.  Next.,  please complete P10-4 from your Math booklet.  You will need to use another piece of paper to show your work for numbers 4-11.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Read book club 
complete reading activity

finish Math P10-2, 10-3

bring a bag lunch
dress like a pioneer

bring white t-shirt by Friday
June 18, 2014
C day

Hello Mammalogists,

I am so impressed that you have identified the 5 mystery mammals.  Now, you need to group the artifacts together to "build" each animal.  First, please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, sign up for the club/pick up.  Finally, work with your group to build the artifacts  for one of the mammals.  Remember, you might need to politely argue to get the correct artifacts.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tonight's Homework:
Read book club work

Math P10-1 
study for Science

finish Drop and Write

dress like a pioneer on Thursday
bring a white t shirt by Friday
June 17, 2014
B day

Hello Students,

I am happy to see you today.  Please order your lunch, wash your hands and sign up for the club/pick up if need be.

We have much to do today.  Please look through your list of books read to find your favorite book from this year.  I have bookmark that I would like you to design using your best book.  When you are ready for the bookmark, come see me.  If you need to finish your newsletter article, please do that first!

_________, ____________ and _________ will do a free share today.

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, June 16, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Read book club work
finish fiction story
study for Science

dress like a pioneer on Thursday
bring white tshirt by Friday

return emergency data form
June 16, 2014
A Day

Dear Fiction Writers,

Hello.  I hope your weekend was terrific.  Were you good to your father?  I hope so!

This morning we have the Nickel City Reptile assembly.  I am sure you will enjoy seeing the fascinating animals.  Please order your lunch, wash your hands and sign up for the club/pick up if need be.  Next, you should review the list of reading activities.  Many of you have not completed even one activity yet.  Please decide today which activities you want to do.  Then, start working on one of the jobs.

I hope to call morning meeting shortly after announcements so we can get to the assembly early; I want you to have good seats!

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, June 13, 2014

This week we learned:
I learned that the outhouses in the olden days had three toilet seats in one outhouse.  -Jack

I learned that there are only 8.5 days left of school. -Ben

I learned that they mowed the lawn with a special tool at Mumford.  -Kaitlyn

I learned that in the olden days, people used hair for designs and decoration. This hair is collected when they are dead or alive.  -Peter

I learned that things in the olden days were pretty nice, even better than our current houses.  -Jordyn

I learned about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores, and what they eat.  -Matthew

I learned that you can tell what animal it is by looking at its scat.  -Avery

I learned that you can observe scat to see what the animal has been eating. -Kalib

I learned about school houses in the olden days.  -Anna

I learned at Mumford that they don't maintain the baseball field. -Ryan
Tonight's homework:
Read book club book
study for science
share poetry folder

reading activity
work on fiction story

return white form
June 13, 2014
F day

Dear Travelers,

Hello!  I can't wait to hear your reaction to our trip yesterday.  I hope you had a memorable time!  I am sorry for the craziness at the end of the day; I hope you were okay not doing any homework!

Please get yourself organized by washing your hands, ordering your lunch and spreading out yesterday's homework.  (I never collected it!)  Next, please make a card for your father for Father's day.  You will tape his key chain into the card so save a place to do that.  Finally, you should study for today's spelling test.

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Read book club reading
Spelling activity
Math P9-4, odd only
Study for Science

bring a bag lunch!!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 12, 2014
E day

Hello Travelers,

I am so excited for today's field trip!  You are going to love the Genesee Country Museum!  We will get ready to go in about 45 minutes.  In the meantime, please follow these directions.

  • Bring your lunch into the room.  You will put it in a bag with the other members of your group.  I will organize that shortly. 
  • Spread out your homework  .
  • Complete the page I gave you
  • Update your reading status.
  • Begin your book club work for today.  You may read with a partner, a group or independently
Let's have a day full of memories!

Mrs. Harvey
June 11, 2014
D day

Good Morning,

I am happy to see you today!  Please order your lunch, wash your hands and spread out your homework. We have library at 8:00 this morning, so I need you to be efficient.

