Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August 27, 2014

Dear (Almost) Fourth Grader,

Hello!  I am so excited to meet you next week.  I have been working in our classroom so we can get right to the work of learning on September 3rd.  Below you will find some pictures of our classroom. I hope they give you an idea of what fourth grade will be like.

Your first homework assignment is to view these pictures and then, with your parent's permission, leave a comment on this post.  You can write a question you have about fourth grade.  You can also leave a sentence describing what you are looking forward to.  You should only use your first name whenever you leave a comment on the internet.  Please complete this assignment by September 3, 2014.

The CAFE menu is where we will keep track of the reading strategies you learn.  Prepare to read A LOT in  our classroom.  You should bring a chapter book to school every day, including the first day of school!

This is the Foot Power pad that powers one of the laptops in our classroom.  You will use this to get some physical exercise while you are also giving your brain a workout.

This is a picture of our writing center.  As you can see, the green paper is waiting for your writing pieces.  The black cart is where we house our class iPads.  We will use the iPads for various educational purposes.

This is our class library.  You will read every day.  I challenge all of my students to earn a place on the Reading Wall of Fame.  I will tell you how to do this during the first week of school.

Here you see our Science and Social Studies center.  We will learn about many topics related to Science, History and Geography.  You will get study guides and have tests in each unit.  We spend a lot of time learning how to study for these tests.  We also do a lot of hands-on work as we are learning.  

 This is one of the groups in our room.  You will sit with 4-5 other students to do your work.  You will be responsible for keeping your desk and the black bookshelf neat and organized.  

This is my work space.  I am in charge of keeping this space neat and organized.

Thank you for visiting this blog.  I will see you at school on September 3!  Be sure to leave a comment or question below in order to complete your first homework assignment.

Mrs. Harvey


  1. I can't wait to hear your questions!

    1. I am looking forward to using the ipads. See you Wednesday! Katie

  2. I am looking so forward to using the foot power pad!!!!! It looks so fun!!!! How often do we use it? Megs (Megan)

  3. Thank you, Megan. I hope you will use the Foot Powr pad at least three times a week!

  4. Hi Mrs. Harvey,
    The classroom looks awesome and I can't wait to try the foot power pad! I can't wait for school to start!

  5. I am looking forward to using the ipads. See you Wednesday! Katie

  6. Hi, my name is Jessie. I'm looking forward to using the ipads and the foot power pad. I am also looking forward to meeting new friends.

  7. I am looking forward to math and science

  8. I am looking forward to science and math

  9. I'm going to conquer the Reading Hall of Fame. Can I bring in headphones instead of earbuds? Ian

  10. I am looking forward to the IPad!!!!!!!!!!!


  11. I am excited about going outside and playing basketball with my friends. I am also excited about doing math. I have been practicing my facts, but still have a hard time with 6s, 7s and 8s.

  12. The classroom looks cool I cant wait to see it!How often will we read?Im reading a great series. I read 4 books of the Cat Warriors series this summer.See u tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!! This is from Donald L.

  13. I am looking forward to Math and Science. Christopher

  14. I am very excited to have you as my teacher. I am looking forward to doing all the activities that you have planned in our classroom. It looks like we will be learning a lot and having fun doing it!! Arrianna

  15. Thank you all for your comments. If you do not see your comment published, it is because you used your first and last name. For your safety, I choose not to publish those comments. (Don't worry, you still get credit for them! I love to hear your enthusiasm for meeting other people, using technology and reading. Ian, headphones are fine! See you all in the morning!


Your comments are welcomed! Students, please remember to use only first names! Please also proofread your comments before submitting them!