Friday, September 18, 2015

September 18, 2015

Dear Readers,

Hello!  It was a treat to meet your parents last night.  I think they really enjoyed your videos!  Thank you for doing that for them!  Please order your lunch, wash your hands and read the message.  Be careful as you get organized as your ipad is still on your desk!  You will use that this morning.

Please have your planner on your desk as you update your reading status.  Next, you should use the camera app to take a picture of something in the class that represents what you learned this week.  Try to be creative and detailed in the picture that you take.  Once you have a picture, you can use the Math Bingo app.

Korey____________, _Hunter_________, ____________ and ____________ will share today.  Ella will do the announcements.

Today is the 8th day of school.
Our word for today is excitement.
Mrs. Harvey

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