Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Tonight's homework:
Use Reflex/Prodigy
spelling activity
study for SS

return Book club letter
owl donations
January 31, 2017
C day

Greetings Students,

I am glad to be here with you today.  (It might look like I am not here, but really, I am here!)  I will see you after Library!  Speaking of Library, please put  your books on the cart.  Today, I need you to pick out one or two non-fiction books when you are at the library.  These should be books on topics you are interested in reading about.

Shannon will do the announcements today.  _______ and ________will share a realistic fiction story.
Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, I need you to design a sign that represents your non-fiction reading life.  Using cool lettering and fun illustrations, please design a sign similar to the one I have on the easel.  The pictures should represent non-fiction topics you are interested in.

Thank you for getting your day off to a great start with Miss Rozeski.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, January 27, 2017

January 30, 2017
B day

Hello Students,

I hope  your weekend was terrific!  I am sorry I can't be here today; I am at another school learning about Reading!  I hope I will have lots to tell you tomorrow!

Cole will do the announcements.  _______ will share a realistic fiction story.

Please read your new poem and get your spelling pretest page ready.  Next, you should pick up your iPad and scan the QR code at your black shelf to get to this blog post.  Once you have reached my blog, Click here to access a survey.  Please answer all questions on the survey.  It is impoertant that you complete this survey this morning!  If time allows, update your spelling personal choice list with the test from the back table.

Be your best today!

Mrs. Harvey
Today's homework:
share poetry folder
study for SS

c/c essay
summary and theme

book order due Tuesday
January 27, 2016
A Day

Hello Puzzlers,

Sunday is National Puzzle Day...did you know that was even a "holiday?"  In honor of this, and Katelyn's birthday, I have printed off some puzzles for you to do this morning.  Once you have ordered your lunch and washed your hands, you should turn your homework in.  Then you should meet with a partner to take your spelling test.  Finally, choose a puzzle from the round table and give it a try!

Good luck,
Mrs. Harvey

p.s. Ty will do the announcements.  _______ and _________ will share their realistic fiction story.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
Use Reflex/Prodigy

Complete Red Packet pages E1, 5, 6, 7, 13-14
Book orders due Tuesday
owl donations (towels or change)
quote you are passionate about
items for passion board
Tonight's homework:
Use Reflex/Prodigy
Look for quote about something you're passionate about

Owl change or towels
Return book order by 1/31
spelling activity
January 26,2017
F Day

Hello Fraction Finders,
I hope you are well!  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should complete or correct  the practice side of p. 11-4.  Once that is done, I'd like you to log on to ixl.com on the ipad.  (Use the information on the inside of your planner.)  Please find 4th grade skill P.6.  It will give you more practice in equivalent fractions.  You might want some scrap paper nearby to help you!

Katelyn will do the announcements.  ________ and ________ will share a realistic fiction story.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

January 25, 2017
E day

Good morning Essayists,

You impressed me yesterday with your essay skills.  We will continue to hone those skills today.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status and complete page 38 in your handwriting book.

Kiarah will do the announcements.  ___Owen_______ and _____ will share.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
Use Reflex/Prodigy
bring a word that you are passionate about

Owl donations
January 24, 2017
D day

Hello Students,

Thanks for coming to school today!  Kylie will do the announcements.  ___Jake_____ and ______ will share.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  After that, you should update your reading status.  Next, please complete page 37 in your Handwriting book.  If you find yourself done with all of that, you can work on your passion square!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, January 23, 2017

Tonight's homework:
do a spelling activity
use Reflex/Prodigy

family fun night donations
Owl donations- coins or old towel

spelling suggestions:
valentine      explorers    similarities differences
conjunction  dictionary   relaxation
January 23, 2017
B day

Hello there,

I am glad to see you today.  Mrs. Ripa had wonderful things to say about your behavior on Friday; thank you!

Dylan will do the announcements today!  _____Gavin___ and _____Will will share a their realistic fiction stories!  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  While you are up, please park your library books on the cart.  Next, you should read this week's poem. Finally, please set up your spelling pretest page.

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, January 19, 2017

January 20, 2017
B day

Hello Wise Children,

Today is Inauguration day.  Our country will have a new president after today!  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should pick up your ipad and take a picture that represents your learning.  Finally, please use a math app to wake your math brain up!

I am sorry that I can't be with you today.  I know I can count on you to do your very best work.

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:
use reflex/prodigy
spelling activity

family fun donations
January 19, 2017
A day

Dear Students,

Hello!  I am glad to see you today!  Did you know it is National Popcorn Day?  (I didn't even know that was a "thing!")  In honor of National Popcorn Day, I hope you have an a-maize-ing day!

Jacob will do the announcements.  ______Ty____, ____Dylan ____ and _____Gavin____ will share.  After your order your lunch and wash your hands, please update your reading status.  Next, you should work on page 36 of your handwriting book.  Be sure to turn in any notes and spelling assignments while you are up!

Mrs. Harvey

p.s. I have something to make this popcorn day even "butter;" Mr. Fenz comes today!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Tonight's homework:
spelling activity

family fun night donation
item to share
January 17, 2017
E day

Hello Musicians,

I hope your long weekend was terrific.  Grayson will do the announcements.  _Jenna__Shannon____, ______ and ________ will share.  You will have Music this morning.  Please wash your hands and order your lunch to get your day started.

Once at your desk, please read the new poem and put it in your clips.  After that, you should update your personal choice list using the spelling test from the back table.  Finally, please update your reading status with the reading you did this weekend.

