Thursday, April 30, 2020

May 1, 2020
35th day of school closing

Dear Students,

Hello!  I hope you are well!  I look forward to seeing you at Morning Meeting today.  We will meet at 10:00. Mrs. Ross will be joining us so be prepared for some physical activity!

I am having a hard time of letting go of our class routines.  Please take a picture that represents your learning this week.  You can either email it to me or Turn it In in Teams. 

Plan on using today as a catch up day...get caught up on the sides and appetizers that you haven't yet accomplished.  It will feel good to take a break this weekend if your school work is caught up!

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

April 30, 2020
34th day of school closing

Hello Historical Readers,

I am looking forward to meeting with many of you to begin reading Number the Stars.  Be sure to check your email for your meeting time today.  Most of you have a meeting, or two!

Have you logged into Sora yet?  I did last is amazing!  There are so many options for reading!  Speaking of reading, we will be starting Historical Fiction book clubs on Monday.  Please work to finish any book you are currently reading this weekend.

Today is a School Supply Pickup day.  Be sure to check previous emails for times to come to school to pick up some new supplies.  I hope you are keeping track of all of the school supplies that you have received...we will need books, styluses and computers back!

Mrs. Harvey

p.s. Check out the new additions to our Reading Wall of Fame.  Congratulations Elliott and John A.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

April 29, 2020
33rd day of school closing

Dear Students,

Hello. I am so impressed with the number of you who figured out how to use Onenote! Thank you for your tenacity!  It will be even easier when you get your stylus on Thursday.  Please make sure you let your parents know that there is a supply pick up on Thursday.  If your last name starts with a letter from A-M, your parent should go to school between 9:00 and 10:30.  Letters N-Z are welcome from 10:30-12:00. 

I am excited to see you at 11:30 today.  I will be starting a new chapter book with you. It will continue our work from Historical Fiction around World War II.  This is a sensitive, yet fascinating topic! 

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, April 27, 2020

April 28, 2020
32nd day of school closing

Dear Students,

Hello.  I hope you are well today.  Thank you to the many of you who opened up your Reading and Math notebooks yesterday.  I know it will take a little time to get used to this new tool, but I hope it will make life easier for you in the long run.

There will be a school supply pick up this Thursday, April 30th at school.  If your last name begins with letters A-M, your parents should come to school between 9 and 10:30.  If your last name begins with letters N-Z, your parents should come to school between 10:30 and 12.  Please let your family know about this pick up.  This is the only way for you to get your stylus and other needed supplies.

Make progress today on your Learning Menu.  I look forward to seeing your persuasive essay plan.  Please let me know if you need help.

Mrs. Harvey
April 27, 2020
31 day of school closing

Welcome Writers,

I am glad you're here.  Today at our 10:00 meeting, we will play a game. Please bring three household items that can fit in your hand to the meeting today.  These can be anything...a spoon, a tissue box or any other handy item.

Please also remember that starting today your camera needs to be turned on at our meetings.  Be sure you brush your hair and eat breakfast before our 10:00 meeting.

Elliott was tagged in the game of Poetry Tag.  I hope he will share a poem with us this morning.  I wonder who he will tag next?

by Deborah Williams
William, tell me how to help you.

I heard coughing. Are you ill?
Are you sneezing? Are you wheezing?
Need some syrup or a pill?

William, tell me how your nose is,
for I know the school will ask.
Is it leaking? Are you freaking,
stuffing tissues in your mask?

William, tell me! Give a statement,
or a least make overtures.
I hesitate to amputate.
These may be overcures,

Should I cover you with leeches
or rub bear grease on your chest?
It seems so mean to quarantine.
You'd miss your science test!

I am exciting to show you some new "school supplies" that I have been working on for you.  It's called a Onenote Notebook.  Please watch this video to learn more!

Please note...if the video isn't working for you here, you can also view it from the On-line Support folder in the Teams Files.
Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, April 23, 2020

April 24, 2020
30th day of school closing

Happy Friday,

Hello!  Thanks for checking in today.  We will have a meeting today at 11:30.  Please take a picture that represents your learning this week.  You can either email it to me or Turn it in through Teams.

This week, you have had a chance to work with Persuasive Essays.  I have been enjoying your work.  Many of you have a knack for convincing others that you are right.  What topic would you write about if you got to chose?  Think about this before the meeting.

David is up in Poetry Tag. I hope he will share his poem with you at morning meeting!  Here is his poem:
To Bless the Space Between Us 
By John O’Donghue 
This is the time to be slow, 
Lie low to the wall 
Until the bitter weather passes. 

Try, as best you can, not to let 
The wire brush of doubt 
Scrape from your heart 
All sense of yourself 
And your hesitant light. 

If you remain generous, 
Time will come good; 
And you will find your feet 
Again on fresh pastures of promise, 
Where the air will be kind 
And blushed with beginning. 

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

April 22, 2020
29th day of school closing

Hello Writers,

I was so happy to see ALL of you at morning meeting yesterday!  Thank you for coming!

