Monday, August 17, 2020

"Welcome to Fourth Grade" Picture Post

August 2020

Dear New 4th Grader,

Hello!  Thank you for visiting my blog!  I am so excited to meet you.  We are in for an interesting year of trying new things and learning a lot together!  I have been getting the classroom ready for the days when you are in school.  Please scroll through the pictures to get an idea of what to expect as you begin 4th grade.

This poster explains the type of mindset we will work towards in your classroom.  

These pictures showcase some of our classroom library.  We will be reading a lot this year, both in school and at home.

The Reading Wall of Fame is a place of honor in our classroom.  Be sure to bring a chapter book to school on the first day so you can start working your way towards this goal!

You will have your own "island" to learn safely from.  Each desk has its own bucket for storing supplies. These supplies can easily be transported outside for learning on nice days.  Not shown: each desk will have a see through divider for extra protection.

These are spaces where you will see me a desk and my reading corner.  We will meet often both online and in person to discuss your learning goals and progress.

"Masking" for a Friend"

School will be different in many ways this year.  For starters, you will need to wear a mask most of the time.  We will take mask breaks from time to time, but for the most part, to keep yourself and your classmates healthy, we will all wear masks, keep our distance and wash our hands often.

School won't be all about the coronavirus though.  We have important work to do in getting to know each other, working together and improving many of the skills you have learned already.

This is the way you will see me most of the time.
Please know, that underneath my mask, I am smiling and so looking forward to working with you.

Your first homework assignment is to view these pictures and then, with your parent's permission, leave a comment on this post.  You can write a question you have about fourth grade.  You can also leave a sentence describing what you are looking forward to.  If you are comfortable, I would also love for you to email me a picture of yourself with and without your mask.  You should only use your first name whenever you leave a comment on the internet.  Please complete this assignment by September 11, 2020.  

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

June 10, 2020


I am looking forward to seeing you at today's 11:30 meeting. Please be sure to come as we will finish Journey to Nowhere and there will be teachers there to say goodbye to you! Please have pencil, paper and markers with you for the meeting!

 If you haven't listened to Chapter 17 of Journey to Nowhere, go do that now so you are ready for the last chapter at 11:30!

I hope you read your email to learn that tomorrow is our last meeting.  We will not meet on Friday, instead we will have our last class meeting on Thursday at 11:30.  Please plan on coming for one last morning meeting.

Miss Parker has planned a special flag day celebration tomorrow at 10:30.  If you are available, you should participate.  You can be involved by joining a Zoom meeting.  (see the Teams post for log in info.)  If that is not comfortable for you, you can enjoy the show following the directions below.

1.   live streaming on my Music with Miss Parker Facebook page
2.      Wales PTO will be live streaming on their Facebook page
3.  A recording of the event with be posted on Elma PTO Facebook page after the event

I have compiled your I Used to Be poems into a slide show for your friends and families to enjoy.  Click here for I Used to Be slide show.  I hope enjoy these beautiful poems!

Mrs. Harvey

Sunday, June 7, 2020

June 8, 2002

Hello Almost 5th Graders,

Welcome to your last week of 4th grade!  I hope your weekend was terrific!  Congratulations to those of you who completed the Kids Fun Run!  That is a great accomplishment!

Today, Mrs. Bitner and Mrs. Murphy will be running the morning meeting.  Mrs. Bonczyk will be joining you to talk about the Middle School.  Please be prepared by watching the video from last week and having a question or two for her.

Mrs. Orrange suggested a good book to you last week. The title is The Phantom Toll Booth.  You might consider putting this book on you "Books to Read this Summer" list.

Please get started on your Learning Menu activities.  I look forward to seeing which writing project you choose.

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, June 4, 2020

June 5, 2020

Dear Students,

Hello.  I know you are anxious to be done with online learning...we are down to one week left.  Today, you will have a chance to say good bye to Mrs. Ross.  Please gather up these supplies so you you are ready for Phys. Ed. today:

1 - 2 Sock Balls
Bucket or Basket
1 Pillow
2 Plastic Cups
Chalk (for outside Fitness Activity!)

We have a morning meeting at 10:00.  We will be sharing what we learned in Math this year.  Be sure to go to to add to our word cloud of learning.  If you haven't been listening to Journey to Nowhere, you should get caught up through chapter 9!

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

June 3, 2020

Hello Scientists,

How are you?  Have you been enjoying the Science experiments from the high school students?  I think they are pretty cool.  You will have a chance to try some new experiments today.

Speaking of today, many of you need to listen to chapters 3 and 4 of Journey to Nowhere.  Click here
to do that right away this morning.  We will listen to chapter 5 during our 11:30 morning meeting so please do this before then.

I have new assignments posted in the Teams General Challenge.  Look for the sticker that says Wednesday.  I hope you enjoy today's offereings!

I look forward to seeing you at Morning Meeting!

Mrs. Harvey