Thursday, April 30, 2015

Tonight's homework:
Share poetry folder
return pink slip

finish final draft of report
April 30, 2015

Hello Busy Bees!

I am glad to be back with you today!  It is Poem in Pocket day!  We need to get ready!  Please order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands.  Next, get your ipad and make sure you have a poem typed in Pages.  Be sure you have the title and the author's name.  We will work together to print these shortly.

While you wait, you can water your plant and study for science!

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April 29, 2015

Dear Plant Experts,

I hope you have been studying for your plant test.  Tomorrow you will be able to show off your expertise!  Today, you will need to show your self-control and ability to listen.  Thank you in advance for doing a great job today.

Please order your lunch, wash your hands and water your plant.  Next, spread our your homework and complete page 12 in your blue packet.  Finally, find your favorite poem in the poetry books.  Type it exactly as it appears in the Pages app on your ipad.  Be sure to include the author's name as well.  For this project, a short poem works well. 

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
Math P13-6
Handwriting p.69
study for science

finish pollination story
finish page 11 and 12 Math

Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27, 2015

Dear Students,

Hello!  I am sorry that I can't be with you today, but I know that Mrs. Camillo will take great care of you.  Thank you in advance for being your respectful, fun self!

Please wash your hands, order your lunch and read the message.  Next, if the line isn't too long, find your planter and give it some water.  After that, you should number your spelling pretest from 1-20.  Finally, please read and illustrate the new poem.  I look forward to seeing your artwork.

Have a great day.  I hope to see you tomorrow!

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, April 24, 2015

Tonight's homework:
study for Science
share poetry folder
April 24, 2015

Dear Earth Friends,

Hello!  I hope you are ready for a busy Friday!  I have a lot of you to do this morning, so please read this entire message through before starting your work. 

Please order your lunch, spread out your homework and visit the plant table.  While you are there, please use a spoon to fill up your pot with soil.  Then you should wash your hands.  After that, please add to the easel.  Finally, you should read through the study guide on the back of your plant packet.  Your science test will be next week.

Mrs. Harvey

_Arrianna_______, __________ and __________ will share.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Today's homework:
Spelling activity
CC p.46
Handwriting p.68

Handwriting catchup
Book orders due tomorrow
Bring books

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 23, 2015

Hello Hard Workers,

I am so impressed with your Science work yesterday.  Thank  you for taking plant parts so seriously.  Today, we will learn more about FLOWER parts.  Please order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands.  While you are up, please turn in your PC to the side table.  I would like to check pages 95 and 96.  If you aren't quite finished with those pages, please finish them now.

Next, please spread out your homework.  While you are waiting for me to come around, please do page 41 in your CC book. 

___________, _________ and _________ will share. 

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:

Handwriting, p. 67
Spelling activity
CC p. 50

book orders due Friday
bring books
April 22, 2015

Dear Green 4th Graders,

Happy Earth Day to you!  Today's weather isn't very conducive to being outside, but today is the day we stop to realize how important our main habitat is!  I hope you will do your part to protect the Earth for a long time to come!

Please order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands.  Next, please spread out your homework.  After that, I'd like you to work with a partner to check each other's line plots.  Make sure your and your partner's line plots are in great shape.  Finally, solve this math problem in your math notebook. 

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
Math pages (2)
CC p. 52

April 21, 2015

Dear Busy Bees,

How are you today?  I hope you are ready to show off your plant part knowledge!  Please wash your hands, read the message and order your lunch.  While you are up, please return your library books and add to the table on the easel.  Next, please solve today's math problem.

This question requires you to read carefully, complete many steps and probably draw a picture.  Please show me your work before you scan the code!  Finally, please work on CC page 51.

__Megan______, __________ and _______ will share.

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, April 20, 2015

Tonight's homework:
Finish Nametag
spelling activity

special letter
Book Order due Friday

Spelling Suggestions:
length     photosynthesis    metric    phototropism  
aviation  germinate            embryo  inventor
pollinate cotyledon

Today's homework:
Share poetry folder
CC p. 43

return photos (Tre and Chris)
plant orders due Monday
book orders due Friday
April 20, 2015

Dear Marvelous Students,

Hello!  I hope you had a nice long weekend!  ___Jessie________, __Hayden________ and _Caprice_________ will share.  Please remember that we are still working on following directions!  Be sure to wash your hands, read the message and order your lunch.  You might want to use your iPad for today's message
so you can see the word problem. 

After you have spread out your homework, please number your spelling paper for your pretest.  You should then read the new poem and put it in your folder.  Next, please solve this problem in your math notebook.
Finally, you should get your plant off the watering system.  Take a picture of your plant's progress, then draw a detailed picture in the next box on page 1 of your plant packet. 

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, April 16, 2015

April 16, 2015

Dear Super Students,

Hello!  Thank you for taking my encouragement to follow directions seriously.  I appreciate your increased effort lately.  Let's continue with that effort today!

Please order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands.  After you wash your hands, check out the you see signs of phototropism?  Next, please open your CC book to page 64.  Then, I'd like you to complete page 9 in your old/new blue math packet.  Finally, please work on your new nametag.  I am so excited about how they are coming out.  Check out Donald's and Tre's...

