Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Welcome Students,

Today is an exciting day....12/12/12/!  This is the last time in our livetimes that you will see a date with such cool numbers!  In honor of this special day, I present you with the 12/12/12/ challenge.

This morning, and throughout the day, you must complete the following:

On the 12x12 paper, put your name and the date.
Next, complete these 12 tasks.  Number each task and complete your work neatly and with color!
1.  List 12 math equations that equal 12.  Use a variety of operations.
2.  List the 12 multiples of 12
3.  List 12 machines that you will use today that require electricity.
4.  List 12 states that you hope to visit someday.
5.  You can have 12 of anything you want.  What do you choose?
6.  Around the perimeter of the page, draw 12 inventions that have been created since 12/12/1912.
7.  Use a dictionary to look up the twelfth letter in the alphabet.  Find the twelfth entry.  Write a sentence using the word.  Underline the word. 
8.  Write  a prediction using only 12 words that describes the world on 12/12/2012.
9.  Draw a picture using 12 straight lines.
10.  Find something other than a ruler that is exactly 12 inches long.  Draw a picture of it.
11. Find and write a word that is exactly 12 letters long.
12.  Eggs come in a group of 12 called a dozen.  Cows come in a group called a herd.  Find and list other animals and the names of the groups they come in.

You must complete the 12/12/12 challenge in the next 12 hours.  I look forward to your creative and organized work!

Mrs. Harvey

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