Thursday, July 9, 2015

Welcome to 4th Grade Picture Post

August 27, 2015

Dear (Almost) Fourth Grader,

Hello!  I am so excited to meet you next week.  I have been working in our classroom so we can get right to the work of learning on September 9th.  Below you will find some pictures of our classroom. I hope they give you an idea of what fourth grade will be like.

Your first homework assignment is to view these pictures and then, with your parent's permission, leave a comment on this post.  You can write a question you have about fourth grade.  You can also leave a sentence describing what you are looking forward to.  You should only use your first name whenever you leave a comment on the internet.  Please complete this assignment by September 9, 2015.

The CAFE menu is where we will keep track of the reading strategies you learn.  Prepare to read A LOT in  our classroom.  You should bring a chapter book to school every day, including the first day of school!

This is the Foot Power pad that powers one of the laptops in our classroom.  You will use this to get some physical exercise while you are also giving your brain a workout.

This is a picture of our writing center.  As you can see, the green paper is waiting for your writing pieces.  The black cart is where we house our class iPads.  We will use the iPads for various educational purposes.

This is our class library.  You will read every day.  I challenge all of my students to earn a place on the Reading Wall of Fame.  I will tell you how to do this during the first week of school.

Here you see our Science and Social Studies center.  We will learn about many topics related to Science, History and Geography.  You will get study guides and have tests in each unit.  We spend a lot of time learning how to study for these tests.  We also do a lot of hands-on work as we are learning.  

 This is one of the groups in our room.  You will sit with 4-5 other students to do your work.  You will be responsible for keeping your desk and the black bookshelf neat and organized.  

This is my work space.  I am in charge of keeping this space neat and organized.

Thank you for visiting this blog.  I will see you at school on September 9!  Be sure to leave a comment or question below in order to complete your first homework assignment.

Mrs. Harvey


  1. Will we be using all of this stuff everyday?


  2. Hi. My name is Matthew. I really enjoy science,reading, baseball, swimming, and building.This year I won an award at the library for reading more than 72 hours this summer.How does the foot power pad work?Also do we do science and electrical experiments?Do the 4th grade classes see each other?See you soon!!!

    1. Hi Matthew! I'm glad to hear you are such an avid reader! We will do some science experiments and some will include electricity! We will see the other 4th grade classes at recess and during some specials! I can't wait to meet you!

  3. Hi Mrs. Harvey! I am so excited to be in your class this year. My favorite subject is reading. I also like learning about States, I have a State map puzzle at home. Will we have recess and also will we be doing any reports?
    Sincerely- Madison

    1. Hi Madison! We will have recess every day. We will also have a few reports to do! I can't wait to hear your state knowledge!

  4. I'm excited for fourth grade all together. I am very curious who is in my class ! I am also excited to learn how to play violin.

    1. Hi Paige! I'm glad to hear you're excited! I can't wait to learn with you!

  5. Hi Mrs. Harvey, I am worried about so much reading. Alex O

    1. Hi Alex! Please don't worry about the reading. We will work on building stamina and finding books you love! We will have a great year!

  6. From Jeremy, I am excited to meet my new friends.

    1. Hi Jeremy! You will have a lot of new friends, I'm sure! I love your positive attitude!

  7. Thank you all for your comments! I am glad to see different levels of excitement! It is completely normal to feel nervous as we begin a new year with new expectations. I am confident that by working together we will turn those feelings into enthusiastic memories! I will see you soon!

  8. I wonder where my desk will be?!

    1. Hi Logan! You will choose your desk on the first day of school based on a poem that will be on the desk!

  9. Hi Mrs. Harvey I am excited and nervous for school. I can't wait to see you! Do I take my saxaphone on the first day and what will we be do with the ipads? Sincerely - Cordelia

    1. Hi Cordelia! I'm glad you're excited! I think it's normal to be a little nervous whenever you try something new; I'm a little nervous too! I'm sure in no time we will be used to all the new things! You do not need to bring your sax the first day. Lessons will begin in a few weeks. We will use the iPads for many purposes: research, watching movies, making videos, publishing writing, designing an item to print using a 3D printer,etc. we will have a great year!

  10. Hi Mrs. Harvey, I'm exited about the foot powered computer and seeing all my friends every day. What is the Reading Hall Of Fame? I love to read, write, and learn, but at the same time I like to goof around and be silly. I like to play soccer, softball, go camping, sing, dance, play lacrosse, and swim with my family. I am really looking forward to being in your class this year.
    From, Grace

  11. Hi Grace! I am looking forward to having you as a student! You are interested In so many things; I love to hear that! The reading Wall of Fame is a place of honor in our classroom for children who have read 30 (and more) books! We will talk more about that next week when school starts!

  12. Hi Mrs. Harvey. I am looking forward to using the foot power pad and learning science. I was wondering what we will be using the iPads for.

    1. Hi Sydney, Thanks for checking out the site. I am glad you are looking forward to a few things. We will use the iPads for research, publishing our writing, taking pictures and making educational videos. We will also use an app to design an item that can be printed on a 3D printer! We'll have a great year!

  13. Hi it's Matthew again. what do you mean by designing an item to print on a 3D printer.Will we actually print on a 3D printer? My dad and I have always wanted to build one .He could do it but we do not have the time to do so.I also like programming games for Microsoft small basic.In my spare time I like to re wire many different things .See you Wednesday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hi Matthew Again!, I am just learning about the 3D printer myself. We will have the actual printer for the first two months of the school year. I am not sure how quickly we will be able to design items, but once we get them created, you will be able to print at least one design. Start thinking about the possibilities! It sounds like you will have a lot to share!

  14. Hi Mrs. Harvey,
    I can't wait for tomorrow! The foot power pad looks awesome and I am excited about the book wall of fame! My brother Jackson said hi. See you tomorrow!

    1. Hi Reid! I am looking forward to seeing your familiar, friendly face tomorrow. I am glad you are excited about a few things. Please tell Jackson to have a great day in Middle School!

  15. Hi, My name is Megan. I am super excited to be in your class. My cousins Paige and Ryan say hi. I love to read and write and think science is cool. I am wondering how the stations will be set up. My goal this year is to get faster and better at math. My favorite color is blue. I can't wait to meet you. :o) Megs

    1. Hi Megan! I was wondering if you were related to the Aichingers that I know! Tell them both I said hello as well! I can't wait to learn more about reading and science with you. We will have a great year!

  16. halo I'm looking forward to everything mostly meeting you guys and gals hope you had a fun summer

  17. Hi Hunter! I look forward to meeting you tomorrow!


Your comments are welcomed! Students, please remember to use only first names! Please also proofread your comments before submitting them!