_______BEN_____, _____TRE________ and _________ will share today. 

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Today's homework:
CC p.64

catch up work: line plot, cheez-it, essay, reading assessment
flower orders due tomorrow
photos due tomorrow
books to read
April 15, 2015

Dear Spoiling Students,

Hello!  As I said yesterday, you have certainly spoiled me this year.  However, I am afraid that I have spoiled you as well.  I am concerned that you do not know how to read and follow directions.  Please prove me wrong by following the directions in this message!

___Clara_____, WILLAM________ and _________ will share today.  You should read the message, order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, please spread out your homework.  You should complete page 61 in your Common Core book.  Use a straight edge, please! Next, please complete the line plot activity from my chair.  Be sure to include a title, a scale and plot the data correctly.  If you finish all of these activities with no reminders, come see me.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Today's homework:
CC 62
Handwriting p. 66
Math P13-4

finish rough draft
bring books
return pictures
return report card envelope
Newbery Club tomorrow
April 14, 2015

Dear Hard Workers,

Hello!  I look forward to learning with you today.  We have some exciting Science and Math lessons to do!  ________, ________ and ________ will share today. 

I am sorry that I never went over yesterday's analogies with you.  Help me remember to do that right after Morning Movers today.  They were:
Yesterday's analogies:
carrot : root :: spinach : _______
______ : wrong :: false : true
Please wash your hands, read the message and order your lunch.  Next, please solve this problem in your math notebook:  
When you have shown your work, you can use your ipad to scan the code and check your answer!
Mrs. Harvey

Monday, April 13, 2015

Today's homework:
CC p.3 and 4
Writing page
return library books

bring many books
return pictures
return report card envelope (HS,TA)
work on report
April 13, 2015

Hello Students,

I am glad you are here today!  Our plants are growing!  It's so exciting to see the beginning of a new life cycle right here in our classroom.  After you wash your hands, order your lunch and read the message, take a peek at your plants.  Be careful not to knock any over!  If you look carefully, you can see a seed coat on some of the leaves.  Don't touch them...they are very fragile at this stage.

Please read the new poem and put it in your poetry folder.  Next, I'd like you to work on a math activity.  Many of you need to complete the halo cards and your robot project.  For those of you who are done with those, see me for a new activity!

_____Donald_____, _____Matthew______ and _Mark_______ will share today.

Mrs. Harvey

Today's analogies:
carrot : root :: spinach : _______
______ : wrong :: false : true

Friday, April 10, 2015

April 10, 2015

Dear Geometry Students,

Hello.  Today, you will have a chance to show off your geometry knowledge.  If there are any topics you are still a little foggy on, please let me know this morning.  __EVAN______, _Izabella_, ___________ and _____Mark____ will share today.

After you wash your hands, read the message and order your lunch, please complete the EVEN sides of the timed tests on your desk.  This will be good practice for the real tests you will take later today.  After that is done, please find the last page of geometry concentration words on my chair.  Cut those out and add them to your other cards.  Please find a partner and play the game. 

Mrs. Harvey

Tonight's homework:
Math P16-11

return pictures
item to share
art supplies

Thursday, April 9, 2015

April 9, 2015

Dear Symmetry Experts,

I enjoyed watching you figure out my rule yesterday; today you will get to add more shapes to the easel.  Please order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands.  Next, spread out your homework.  Finally, please use the papers I put on your desk to cut out two shapes.  One should follow my rule from yesterday, and the other one should not.  Use  your creativity. 

Once you have cut your shapes, keep them safe until morning meeting. Next, please cut out the new geometry cards that are on my chair.  Once they are cut out, please find a partner and play with ALL of your cards.

Mrs. Harvey

p.s. ___Katie________, __Jessie`_________ and ___________ will share today.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Tonight's homework:
Math P16-10
WP 4-6
CC p54

item to share
purple reading sheet
Buffalo supplies
return pictures
April 8, 2015

Dear Students,

Hello!  I am glad to see you again today!  ________, __________, and __________ will share.  Please order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands.

After you spread out your homework, please visit the easel for some foot data.  Use this date to make a line plot showing the foot sizes in our classroom.  Be sure to: organize your data, plot the data and title the graph.

Next, I'd like you to cut out some more terms for Geometry concentration.  Once they are cut out, find a partner and play with ALL of your cards.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Today's homework:
Math P16-9
CC p.6
writing page

cheese-it activity
return report card envelope
bring art supplies
purple reading slip
April 7, 2015

Welcome back!

I am so excited to see you and hear about your vacation adventures!  Thank you for coming today!  Please wash your hands, order your lunch and read the message. 

This week, I'd like to refresh your memory on parts of speech.  In your writer's notebook, please draw a line to split the next blank page in half.  On the left hand side, list adjectives (describing words) that describe your vacation.  On right hand side, list nouns (people, places or things) that relate to your vacation.  See how many adjectives and nouns you can list before morning meeting. 

Mrs. Harvey

Today's analogies:
Monday : Mon. :: Friday : _______
risky : dangerous :: ________ : powerful