Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Math: finish X and / page
Social Studies:Study for SS test; test on June 2
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
wear purple!!!
work on Simple Machines project
Coins for a Cure
return form

May 31,  2016

Welcome Back!

I hope you had a fabulous, warm weekend!  _Grace D____, Grace C_______ and __Sydney____ will share an animal.  Please order your lunch, park your library books and wash your hands.  After that, you should read the new poem.  Finally, please pull out your handwriting book.  Please neatly complete page 87.

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 25, 2016

Hello Busy Kids,

Another busy, busy day is upon us!  __Trevor___, __Robbie______ and ____Matthew_____ will share if we can squeeze it in!  Please order your lunch, read the message and spread out your homework.

Today, Mr. Fenz will be here for his last visit.  I thought it would be nice to honor him with thank you ards.  Please use the paper on your desk to create a kind and thoughtful thank you card.  It is best to include specific items that you remember about your time with Mr. Fenz.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Math: P14-10, pearsonsuccessnet.com Topic 14 test
Science: study for M/M test.  Test on Thursday 5/26
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                         spelling activity
Revolutionary notes
animal share
work on Simple Machines project
Coins for a Cure
May 25, 2016

Hello Motion Experts,

I hope you had the proper force and friction to get you here today.  I look forward to doing some more experiments with these principles of motion.

Our schedule is a little different today; we will have Music at 1:55.  In the meantime, please order your lunch, wash your hands and spread out your homework.  Next, please pick up a red Social Studies book and reread pages 49-55 with a partner.  I'd like you to also complete page H5 in your pink packet.  We will discuss this information at morning meeting.

_Megan_____,_____Logan______ and ___Olha_______ will share.
Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Math: P14-9
Science: study for M/M test.  Test on Thursday 5/26
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                         spelling activity
Art Show June 2 6:00-7:30

Typing site:

May 24, 2016

Hello Friends,

Today will be a fun day.  We will attend a Poetry Alive assembly.  I have seen this assembly before; it is where two people perform a variety of poems.  I think you will appreciate it.

_Ella_______, _Megan_________ and _____Cordelia___ will begin our bossy share today.  I look forward to hearing about the animals you brought in.  After you have read the message, ordered your lunch and washed your hands, please pick up your Math Packet.  I'd like you to do DCCR 14-10.

I hope to get back to our Science Experiment before Library.  Please be efficient so that can happen!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, May 23, 2016

Science: study for M/M test.  Test on Thursday 5/26
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                        set up spelling contract
                                         spelling activity
Art Show June 2 6:00-7:30

Typing site:

Spelling Suggestions:
ecosystem        loyalist      patriot         machines        motion            Continental
mammals         decomposer                  porphyia         bayonet          disappear

Friday, May 20, 2016

May 23, 2016

Dear Students,

Hello!  Happy Monday.  I am sorry that I can't be here this morning; I am at a meeting.  I will join you shortly after Phys. Ed.

Please order your lunch, read the message and pull out your poetry folder.  Next, read today's poem.  I'd like you to think about what you would do if you were ruler of the world!  Finally, please number your spelling pretest from 1-20.  You can read quietly while you wait for the test to begin.

Mrs. Harvey
Science: study for M/M test.  Test on Wed. 5/25
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                        Share poetry folder
Art Show June 2 6:00-7:30
return tshirt orders

Typing site:

May 20, 2016

Dear Students,

Hello there!  I am glad you're here.  Please order your lunch, wash your hands and read the message.  After you have spread out your homework, please make sure p. H-4 is complete in your red Social Studies packet.  Finally, please read through pages 49-56 in your Red Social Studies book with a partner.

Alex will share.

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Math: study mult. and div. facts
Science: study for M/M test.  Test on Wed. 5/25
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                        spelling activity
                                         work on Rev. War chapter
Art Show June 2 6:00-7:30
Spring Clean Up tomorrow: work gloves, wear work clothes
May 19, 2016

Happy Thursday,

Please come on in and get yourself settled.  As usual, you need to order your lunch, wash your hands and spread our your homework.  TRINITY_________, __________ and ________ will share today.

To get your brain active this morning, please read through the study guide I put on your desk.  This will be for your Machines and Motion test.  I anticipate the test will be next Wednesday.  Work with a partner to read through and discuss the items on the study guide.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Math: P14-6, QC 14-6
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                        spelling activity

Art Show June 2 6:00-7:30
work on Rev. War chapter
May 18, 2016

Hello Folks,

I hope you are well today.  Please order your lunch, read the message and wash your hands.  Next, I'd like you to put the papers that are on your desk into your take home folder.  After that, please spread out your homework.  Finally, please complete QC14-5 in your Math packet.

__Alex_____, _________ and ______ will share today.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Math: Review packet p.4 (gallonbot)
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                        spelling activity

Art Show June 2 6:00-7:30
fill out voting ballot- take it to main campus to cast your vote
Play Brainpopjr game Simple Machines
login: elma
May 17, 2016

Hello Converting Kids,

I am curious to see how you used SBD and BSM on your homework last night.  I'd also like to see you apply that to your morning work today.  After you have ordered your lunch, put your library books on the cart and washed your hands, please complete the even problems on P14-4.  I do expect to see your work for those problems.

________, __________ and _______ will share today.

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, May 16, 2016

Math: Chapter 14 review packet p.2
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                        spelling activity

Other:return forms (Keagan, Alex, Hunter)
Art Show June 2 6:00-7:30
fill out voting ballot- take it to main campus to cast your vote
Simple Machine challenge

Spelling suggestions:
Chicago                capacity                machine
customary              metric                  colonial
budget                    American             Massachusetts
May 16, 2016

Hello Students,

Welcome to Monday!  We have a lot to do before Phys. Ed.  Thank you for getting started right away!  First, you'll need to order your lunch.  After that wash your hands.  Once you get to your desk, you should read this week's poem.  Next, connect with a partner to do last week's spelling test.  After that, you should number your spelling pretest for this week.  Finally, please complete page 60 in your Practice Companion.

