Thursday, December 19, 2019

December 20, 2019
F day

Hello Passengers,

Welcome to Polar Expréss day!  Please come in quickly, wash your hands and move your stick to bringing!  If we want to watch the whole movie, we need to begin soon!  While you are waiting, put the finishing touches on your Santa CSI packer.  I am guessing that by now many of you have solved the mystery?!  If you're done, this is a good time to do a desk tidy!

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

December 19, 2019
E day

Hello Students,

I am sorry that I can't be here with you today.  I know I can count on you to be the very best student you can be.  Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  Next, you should continue to work on your CSI Math packet.  If you already know who stole the sleigh, be sure to complete the last page. 

While you are working, please think about How Many from Anna's picture. 

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:
study math facts
math club
How Many pic
Ugly Sweater day

lesson supplies
P.E. Calendar

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

December 18, 2019
D day

Hello Performers,

I can't wait to see you shine on the "stage" today.  Please come in, wash your hands and order your lunch.  Once that is done, you should work on your CSI Santa work.  Can you eliminate a few more suspects today?  Be sure to work carefully!

While you are getting settled, you should also consider How Many? from Ryan's picture. 

Mrs. Harvey
Today's homework:
math club
PE calendar

How many pic
practice x and /

Sing a long 10:15

December 17, 2019
C day

Hello Excited Kiddos,
Please come in and get settled. There is a mystery to be solved!!  After you wash your hands and order your lunch, please put your library books on the cart.  Next, head to your desk to learn about the mystery!

Santa's sleigh has been stolen!!! Please read the first page of the packet to find out who the suspects are.  Next, start collecting evidence by solving the first puzzle.  If you stay on track and solve a puzzle each day, you will solve the mystery and save Christmas!

We are all counting on you....

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, December 16, 2019

Today's Homework:
math club work
P.E. calendar
wear green
bring library books

study mult. and div.
lesson supplies

10:15 singalong on Wed.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

December 16, 2019
B day

Happy Holly Hanging,

Today will be a fun, spirited celebration of the holidays.  I look forward to attending Holly Hanging with you!  We will board the buses at approximately 9:10.  Please wash your hands and order your lunch.

On your desk, you will find a new poem. Please read through it a few times.  You should also read last week's poem in case you get chosen to perform that today.

Finally, please pick up your notebook from the round table.  I'd like you to continue to work on long division by completing p. 285-286.  You should choose the division method that you know best.  Please compete this work in your math log.

How many?

Mrs. Harvey
Today's homework:
P.E. calendar
share poem
wear red!!

practice music
practice facts

Sing a long Wed at 10:15

Thursday, December 12, 2019

December 13, 2019
A day

Dear Students,

Good morning!  I am glad you are here today.  Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  Next, you should get your laptop and take a picture that represents your learning this week.  Try to be unique in your photo.

Once you have a photo, please head over to Tang Math and play Kakooma!  You can also ponder How Many from your classmate!

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

December 12, 2019
F day

Hello Snowbunnies,

I hope you all arrived home safely last night!  You did a great job with our emergency dismissal.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should pick up your laptop.  I need  you to turn it on.  Once it is booted up, please choose RESTART.  This will allow your computer to complete any necessary updates. 

While you wait for your computer to update, please practice reading this week's poem with a partner.  You can also consider How Many? from Preston's picture!

Mrs. Harvey

Today's homework:
P. E. calendar

Math club
practice mult. and div.
How Many picture
practice music

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

December 11, 2019
E day

Happy Wednesday!

Are you thinking about what you are going to write about later?  I hope so... Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status.  If you have finished any books, this is a good time to add those to your list of books read.  Also, if you need to shop for more non-fiction books, please do so now.

Once your reading life is under control, please pull out page 273 from your Math book.  Can you start thinking about what to do with the remainder on questions 11-13?  We will work together on this shortly.

You can also consider How Many? from David's picture...

Mrs. Harvey
Today's homework:

How many pic
math club
study mult. and div. facts
lesson supplies
P.E. calendar

Monday, December 9, 2019

December 10, 2019
D day

Hello Word Sorters,

Please wash your hands and move your stick to bringing.  After that, you should update your reading status.  When you have a done a thorough job, please take out your spelling folder.  I'd like you to finish sorting the long and sort e words from yesterday.  I made a copy of the words for you. 

Please also consider How Many? from Taylor's picture.

Mrs. Harvey
Today's homework:
Math p.267- all
          p. 268- 24 and 26

Practice math facts
Math club
1/2 day tomorrow
practice music
How many picture
P.E. calendar

Sunday, December 8, 2019

December 9, 2019
C day

Happy Monday,

It is good to see you.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should read the new poem.  You might also want to practice last week's poem in case you have a chance to perform that today.  While you are waiting for the morning announcements, please practice your division estimation skills on the page we started on Friday.

Take a minute to consider How Many? from John W.'s picture.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, December 6, 2019

Today's homework:
share poetry folder
P. E. calendar

How Many Picture
snow clothes
December 25, 2019
B day

Good Morning,

I am glad to see you today.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  You should also turn in your Math homework.  When that is done, please get your laptop out.  What picture can you take that represents your learning this week?  Be creative and unique!

Once you have a picture or two, please spend a few minutes playing Number Munchers. 

Mrs. Harvey

p.s. Please consider How Many from Gwen's picture!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Today's homework:
Math p. 257-258
SSS tomorrow

Math club
practice facts
report folder
How Many picture
practice music

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

December 5, 2019
A day

Welcome Half Dayers,

I bet you have exciting plans for later today.  I can tell you that it will be a fast morning.  Please move your stick to "bringing" and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status.  When that is done, please begin p. 257 from your Math book.  What you don't finish now will become your homework.

You might also be thinking about How Many? from John's picture.

Mrs. Harvey

Today's homework:

Math club
mult. and div. facts
return report card envelope
How Many picture
tomorrow is 1/2 day

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

December 4, 2019
F day

Hello Iroquois Experts,

I am so proud of the effort you put in to yesterday's Iroquois writing.  You will have some time to finish that up later today.  Right now, you should order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status.  When that is done, please work on reading the words from page 3 in your Word Study book.  We will have our last timed reading of these words a little later. 

While you are getting settled, please consider How Many? from Mairead's picture...

Mrs. Harvey
Today's homework:
return report card envelope
Math club

study math facts
finish Fact Sack cover

Monday, December 2, 2019

December 3, 2019
E day

Hello Kids,

Thanks for coming today!  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status.  Once that is done, please find a partner and complete the Buddy Sort I showed you yesterday.  The paper you need is on the round table!

You can also be thinking about Keating's "How Many?"picture!

Mrs. Harvey
Today's Homework:

Math club
picture for How Many?
practice mult. and div. facts
Santa Secret Shop on Friday

Sunday, December 1, 2019

December 2, 2019
D day

Welcome Back,

I hope your Thanksgiving was delightful!  I enjoyed family, food and fun!  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should read our new poem.  Please also take some time to practice the Haiku poem from last week.  I hope to enjoy some performances soon!

While you are getting back into the routine, please consider this: "How Many?" picture, courtesy of Elliot!

Mrs. Harvey