Please update your reading status.  I know it's been a long time since we have done this.  This means you write down the page you are on and a major event that is happening right now.  After that please work on finishing some items.  If you haven't printed the image for your dad, please come see me.  If you need to color your science image, please do that.  Finally, you can get a head start on your book club reading for today.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Read book club work
spelling activity
Math P9-3
study for Science

Return library books tomorrow!!!!
Spelling suggestions:
extreme                   irrigated                        arid
missionary               rugged                          fulfill
treasure                   exchange                     mammalian
hypothesis               quotient 
June 10, 2014
C day


Today will be a fun day; it's book club day.  It's true....based on your Benchmark Assessment, you have earned a fun book club!  Thank you!

Please use this morning as a catch up time.  If you need to finish your science illustration, please do.  If you need to complete the inside of your refrigerator, do that.  (The outside pages will be here later!)  Finally,  please pick up your spelling folder and update your personal choice list.  Next, create your spelling contract for this week.   I will have suggestions for you shortly.

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, June 9, 2014

Tonight's homework:
Math P9-1 and 9-2
study for Science

phys ed clothes
June 9, 2014
B day

Good Morning,

I am happy to see you.  I hope your weekend was fabulous, and I hope it included sunscreen!  Please wash your hands and read the message.  If you need to, please sign up for the pick up or club.

I'd like you to read the new poem and illustrate it.  After that, you can read or write in your writer's notebook.

I am looking forward to a great day!

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, June 6, 2014

Tonight's homework:
share poetry folder
study for Science
June 6, 2014
A day

Happy Friday,

I am glad to see you today!  You will have a tour of the middle school later.  It will be exciting to hear about the changes in store for you!

Please order your lunch, wash your hands and sign up for the club/pickup.  Next, I'd like you to list any questions you have about next year on a piece of loose leaf paper.  Finally, you can complete your science illustrations from yesterday.

We have Music at 8:00 today, so we must be efficient with our morning routine.

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Tonight's Homework:
Spelling activity
study for Science: test on June17th
finish triangle paper

finish topic 15 test
bring swim stuff
Marketplace tonight!
June 5, 2014
F day

Dear Workers,

Hello.  I hope you are in good spirits today.  Please order your lunch, wash your hands and sign up for the club/pick up if need be.  While you are up, please take your animal picture off the animal poster.  You can take this picture home!

I solved our area problem (I think!) and made a square for each of you.  Please illustrate this square with pictures and facts that you learned this year in science. My goal is for no white space to be showing.  Use your creativity to fill every spot with a fact or a picture.  It might help to flip through your science log to remember some of our topics from the year.

I wanted to give you a friendly reminder about our memory jar.  When you think of a memory we have made this year, record it on the the strip near the jar.  Put the memory in the jar so we have many collected by the end of the month!

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Tonight's Homework:

Spelling activity
Math P15-5

return chorus letter

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tonight's homework:

Math P 15-4
Spelling activity

find three story possibilities     
June 3, 2014
D day

Dear Students,

Hello.  I hope you are well today.  Please spread out your homework as you get ready for your day.  After you order your lunch and wash your hands, please complete page 7 in your math packet.  If you finish that, you can enjoy some math app time!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, June 2, 2014

Tonight's homework:

Set up spelling contract
Math P15-3

Spelling suggestions:
apocalypse        climate          weather
interdependent   habitat           carnivore
omnivore           herbivore       camouflage

June 2, 2014
C day

Good morning,

I hope you had a wonderful weekend.  It is thrilling to see the nice weather, isn't it?  I hope you are wearing your sunscreen on these beautiful days!

Please wash your hands, read the message and order your lunch.  We have  a lot to do, as usual!  I'd like you to read the new poem, set up your spelling folder for today's pretest and practice the fluency passage on page 116.

Today, you will take the science test.  Make sure you have a sharpened number two pencil.  I am excited for you to show what you have learned this year!

Mrs. Harvey