Thank you in advance for your focused work; it will take a lot of focus to get this all done on time.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, May 13, 2016

Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                        study for spelling test
                                        Share poetry folder

Other:return forms
May 13, 2016

Hello Superstitious Students,

Today is Friday the 13th...some people think this is an unlucky day.  I hope it is not for us!  ________, _____ and _____ will share today.

Please order your lunch, read the message and spread out your homework.  Next, you should put the papers on your desk away.  After that, I'd like you to do the multiplication and division problems on your homework page.

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Math: X and / page
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read (rev war)
                                        spelling activity

Other:return forms
May 12, 2016

Welcome Measurers,

Howdy!  I am glad to see you!  Please order, wash and read!  Next, you should spread out your homework.  After that, I'd like you to update your reading status...it's been a while.  Finally, please complete page 56 in your Practice Companion.

____Hunter_____, __Paige______ and __________ will share today.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Math: X and / page
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read (rev war)
                                        spelling activity

Other:return forms
May 11, 2016

Hi Measurement Minions,

I hope you are getting the hang of all these measurement units.  We will continue to work with them today.  Megan _________, _Olha________ and ___Sydney_________ will share.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should spread out your homework.

Our schedule is a little different again today.  We will have Music after lunch again.  I hope to start morning meeting at 9:15.  Before then, you should accomplish the following:
1.   Number the pages of your new orange Math packet.
2.  Do page 1.
3.  As a group, cut out and sort the measurement words into two groups: Metric and Customary

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Math: X and / page
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read (rev war)
                                        spelling activity

Other:return forms
May 10, 2016

Hello Wonderful Kids,

Thank you for our productive day yesterday!  You make me very proud.  As you head to your seat, remember that we changed desks around yesterday.
Please order your lunch, wash your hands and spread out your homework.

I have an important job for you this morning, but it will take some organization and patience.  Please cut apart all of the unit words.  Sort these words into two groups- one for metric units and the other for customary units.  Let me know when this is complete and I will tell you step two!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, May 9, 2016

May 9, 2016

Dear Students,

Hello!  I hope your weekend was terrific!  Please come in and get started right away;  as usual we have much to accomplish.  I'd like you to order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, please number your spelling pretest paper from 1-20.  Next, please place your Math Rotations bookmark on the Elmo.  We will be changing groups today.  Finally, you should read and illustrate your new poem.

___Logan____, Grace D_______ and __Cordelia and Grace______ will share today.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, May 6, 2016

Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                         Poetry folder

Other:work on informational writing
return Book club letter
Volunteer brunch
May 6, 2016

Good morning,

I am happy you're here today!  It will be a busy day!  We have an extra Music rehearsal after Recess today.  Please order your lunch, wash your hands and spread out your homework.

To begin our day, please take a picture that represents your learning this week.  I hope we can share before we head to Physical. Ed.  Once that is done, please work on solving the problems on the easel. You should do this work in your Math Log.

Mrs. Harvey

p.s. _Ella_________, _____Maddie__________, ___Karlea                                                      _____________ will share.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

May 5, 2016

Hello Chicos and Chicas,

Happy Cinco de Mayo!  Today is a special day in the Spanish culture; we are celebrating by having tacos for dinner!  Will you celebrate with your family?

_______,________ and ________ will share today.  You might remember that I am at a meeting today, but I will be in later with a group of teachers.  Please work to make sure our classroom is in neat order when our guests arrive.  You should order your lunch, wash your hands and spread out your homework.  Next, please pass out the papers and PCs. The old PCs should go right into your backpack so you don't get confused with the two books.

Finally, please complete page 31 in your NEW PC.  You will be showing your knowledge of some new Greek and Latin roots.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                      Spelling activity

Other:Dress in Star Wars gear
bring resources for informational writing
May 4, 2016

Hello Jedi,

I hope the force is strong in you today!  Follow the directions carefully you will!  Please order your lunch, wash your hands and spread out your homework.  __Robbie_____, _JEREMY!_____ and Keagan_Hunter______ will share today.

Today is "Star Wars day....get it?  May the Fourth (May the Force) be with you!  We will have some fun with that while we are working!  To get started, please do DCCR 13-10.  Some of you will have to go to the green bin for your packet.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Science:study for Science test on 5/4
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                      Spelling activity
                                       finish mystery page
                                       PC catch up

Other:Dress in Star Wars gear
bring resources for informational writing

Monday, May 2, 2016

May 3, 2016

Hello there,

I am sorry I can't be here this morning, but I will see you at lunch time.  Thank you for working your best while I am gone.  _________, ________ and _________ will share a poem.  Hunter will do his free share.

Please order your lunch, read the message and spread out your homework.  Next, you should complete DCCR p.13-9.  When you finish that, you should read quietly.

Mrs. Harvey
Science:study for Science test on 5/4
Social Studies:
Reading/Language Arts: Read 
                                      Spelling activity
                                       finish mystery page
                                       PC p.3
Other:return library books
May 2, 2016

Hello Friends,

Welcome to May!  It was fun enjoying poetry with you during last month.  I hope you enjoy the completed Progressive Poem; it's on your desk as this week's poem.  Please read it and put it in your poetry folder.

Of course, you should wash your hands, order your lunch and read the message.  After you do that and read the poem, please pass out some papers.  Once your papers are all put away, you should work on DCCR page 13-8.

__Logan ;] Ella and Paige_______, __________ and _______ will share a poem this morning.

Mrs. Harvey