Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                         Update "books read" list
                                         Return Minutes read slip       
Be Merry!
bring pencils
December 23, 2015

Dear Children,

Hello!  I am glad to see you today. It will be another busy, fun day for us.  I look forward to doing more Electricity work with you!

Please order your lunch, wash your hands and read this message.  Next, update your reading status. Finally, check the easel...if your name is on there, please complete that work.  If your name is not there, you can have some free iPad time at your desk.

Paige will do the announcements.  __Grace C._____, _Cordelia_______ and Karlea________ will share.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

December 22, 2015

Hello Wrappers,

Today you will finalize your gift for your parents.  I think they look so cute!  Please take care of your First 3, put your books on the cart and update your reading status.  It is almost the end of the month; make sure your Reading list is up to date!  Matthew will do the announcements.  __Kenny_______, ___Sydney___ and _Olha_____ will share.

Once you are organized and have taken care of the above jobs, please complete the Measure activity.  While you are waiting for a spot to open, you can begin decorating the paper bag on your desk.  This will become the gift bag for your parents.  It might be nice to write a sweet message on there as well.  You can use crayons or markers for this job!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, December 21, 2015

Math: Take Practice Test on
practice x and / facts 
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                        work on (Finish?) story
Other: Bring instruments
            Holiday Party tomorrow!
Bring library books
December 21, 2015

Hello Excited Learners,

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas; don't you think?  I'm looking forward to the end of this week, and I bet you are too!  Madison will do the announcements.  ____Maddie
Megan____, ________ and _____ will do a free share.

After you take care of your First 3, please pull out your poetry folder.  Read and illustrate the new poem.  Please add color to your illustrations.  When a spot opens up, please complete last week's Measure It activity.

We have an extra Art class today so that you can finish up your latest project.  This will make for a busy day!

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, December 18, 2015

December 18, 2015

Dear Half Dayers,

Hi there!  I am glad to see you today!  Please move your stick to bringing, wash your hands and read the message!  We will have Phys. Ed. at 9:15 this morning, so I need to you be efficient with your morning work.  Ella will do the announcements.
Paige_______, ___Maddie_______ and ___Hunter____ will do a free share.  

Your first job is to spread out your homework.  Next, please find a partner and do your spelling test.  Lastly, please put your name on a piece of paper.  Number this paper from 1 to 6.  Then, you need to walk around the room with your iPad, looking for QR codes like the one taped to the screen.  Scan the code to get a review question for today's test.  Then go back to your seat to answer the question neatly in a complete sentence.  There are 6 questions for you to find.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

December 17, 2015

Dear Fabulous Performers,

You did a great job yesterday during the Sing-a-long.  I think you put many people in the Christmas spirit!  Please continue that positive spirit today even though I can't be here with you.

Karlea will do the announcements.  Trinity will share something GREEN.  After you have washed your hands, ordered lunch and read the message, please spread out your homework and update your reading status.  Next, please make a thank you note for Mrs. Olejniczak and Mrs. Gratien using the white paper on  your desk.  They decorated our door and left the treats for you yesterday.  Make a thoughtful, detailed thank you note letting them know you appreciate their efforts!  As you're working, a few of you should complete your Measure It activity for this week.

Have a great day!  I am counting on you to do terrific work today.

Mrs. Harvey
Math: P6-5, evens only
practice x and / facts 
Social Studies:Study for SS test (Test on 12/18)
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                        Finish Reading response
                                        spelling activity

December 16, 2015

Hello Carolers,

What an exciting day it is...we've been "Jingled!"  Someone decorated our door AND left us treats.  It is also exciting because we have our sing-a-long this morning.  Please come in, take care of your First 3 and spread out your homework.

Once you are organized, please take out your Blue Social Studies packet.  I'd like you to complete pages D27-D30.  You can work with a partner if you need to.  ______, ______ and ______ will share a GREEN tip.  Grace C. will do the announcements.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Math: P6-4
practice x and / facts 
Social Studies:Study for SS test (Test on 12/18)
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                        Finish summary with theme
Bring instrument!
Dress for Sing-a-long

December 15, 2015

Hello Clever Kids,

Today will be another fun day for you...we have a Bandits assembly this afternoon.  Please read the message, order your lunch and wash your hands.  After that, you should spread out your homework and number your spelling pretest page to 20.  Lastly, please work with your "If You Lived with the Iroquois" partner to make sure you have page seven on your packet.  Many of you missed this page...they are on my chair.

Jeremy will do announcements today.  ____Kenny___, __JEREMY____ and _______ will share something GREEN.

While you wait for our Spelling pretest, please complete page 9 in your Blue Math Packet.  If you finish that, I have a new Measure it activity for you...

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, December 14, 2015

Math: P6-3
practice x and / facts 
Social Studies:Study for SS test (Test on 12/18)
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                        Finish summary with theme

December 14, 2015

Dear Decorations Adorers,

Hello there!  Happy Holly Hanging Day!  We will line up at 9:00 to board the buses for Holly Hanging.  You will need to be very efficient to complete your morning work.  Please order your lunch, wash your hands and read the message!

Once you have done your First 3, I would like you to read the new poem.  Add this to your poetry folder.  After that, please read pages 45-47 in the Blue Iroquois book with a partner.  If all goes well, you should be able to complete packet page D15 before we line up.  Like I said, you will need to work smartly to be successful!

