Tuesday, October 6, 2015

October 6, 2015

Hello 3D Printers,

It is so exciting that we are finally printing your designs.  Thank you for your work and patience. Now the challenge is to focus on our other work while the printer creates!  Paige will do the announcements today. Sydney, _____Matthew_____ and _Grace C._______ will share.

I am NOT going to list those three things you need to do today because many of you told me you already know....I hope you do.  Please do the first three and while you are up, put your library books on cart.  Next, spread out your homework and update your reading status.  Finally, please carefully get your ipad and log into ixl.com.  I'd like you to work on skill E.2.  You should be seeing word problems that involve division.

Mrs. Harvey

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