Friday, May 22, 2015

May 22, 2015

Hello Wonderful Workers,

Happy Friday to you.  I hope you are looking forward to a long weekend.  Please keep in mind, we have Monday off to honor all of the servicemen and women who died will serving our country.  Take a minute to appreciate that sacrifice!

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  I'd like you to take your grass home this afternoon, so there is no need to water it.  Next, spread out your homework and work on page pages 3 and 4 in your Grammar Cop book.  If you need to complete your morning measuring work, please be sure to do that.  Lastly, I'd like you to take a picture that represents this week's learning. 

___Ian_______, ___________, __________ and ________ will share today.  I will also tell you more about Horatio's involvement in our class.

Mrs. Harvey

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