I know many of you are working at "turning in" your math on Teams.  Sadly, I am not seeing your work.  Please watch the video that is in your email that reviews the process.  You should also check your email for a list of what work you still need to do.  Many of you have some catching up to do.  I know it is hard to learn and work this way, but you are smart and can do the work.

Today, among other things, you should send me your persuasive essay and a book response.  Plan your time well so you are able to get your work done!

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

April 22, 2020
28th day of school closing

Dear Earthlings,

Happy Earth Day!  What can you do today to celebrate our Earth?  I hope you find something!

John. W is in charge of our Poetry Tag poem today.  He is keeping us in suspense. Perhaps he will share the poem at today's morning meeting.  Plan on meeting in Teams at 11:30 today.

Many of you are struggling with turning in your assignments in Teams. Please watch the video I emailed you and try to turn your assignment in that way.  I expect your Math assignment from yesterday will be turned in shortly.  I am also waiting for some of your persuasive essay plans. If you didn't get to that yesterday, please send it to me today.

If you would like to share at today's morning meeting, please email me before 10:30.

Mrs, Harvey

Monday, April 20, 2020

April 21, 2020
27th day of school closing

Dear Fraction Fiends,

Hi there! I am looking forward to seeing your fraction skills this week.  Many of you did not complete yesterday's Math Kahoot assignment.  You will have two assignments today because of it.  If you need help accessing your assignments, be sure to email me.  I think you will enjoy Kahoot once you get started!

Ms. Parker put together a great video for you.  Click here to watch the video and hear from some familiar faces. 

Be sure to check your email.  Many of you have meetings today.   I also sent directions for how to access this week's learning menu.

Mrs. Harvey

Diamante Poetry

April 20, 2020
26th day of school closing

Dear Students,
Hello!  I hope you are well!  I look forward to seeing you at today's meeting.  We will met at 10:00.  I have sent out a new Learning Menu.  I think you will enjoy this week's Social Studies "sides."  You will learn a lot about colonial life.

Gwen wrote a poem for Poetry Tag. We will find out today who she has tagged in our game.
Your stomach hurts badly
Staying home from school is not fun
Your head aches a lot

I look forward to reading this book with you today.  What kind of things do you think a pigeon has to protest about?  You will find out this morning!

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, April 17, 2020

April 17, 2020
25th day of school

Happy Friday,

Do Fridays feel as special to you now that you're not in school?  I hope you still find someway to make the weekend special.

Thank you to those of you who have been sending me your catch up work.  I also appreciate those of you who are pushing your thinking with simple machines and "field trips!"  Next week we will be back to our regular schedule of class meetings.  Plan on meeting on Teams at 10:00 on Monday.  I will also have a new learning menu next week!

Today is our 25th day without school.  Be like John W. and do a number observation using today's date and the number 25.  Let me know what your family came up with!

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, April 16, 2020

April 16, 2020
24th day of school closing

Dear Chilly Children,

Can you believe the snow!?!?!  I guess Spring is staying "home" due to the coronavirus too!  I hope you are well! 

I made this chalk drawing of the
Empire State Building yesterday!
Thank you for joining me yesterday for the ending of James and the Giant Peach.  I couldn't help but pull this quote out of the book.  When we started reading James, many of you had plans for visiting marvelous places.  While that has all changed, I hope you have experienced at least one wonderful thing during the last four weeks. 

Take some time to reflect on the good things that have come from quarantine.  Maybe you could even write your diamante poem about it.  I am planning on creating a diamante blog post tomorrow with your poems.  Please send them to me by Friday at 12:00!

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

April 15, 2020
23rd day of school closing

Hello Students,

I hope you are doing well!  I look forward to seeing your faces at today's 11:30 meeting!  I have some cool things to show you!  Happy birthday, Alexis!  I hope your birthday is memorable!

John A. has picked a great poem for our game of Poetry Tag.  John will tell us during the meeting who is up next...what poem would you pick that is related to this one...

Be sure to make progress on your learning menu today!  I can't wait to show you Harrison's Simple
Machine video!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, April 13, 2020

April 14, 2020
22 day of school closing

Dear Students,

Hello!  I hope your Easter was terrific!  Did you see the Easter Bunny in the fireman's parade?  That looked pretty cool!

Mrs. Ross shared a cool link with me for you.  You will want to Click Here to hear about a cool athlete.  You can also find some fun ideas for physical fitness at Mrs. Ross' website.

Did you realize that it is beyond time for me to check your list of books read?  I am pretty sure some of you have finished 30 books since we have been off.  As we meet in the next week, be prepared to tell me about the books you have finished.  Please check out the virtual Reading Wall of Fame at the link at the top of this blog!

Please plan on joining me Wednesday for a morning meeting at 11:30!

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, April 9, 2020

April 10, 2020
20th day of school closing

Happy Easter Hard Workers,

I bet you are looking forward to some treats on Sunday!  I hope the Easter Bunny leaves you some goodies!  Today is a "wrap it up" day.  Please look over the Learning Menu for this week.  Finish up any of the entrees that you have left undone.  Spend some time on IXL if you need to.