This week is Wellness week.  We will be learning about all you can do to be healthy.

Mrs. Harvey
January 18, 2017
F day

Dear Well Kids,

In honor of Wellness week, I'd like you to share something today that you do to be healthy.  This will be our share.  Be thinking about something healthy you do on a regular basis!

Jenna will do the announcements today.  __Isabelle______, ____Will___ and __Avery_____ will share.  You should wash your hands and order your lunch.  Next, you should update your reading status.  Finally, please complete page 35 in your handwriting book.

We will see Slim Goodbody this afternoon.  I always enjoy his energetic performance.  I hope you do too!

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tonight's homework:
Read (book club work)
Spelling activity

snowflake page
item to share
family fun donation

Spelling suggestions:
compound      January    canary   allegiance   limerick
opposition       questionable         election

Friday, January 13, 2017

Today's homework:
Read (book club work)
Share poetry folder
use Reflex/Prodigy

item to share
January 13, 2017
D day

Good morning Students,

Happy Friday!  It is going to be a "testy" day...we have a math test AND a science today.  I hope you are feeling ready!

Isabelle will do the announcements.  __Avery____, _Cole___ and _______ will share today.  Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  Next, you should take a picture that represents your learning.  Finally, please use a Math app to get warmed up for the day.

Today is Friday the 13th.  Some people think this is a superstitious day; what superstitions do you know of?

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Tonight's homework
Read Book Club work
spelling activity
use Reflex/Prodigy
study for Science test

geography packet
RF story
January 12, 2017
C day

Good morning Snow Dayers,

I hope you all stayed safe during yesterday's snow day.  It seems ironic that we had a snow day with no snow!  Kaidence will do the announcements.  ___Emma_____, _______ and _______ will share.

Remember, we need to work on getting our day started more quickly.  Thank you in advance for getting right to work!  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  While you are up, put your library books on the cart.  Next, you will need to pick your reading log up from the front table.  I'd like you to update your reading status and complete page 34 in your handwriting book.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Today's homework:
Read: Do book club work
use Reflex/prodigy
spelling activity
Study for Science
January 10, 2017
A day

Hello Peculiar Students,

Did you know that today is National Peculiar People day?  Do you know what peculiar means?  Talk with your friends, use a dictionary and figure out if you will be celebrating this silly holiday.

Please order your lunch, wash your hands and pick up your reading log from the front table.  I'd like you to update your reading status.  Next, you should complete page 33 in your handwriting book.  If time allows, you should complete your goals page!

Mrs. Harvey

p.s. Bailey will do the announcements. _Kaidence_____, _KIARAH___ and _Bailey___ will share today.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Today's homework:
Read: do book club work
use reflex/prodigy
Spelling activity
study for Science test

use quizlet.com
username is mharveyb3

spelling suggestions:
Frindle        dictionary     bass    eager
January 9, 2017
E day

Happy Monday, Learners!

I am glad you are here today.  Will will do the announcements.  __Grayson_______,Katelyn____________ and __________ will share.  (I think we are ready for a Free share, right?)

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should read this week's poem.  Finally,
I'd like you to get your spelling prestest numbered.  If you handle all of that, you can update your personal choice list using your spelling test from the round table!

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, January 6, 2017

This weekend's homework
use Reflex/Prodigy
share poetry folder

bring item to share
January 6, 2017
E day

Hello Snowy Students,

How about that snow?  I hope you arrived home safely yesterday!  I also hope you get a chance to play in the deep, fluffy stuff this weekend!  I am afraid it will be too cold during recess, but we will see....

Avery will do the announcements. ______Gavin____, _Kaidence_____, _______Cole, _kylie____ and ___Owen______ will share today.  Please pick up your iPad and take a picture that represents your learning this week.  After that, please use your iPad at your desk to play Math Bingo.  Of course, you should order your lunch, wash your hands and turn in any homework or notes before you begin all of that!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity

Return Green paper
January 5, 2016
D day

Hello Wonderful Workers,

I am at a meeting this morning, but I look forward to seeing you after lunch.  In the meantime, I know I can count on you to do your best for Mrs. Ripa.

Avery will do the announcements.  _isabelle Grayson__________, __Jake________, _Bailey________ and __________ will share.  Please wash your hands, order your lunch and update your reading status.  After that, you should work on finishing P8-2.  You will need another piece of paper for most of the problems.
Use the box strategy if you need to!

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Tonight's homework:
Use Reflex or Prodigy

Return Green slip
Spelling activity
January 4, 2017
C day

Hello Students,

I am glad to see you.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status.  Finally, please complete page QC8-1 in your Math packet.

Emma will do the announcements today.  Emma, ___Kiarah_____, ______Jenna___ and _Ty______ will share 2 Truths and a Fib.

Today we will work with the electricity materials.  Will you be able to install a switch into a complete  circuit?

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
Use Reflex
bring library books/nook

tenacity    valentine   January

January 3, 2017
B day

Happy New Year, Students!

I can't wait to hear all about your vacation.  I hope it was restful and fun!  I would like to welcome Katelyn to our classroom.  Please introduce yourself to our new student and make her feel comfortable!

___Will_____, __Emma____, and _Dylan______ will do a bossy share called 2 Truths and a Fib.  Gavin will do the announcements.  Once you have ordered your lunch and washed your hands, please get settled at your desk.  Your first job is to update your reading status.  I will be checking your books read list this afternoon.  When that is done, please read this week's poem.  If time allows, you can illustrate the border of the poem.

Mrs. Harvey