Monday, April 30, 2018

Today's homework:
Spelling activity
SPW p. 54, 80, 81

lessons tomorrow
NYS Math test: books or pencils
April 30, 2018
A day

Hello Students,

I am glad to see you today.  I hope your weekend was terrific!  Jackson will do the announcements.  ___, ___ and _____ will share.

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should read the new poem.  Finally, please get your spelling pretest set up.  You will need to number to 22 today.

I am excited to begin our American Revolution Non-fiction reading unit today.  I wonder what sub-topics of the Revolution you already know about...

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, April 27, 2018

Today's homework:
share poetry folder
study for Science test

return purple sheet
NYS Math Tues. and Wed.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

April 26, 2018
E day

Hello Scientists,

Today, we will have a special event!  We will be visited by the Physics students from the high school.  These students will be your teachers this morning in various science topics.  You might remember this experience from last year.

I hope to have morning meeting before our guests arrive at 9:15.  Therefore, I need you to work efficiently.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Turn in your spelling homework.  Then, you should complete page 57-58 in your SPW.  When that is done you can put it on the back table. Finally, please meet on the rug with your electrical thingy.

Gigi will do the announcements.  We won't have a share time today.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
SPW p. 56, 75, 76
study for Science

SPCA fundraiser
April 25, 2018
D day

Good Morning,

I hope you are doing fine today.  Hagan will do the announcements. Ben, Jordan_Jr._____, _______ and ________ will share.

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  You should also turn in your Spelling and SPW.  Next, I'd like you to read the Storyworks article on page 19 with a partner.  (There are a few Storyworks on the counter by the fish.  I hope many of you have one in your desk!)  Once you are done with that, you can complete second column of the Storyworks page you started last week.

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:
Spelling activity
SPW 60 and 48

item to share
SPCA fundraiser

Monday, April 23, 2018

Today's homework:
spelling activity
SPW  pages 71-72

Flipgrid ?  55ac79
item to share
return NC permission slip
return hole punch

spelling suggestions:
revolutionary      Franklin     patriot      massacre    catastrophe
Boston                American   Revolution  George Washington
influenza             soldier        pneumonia    battleship   
April 23, 2018
B day

Happy Sunny Monday,

I am so excited that Spring has finally sprung!  Aren't you?  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  We have two jobs this morning...1.  read your new poem and 2.  take our spelling test.  I hope to start the spelling pre-test soon, so get moving!

Bella will do the announcements.  ________, _________ and _______ will share.  I will choose jobs, including fish feeder really soon!

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, April 19, 2018

April 19, 2018
A day

Hello Students,

I hope you are well!  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  While you are up, please park your SPW and vocabulary page.  I hope those jobs won't make you stagger.  I will be resentful if you don't turn those items in before Phys. Ed.

___________,____________ and ___________ will share.  Matthew will do the announcements.  Once you have yourself organized, please complete DCCR 14-6. If you finish, see me for a special job!

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

April 18th, 2019
F day

Hello there,

I hope you are well today!  I am excited to work with you.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  While you are up, please park your SPW.  Next, I have a few things for you to do:
1.  Complete the paragraph about causes of the Revolutionary War
2.  Complete 1st column of Storyworks page
3.  Shop for a good book
4.  Read

_____Melissa___, ________ and _______will share.  Gianna  will do the announcements.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Today's homework:
SPW p.44

SPCA donation
picnic letter
book club letter
item to share

Monday, April 16, 2018

April 17, 2018
E day

Hello Series Circuit Creators,

It was cool to see you be successful yesterday with making series circuits.  Today, we will build parallel circuits.  They are similar, yet different to series circuits.

Please order your lunch and park your SPW.  While you are up please wash your hands.  Finally, I'd like you to sit with your reading partner and begin reading the story on pages 15-18 on Storyworks.  It is called Two Miles for a Drink of Water.  We will discuss this story later today. 

____________, _________ and ____________ will share today.

Mrs. Harvey
April 16, 2018
D day

Hello Pet Owners,

We have a beautiful, blue betta fish now!  I look forward to introducing you a little later.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, please read the new poem.  To be honest, it's not my favorite poem, but you might like it!  Once you are done with that, please complete DCCR page 14-2.

___Bella______, __Laela______ and __Alex___ will share.  I will lead morning meeting for the next few weeks!

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, April 13, 2018

Today's homework:
Share poetry folder

return pictures
item to share
chaperone letter
picnic letter
April 13, 2018
C day

Happy Friday,

I am so proud of the work you have done this week!  Thank you for being persistent and tenacious. _Ariana______, __Jonah______ and _Matthew______ will share. I will lead morning meeting.

Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  I also need you to park your SPW and your library books.  Finally, please get your iPad and take a picture that represents your learning this week.  I know it's been a different kind of week so you might have to use your creativity!  Once you have a picture, please log in to IXL and complete skill N.2.

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Today's homework:
SPW p.46

item to share
return pictures
bring books
4th grade picnic letter
plant sale
chaperone letter

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Today's homework:
SPW p. 43

item to share
return pictures
Chaperone letter
4th Picnic letter
Spring Plant sale paper

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Today's homework:
SPW p. 42

#2Pencils or books
return pictures
April 10, 2018
F day

Happy Tuesday,

Today we will begin a new math unit on Measurement.  It will take some thinking to keep the Metric system separate from the Standard system.  I know you will be successful with some effort!

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, I'd like you to complete DCCR p. 14-1.  When that is done, please complete your Roller Coaster Essay or your Book Club Assessment.  If you are done with both, you can give feedback to the 3rd grade p_______, ___VINCENT_______, _________ will share today.

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, April 9, 2018

Today's homework:
SPW p.40

return photos
item to share
return green slip
Newbery club slip
April 9, 2018
E day

Welcome back, Vacationers,

I hope you are well rested and ready to learn.  I missed you terribly!  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should read the new poem.  This is the WINNER of the Poetry Madness tournament.  I'm curious to hear what you think of it!

Today we will celebrate your March behavior with a card party.  We also have a change in our schedule for lunch.  We will go to lunch at 11:20 today!

___Sophia_____, _______ and _____ will share.

Mrs. Harvey