Wednesday, June 20, 2018

June 20, 2018
F day

Welcome to your last day of 4th Grade!  I am so happy to see you today!  I know you are excited, but as usual, we have a lot to do.  Please come in and order your lunch.  You should also wash your hands.  Once that is done, you may walk around and get your yearbook signed.  As you are working, I hope to meet with you about your books read!

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

June 19, 2018
E day

Good Morning,

I am glad you're here today!  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status and make sure your books read list is accurate.  It's time to figure out how many books our class has read!!!

Once that is organized, please take out your independent work contract.  Choose an item and try to complete it before morning movers!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, June 18, 2018

June 18, 2018
D day

Good morning,

Welcome to a hot, steamy day!  We will need to really use our growth mindset to get through our work on such a sweaty day. 

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status.  On your desk you will find your earbuds.  Please put those in your backpack.  I am still missing a few Math textbooks...if you have yours in your desk still, please put it on the pile. 

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, June 15, 2018

June 15, 2018
C day

Good Morning,

Once again, I have to ooze about how proud I am of you!  So many teachers and parents commented yesterday about what a fun group you were...polite, kind and good sports!  I feel so blessed to be your teacher!  Thank you for being awesome humans!

Please move your stick to bringing.  Next, you should wash your hands. Finally, please finish your Father's Day bag.  If that is done, please write a kind thank you note to Mr. S and Mrs. Ross for planning such a fabulous day yesterday!

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Today's homework:
share poetry folder (but don't bring it back!)

Band on Monday
Orchestra on Wednesday
June 14, 2018
B day

Happy Flag and Field Day,

I am looking forward to a fun and fabulous day with you!  We will be off to a fast start so please get settled quickly.  Please move your stick to bringing and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status.  Finally, please move to the rug for Morning Meeting.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

June 13, 2018
A day

Welcome Scholars,

I am so excited to celebrate Pioneer Day with you!  Please move your stick to bringing and wash you hands.  Next, you should finish your keychain.  Finally, please update your reading status!

I know
you're excited; I am too.  Let's have a great start to our special day!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

June 12, 2018
F day

Hello Independent Workers,

I am looking forward to a productive day with  you!  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should take out your Independent Work Contract.  Think about your jobs.  Please set a goal for yourself in your head.  I will have you share this goal at morning meeting.  Speaking of morning meeting, _LAELA________ will lead.

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, June 11, 2018

June 11, 2018
E day

Good morning,

I hope your weekend was terrific!  I am looking forward to touring the Middle School with you today!  I hope you are excited!

Please read the new poems on your desk.  These should be clipped inside your poetry folder.  Next, please browse through the scrapbook on your desk.  These are scrapbooks from past students.  I hope to build one like this for you this week; I will need your help!

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, June 7, 2018

June 8, 2018
D day

Hello Travelers,

Thank you so much for being such wonderful tourists yesterday.  You really do make me so very proud!  I am sorry I can't be here today, but I know you will do your very best work.  It will be a fast day!

Please move your stick to bringing and order your lunch.  Next, please pull out the Genesee Country Museum paper we did on Wednesday.  Please write a paragraph about one of the statements that you feel strongly about.  Be sure to tell detailed reasons why you feel the way you do.  I look forward to seeing the quality paragraph I know you can write!

Mrs. Harvey
June 7, 2018
C day

Hello all,

I am so excited to travel with you all to the Genesee Country Museum!  I'd like to offer a special welcome to Mrs. Camillo's class.  It's fun to host you this morning.

Please wash your hands and move your stick to "Bringing."  Next, you should take your lunch to the rectangle table(Mrs. Camillo's class) or round table (Mrs. Harvey's class) and put your lunch in the correct bag.  If your lunch is not labeled, please use the marker to put your name on your lunch. 

Next, pick up the Middle school paper from the table.  At your desk or on the rug, please complete the page.

Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. Camillo
Today's homework:
wear grey shirt
bring lunch

white t shirt
prepare for pioneer day

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

June 6, 2018
B day

Hello there,

Thank you for coming today!  I am looking forward to doing many different things with you today!  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status.  Finally, please read through your realistic fiction story that you wrote earlier this year.  I hope this will remind you of some techniques you can use in your historical fiction chapter.

__Vincent____________, __________ and ___________ will share.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Today's homework:
prepare  for pioneer day
return band/orch form
remind parents about Mumford: grey shirt and lunch

Sunday, June 3, 2018

June 4, 2018
F day

Welcome Scientists,

Today you will have a chance to show what you know about all things Sciencey!  I know you will do a great job.  Everyone should wash their hands and order lunch.  Next, you should sharpen number two pencils or gather some books to read.  Finally, please pull your desk into test formation and read the new poem.

Mrs. Harvey

p.s. _________, __Jackson_________ and ___LAELA__ will share.

Friday, June 1, 2018

June 1, 2018
E day

Hello Picnic-ers,

I hope you are well!  I think the weather is going to hold out so we can have a terrific day!  I am excited to experience the 4th Grade picnic with you.  It does make me think of the poem by Dr. Suess.

After you move your stick to bringing and wash your hands, please work with your group to draw and label the parts of a flower.   You will do this on the large white board that is leaning against your group.  Be sure everyone in your group gets a chance to be involved.  You can use the markers from the front table.

Mrs. Harvey