Thursday, October 31, 2019

Today's homework:
mult. facts

perm. slip
lesson supplies

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

October 31, 2019
D day

Hello Ghouls and Boys,

I bet you are looking forward to a fun day!  I can't wait to see you in your costumes later. 

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status and make sure your list of books is up to day.  When that is done, please take a minute to tidy up the black shelf at your group.  You should collect any of the items that don't belong there.

Mrs. Harvey
Today's homework:
study mult. facts

Student Council letter
costumes tomorrow
ideas for Reading challenge

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

October 30, 2019
C day

Happy Wednesday,

I am sorry I can't be here to see your ORANGE, but I will see you later today.  In the meantime, thank you for being awesome for the substitute.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands. 

I would like you to take some extra time with your reading status this morning.  Please be detailed in your response.  You should also make sure you put down the page number you are on.  When that is done, I'd like you to read this week's poem with a partner. 

Mrs. Harvey
Today's homework:
study mult. facts
wear orange

return perm. slips
bring instruments

Monday, October 28, 2019

October 29, 2019
B day

Hello Fans,

Did you remember your jersey today?  Don't forget all of these theme days are to celebrate Red Ribbon week.  It is important that you stay drug free; that's what this week is all about!

Please wash your hand and order your lunch.  Next, you should update your reading status.  While you're at it, make sure your list of books is up to date.  I will be checking that list on Friday.  Get any books you have finished add to the list. Finally, please work with your group to answer this question:
How many different arrays can you make with the 36 counters on your black shelf?  Keep track on a post it note.

Mrs. Harvey
Today's homework:
study mult. facts
return permission slip

Sunday, October 27, 2019

October 28, 2019

Hello Red Wearers,

I hope your weekend was terrific! Please come in and wash your hands.  While you're at it, you should order your lunch too.  On your desk, you will find a new poem. Please read it then put it in the clips of your poetry folder.  Next, please cut out the sort words on your desk. Sort these words into school and non-school categories.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, October 25, 2019

Today's homework:
share poetry folder

BB donation
October 25, 2019
F day

Hello Friends,

I am glad to see you today, but I am sad to have to say goodbye to Ms. Deck.  I feel grateful for the time we have had with her. 

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should get your laptop and take a picture or two that represent this week's learning. After that, please log in to ixl and practice skill D.4.  This will prepare you for today's multiplication test. 

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Today's homework:
study mult. facts
study for SS
wear crazy socks

finish writing assignment

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

October 24, 2019
E day

Hello Studiers,

I hope you used some time last night to study for your New York State test!  You will feel so good when you answer the questions confidently.

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status.  When that is done, be sure to shop for books if you are close to needing a new one.  Finally, you can practice this week's poem with a partner.  I look forward to some presentations tomorrow.

Mrs. Harvey
Today's homework:
Math p. 135-136
3, 4, 7, 8, 17 and  18
study for map test

BB donations
wear sweatpants

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

October 23, 2019
D day

Hello Kids,

Thank you for coming to school today.  Morgan will do the announcements.

Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  While you are up, please turn in your Math homework.  (make sure your name is on it.)
Next, you should update your reading status.  When that is done well, you should whisper read the story that I passed out yesterday.  Pay close attention to the "shun" words.

Mrs. Harvey
Today's homework:
Math p. 129, 1, 6, 11, 16

BB donations

Monday, October 21, 2019

Today's Homework:


BB donation
Instrument for Band Lesson

Friday, October 18, 2019

October 19, 2019
B day

Hello Kiddos,

I am sorry I can't be here today.  Please show the adults in the room that you are the best students ever!  Trevor will do the announcements.

Please update your reading status.  Take a close look at your work.  Are you using details and neat handwriting? What can you do to make your work better.  Please also make sure your list of books is accurate.  When that is done, you should read the new poem.  Have you made a jack-o-lantern yet this year?

Mrs. Harvey
Today's homework:
share poetry folder

BB donation

Thursday, October 17, 2019

October 18, 2019
A day

Happy Friday,

I am glad to see you today.  Ryan will do the announcements.  _Ryan_____, _____ and _____ will share.

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should take a picture or two that represent your learning this week.

When that is done, please go into you WinW document and do some writing.  We never had a chance to do Write it in Word Wednesday, so you can do it now.  Be sure to start with today's date.

Mrs. Harvey

p.s. The book is some where near the door.
Today's homework:

item to share
study math facts
Book Fair and Harvest Festival tonight

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

October 17, 2019
F day

Hello Shoppers,

Are you excited for the Book Fair today?  It is going to be a great day....first the book fair and then a magic show!  I am excited!

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should complete your reading status.  Have you been writing down the books you have finished?  Make sure your list of books read is accurate as well.  When that is done, please get with your partner from the other day and practice reading the words from Automaticity page.  I will try to have a timer set up for you.

