Monday, April 11, 2016

April 11, 2016

Good Morning Planters,

How are you?  I am so excited for you to see your plants!  After you have washed your hands and ordered your lunch, take a walk by the plant table to see your success!

Keagan will read a poem this morning.  Maddie_________, _______ and _______ will share.  Please get yourself organized and read the new poem.  After that, I need your entire group to work together to answer the questions on the the Tigers in Trouble Placemat.  You will need to read the article and answer questions 1-6 and the SuperMath problem.  Please write these answers in your math notebook.  Everyone should write the answers down.  I hope to go over these problems before Phys. Ed.  I will need your efficient work to make that happen.

Mrs. Harvey

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