It is our class' turn to do the announcements again.  Reid will do the announcements today!
Mrs. Harvey

Friday, December 11, 2015

practice x and / facts 
Social Studies:Study for SS test (Test on 12/18)
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                        Share poetry folder
Green share
Christmas card for Sa'fyre

Thursday, December 10, 2015

December 11, 2015

Dear Coders,

Hello!  Happy Friday to you!  Today, I hope to celebrate your November behavior with our card party.  We will squeeze this in later today.  In the meantime, we have many 3D presentations today as well as Sing-a-long practice.  It will be a busy day!

Please order your lunch, wash your hands and update your reading status.  You should also have your homework spread out neatly on your desk.  Once you have recorded your reading, please meet with a partner to do your spelling test.  If you finish that, you can practice IXL Language Arts skill QQ.3.

I hope to do some coding later today.  We will use this link to get to the site...Click here

I am looking forward to a fabulous day with you!

Mrs. Harvey
Math: P6-1 odds only, use separate paper!
practice x and / facts 
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                       spelling activity   (35 points)           
Green share
book order due Friday
check out
Christmas card for Sa'fyre
December 10, 2015

Good morning,

I hope you are well!  Please order your lunch, wash your hands and spread out your homework!  __Karlea___ALEX!____, Ella_______ and ____Sydney______ will share a Green tip.

This morning, I'd like you to update your reading status.  After that, please practice Language Arts skills QQ.2 on  When you finish that, you can practice a math skill of your choice!

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

practice x and / facts 
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                       spelling activity   (35 points)           
Green share
book order due Friday
check out
Christmas card for Sa'fyre
December 9, 2015

Welcome Singers,

Today you will have an extra practice for next week's sing-a-long.  It will be a busy day.  __Logan___, ________ and _________ will share something GREEN.

Please order your lunch, wash your hands and get started on our morning routine.  Once  you have your homework spread out, please update your reading status.  After that, you should get your iPad and log into  I'd like you to practice Language Arts skills QQ.1 and QQ.2.  (You will be practicing homophones.)

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Math: P5-6
practice x and / facts 
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                       spelling activity              
Green share
book order due Friday
check out
December 8, 2015

Dear Half Dayers,

H the.  I decid to wri on ha o th wor fo the mess i hon o ou ha d.

Okay, I can't keep doing that...but can you read my half sentence?!!  Please move your stick to bringing, wash your hands and spread out your homework.  We have Phys. Ed at 9:35 this morning so we need to be extra efficient.  We will have Morning Meeting right after Morning Movers.  You can rip out P5-6 and read the reteaching side while you wait.

__Robbie ____,Matthew ____Ella_____ and __________ will do a GREEN share.

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, December 7, 2015

practice x and / facts (rapid review page!)
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                       spelling activity              
Green share

Spelling Suggestions:
reindeer    Korelin     Christmas  veterinarian mistletoe     replicator
December 7, 2015

Hi Presenters,

This week you will present your 3D printing information.  We have three presentations today!  Our 1st grade group will present at 10:45 and 11:30.  Our second grade group is scheduled for 2:45.  We will give you some rehearsal time this morning!

Please take care of your First 3 this morning.  Then you should read the new poem.  After that, please number your spelling pretest page.  Finally, please show your estimating skills on Quick Check 5-5 in your math packet.

___Cordelia_____, ______Grace C.____ and ___Maddie________ will do a GREEN share today.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, December 4, 2015

practice x and / facts
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                       share poetry folder                
Green share
December 4, 2015

Dear Record Breakers,

Well, we did!  We broke the record for the least amount of snow ever!  The last record was set in 1899!  How many years was the record held until we broke it this year!?

Please order your lunch, wash your hands and of course read this message!  Megan________, __Olha_______ and _____ will share something GREEN.  After you have spread out your homework, please complete Quick Checks 5-3 AND 5-4.  This will show me how well you are understanding our new multiplication methods!

We will visit Santa's Secret Shop at 2:30 today.  Don't worry, Grace assures me you will have plenty of goodies to choose from!

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Math: P5-4, 1-5only
practice x and / facts
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                        Spelling activity  (35 points total!)                    
Other: Santa Secret shop on Friday
return report card envelope
Green share

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

December 3, 2015

Dear Students,

Good morning!  I hope you are well today.  I am sorry I can't be here this morning, but I will be here when you get back from the library!  Please do your best work to start the day!

Please order your lunch, wash your hands and read the message.  Next, you should spread out your homework.  Finally, please complete #15-19 on P5-3.  (Grace, Grace and Matthew, please do this page too!)

We will have some GREEN sharers, but I'll have you sign up after Library!
Math: P5-3, 1-5 only, use separate paper!
practice x and / facts
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                        Spelling activity  (35 points total!)                    
Other: Santa Secret shop on Friday
return report card envelope
Green share
December 2, 2015

Hello Half Dayers,

I hope you are ready to work quickly...we have a lot to do in a short amount of time!  Please move your stick to bringing, wash your hands and read this message.  Next, you should complete Daily Common Core Review page 5-3.  I want to start Math right after Morning Meeting so this will wake up your math brain!

_Trevor__________, __________ and ________ will share a GREEN idea with us today.
We also have Sing-a-long rehearsal at 9:45!

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Math: P5-2
practice x and / facts
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                        Spelling activity                            
Other: 1/2 day on Wednesday
           Santa Secret shop on Friday
return report card envelope
bossy green share
December 1, 2015

Hello Kiddos,

I hope you are well today!  It is a new month which means we need to check your books read list.  After your order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands, please put your library books on the cart.  Next, you should make sure your Books Read list is up to date and accurate.  Remember, you only get credit for the book if you filled in ALL of the information.  Finally, please update your reading status.

Once you are all done with your morning work, please pass out some papers from the green basket.  
Trevor will share this morning!  Once he has shared, I can tell you about our new Bossy Share!
Mrs. Harvey