__John W._____, ____________ and _______ will share.  Preston will do the announcements.

Mrs. Harvey
Today's homework:
page 105, 1-9 and 14

study math facts
item to share
BB items
book fair tomorrow 2:00

Latitude, Longitude Song

Latitude, latitude
Lines go round and round
Measuring north
Measuring south
From the equator
Latitude, latitude,
Lines go round and round
Measuring north,
Measuring south
Those lines of latitude.
Longitude, longitude
Lines go up and down
Measuring east,
Measuring west
From the prime meridian
Longitude, longitude,
Lines go up and down
Measuring east,
measuring west
Those lines of longitude.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

October 16, 2019
E day

Hello Clever Kids,

I am glad to see you today.  We are going to have a great day today.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status to reflect last night's reading.  Finally, please complete DCCR 3-2 in your new math packet.  When that is done, you should practice reading the words from the "Build Automaticity" page.

_Delaney_______, ________ and ______ will share.  Taylor will do the announcements.

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  Make sure to put your trash in the garbage, but recycle any papers you're done with in the recycling bin.
Today's homework:

lesson supplies
donations for Buffalo Bills basket
item to share
practice math facts

Monday, October 14, 2019

October 15, 2019
B day

Happy Moosday,

(Get it, Monday + Tuesday = Moosday!)  I am glad to see you today.  Please come in and wash your hands.  You should also order your lunch.  Next, please update your reading status.  I am curious to see what you read over the weekend.  Once that is done, you should read the new poem.  I am also hoping that some of you will perform last week's poem for us this morning.

Aryanna__________, _Exavier______ and ___Gwen_____ will share.  Ryan will do the announcements.

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Today's homework:
mult. page
share poetry folder

item to share
practice instrument
study mult. facts

0     0
1     9
2   18
3    27
4   36
5   45
6   54
7   63
8   72
9   81

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

October 10, 2019
C day

Welcome Wise Children,

Today you will attend a Fire Safety assembly.  It will be a fun learning experience.  Please get settled as I have a lot for you to do today.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  While you are up, please turn in last night's homework.  Next, you should finish your Multiplication page from yesterday morning.  Finally, please snap a picture that represents your learning from this week.

David will do the announcements.  _Morgan_____Alexis__ and ____John A_______ will share.

Mrs. Harvey

p.s. The book is near my desk, but remember what areas are not to be touched!!
Another book is near a desk that almost always has a computer on it.
Today's Homework:
mult. page

item to share
lesson supplies

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

October 8, 2019
B day

Hello Writers,

Welcome to W it in W Wednesday....this stands for "Write it in Word" Wednesday.  Each Wednesday, I hope to give you time to do some free writing in Microsoft Word.  This will help you to become a better typist, a faster thinker and an efficient user of technology.  I hope you are excited to build your writing in Word stamina!

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  While you are up, please turn in your homework.  Next, you should update your reading status.  Go ahead, use a compound sentence.  You know you want to!  Next, please complete the multiplication day on your desk. 

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  _David_____, __Keating_____ and Preston_______ will share.  John W. will do the announcements.
Today's homework:
multiplication page (3s facts)

item to share

Monday, October 7, 2019

October 8, 2019

Hello Students,

Thank you for coming to school today.  Alexis will do the announcements.  _Mairead____, _Taylor____ and __Elliott_____ will share.

Please wash your hands and order your lunch  Next, you should update your reading status.  Can you use a compound sentence to describe what part of the book you are at?

Once your status is updated, please steal a few minutes to read.  Try to envision in great detail as you read.

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  It's almost W it in WW!!!
Today's homework:
mult. page
item to share

October 7, 2019
F day

Hello Poetry Readers,

I hope your weekend was terrific.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Delaney will do the announcements this morning.

At your desk, you will find a new poem.  Please put it into your clips and read it.  Do you notice all of those sound words?  This is a literary device known as onomatopoeia.  I love when an author uses this in his or her writing.

After you have read the poem, please get your laptop and have it on your desk.  Next, please browse through the Storyworks magazine at your group. We are going to use this magazine during reading workshop today. 

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  The hidden books are somewhere in this room!

Friday, October 4, 2019

Today's homework:
Share poetry folder

item to share

Thursday, October 3, 2019

October 4, 2019
E day

Good Morning,

Today is a different kind of picture day...after you order your lunch and wash your hands, please take a picture that represents your learning from this week.  Please try to be specific and unique.  Once that is done, please either finish typing your letter to our VA friends or work on ixl, language arts skill.  HH.2.

Morgan will do the announcements.  ________ will share a book.

Mrs. Harvey
p.s.  Today's book clue: The book is some where in the school!

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

October 3, 2019

Howdy Photogenic Friends,

Today is picture day.  You will have a chance to create smiles as big as cantalopes at 11:40 today.  Until then, please wash your hands and order your lunch.  After that, you should update your reading status.  Are you using details and correct punctuation?

I had fun using the computers with you yesterday.  I hope we can do that again soon.  Mairead will do the announcements.  _________, _______ and __________ will share.

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:
Math page 67, 12-14
picture day tomorrow

book share
October 2, 2019
C day

Good Morning,

Thanks for coming today.  I am glad you're here.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Today's morning work will feel need to update your reading status and complete page 8 of your math packet.  Make sure you're being proactive in getting this work done.

If you finish early, please take a minute to tidy up  your desk.

Elliott will do the announcements.  _______, _____ and ________ will share.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Today's homework:

book to share
lesson supplies (book and instrument)