If you have already done everything, take the day off knowing that you have done a great job!  In honor of the Easter holiday, there is no message or "school" on Monday.  Enjoy the long weekend and check back on Tuesday for a new message.

*    Please note the Learning Menu asks you 
    *      Complete “This Week in Review” Form in Office 365

t     This is a misprint: there is no Week in Review this week!
Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

April 9, 2020
19th day of school closing

Dear On-Line Learners,

Hello!  I'd like to wish a special happy birthday to Delaney!  I hope your day is special!

Today, I look forward to receiving a new reading response from you.  Use the Question Stems page to get your started.  Remember to use details and examples from your book to expand your thinking!

I am planning out next week's work.  For those of you who have been working hard and completing entrees' I have a special learning menu for you.  Please work hard to complete the entrees from Learning Menu 1 and 2 by Friday.  If you haven't met this goal, you will not receive the special learning menu...please plan and work according to your personal goals.

There is a new Subtracting Mixed Number Nearpod assignment in Teams.  Please be sure to show off your subtracting skills by completing this activity.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

April 8, 2020
Day 18 of school closing

Hello Tag Players,

I am so impressed with the first part of our Poetry Tag Game.  Everyone has been clever, creative and timely so far.  Here is today's Poetry Tag Poem:
By Keating Killelea

Home is boring, nothing’s happening!
I guess I could bake a cake,
Or cook a steak.
I could play with my dog,
Or jump over a log.
There’s riding my bike,
I could tease my brother and say, “Sike!”
My mom could teach me
All the thing she learns and she is artsy.
I could go to the creek,
Hopefully my boots won’t leak!
Which should I do?
Oops, I said “moo”!
You know what?
I’ll do them all.
That’s the silver-lining
Of quarantine.

Keating has tagged John A.  John, you have two days to find a poem that is somehow connected to Keating's and share it with me via email.  Be sure to tell me who you are tagging as well.
Please head off to work on today's learning menu.  Please try the Math assignment in Teams.  I think it is working now!  We will have a morning meeting at 11:30.  I hope to see you there!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, April 6, 2020

April 7, 2020
17th day of closing

Dear Poets,

I love the diamante poems that I have already received from you.  Keep them coming.  I am hoping to publish your work on this blog at the end of the week.  Today, you should be focusing on the Tuesday column of your menu.  I am holding an essay meeting at 10:30 for people who need help in stretching out their ideas.  Please join us if you need help with that skill.

Alexis wrote a fabulous poem that connects to Taylor's.  Alexis also tagged Keating to go next in Poetry Tag.            

   Stuck at home 
So you don’t get sick don’t go to the store even though you might get bored 
Its ok to play outside in your yard go for a walk around the block 
Do a puzzle Don’t give it a nuzzle 
Jump rope or play basketball but you can't have a friend over at all 
Don’t cheat give your dog a treat 
Grill a steak and maybe bake a cake 
Do your  work with your best smirk 
We are all stuck at home

Sunday, April 5, 2020

April 6, 2020
16th day of school closing

Hello Hard Workers,

I hope you are hanging in there!  I am missing all of your faces!  I look forward to hearing about your weekend at our 10:00 meeting today. 

Thanks to Taylor, our game of Poetry Tag continues today with this poem...

By: Taylor Grimm

China started it
Outbreak all over the world
Really scary
Anyone can get it
Avoid close contact
Invisible germs
Really contagious
Symptoms are scary

Taylor has tagged Alexis to find a new poem that is someone connected to the above poem.  Good luck, Alexis.  Please email me with the poem when you find it!  Be sure to check your email for this week's learning menu.  I am excited for you to see it!

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, April 2, 2020

April 3, 2020
15th day of school closing

Dear Students,

Hello and Happy Friday!  A special happy 10th birthday to Keating.  I hope you find a special way to celebrate this unique birthday!

We will have a class meeting at 10:00 today.  Before the meeting, please take a picture that represents your learning this week.  You should post your picture in the Assignments tab of Teams.  Today is a "Catch Up" day.  Look over the entrees for this past week.  Please submit any work that you haven't done yet.  This is also a good day to complete unfinished work from your Just In Case folder.

Have you been following the Progressive Poem?  It is interesting isn't it!??!  Another fun Poetry Month activity is called Poetry Tag.  It's when one person shares a poem and then "tags another person to share a related poem.  The poem can be one you have written or one you have found in a poetry folder, a book, or magazine.  I'll start.  Here is Poetry Tag poem #1

Dunk it
By Melinda Harvey

Pick up two cookies
Pass one to a friend
Nibble just a little
from the bottom end

Hold the tender cookie
as if it were brown silk
Dunk your tasty morsel
into a glass of milk

Count the time in seconds
smile at your buddy
Pull your cookie out
'fore the milk gets all muddy

Put the cookie in your mouth
feel the cream and chocolate blend
Then pick up two more cookies
and pass one to a friend

I challenge Taylor to find a poem that is somehow related and share it with me via email.  I will post Taylor's poem on Monday and tag someone else to continue the game.  

Mrs. Harvey