Friday, January 25, 2013

Support for You

     As you work in your essay booklet, you need to explain your three main reasons.  One way to explain a reason is to use the "expanding our writing" prompts that we discussed in class.  (Find those on a previous post here at Harvey's Homebase.  Another way to support your essay is by telling a story that explains your reasons. 
     Remember, there are 4 main ingredients in a small moment story.  They are: 
thoughts and feelings

     As you continue to work in the second section of your essay booklet, be sure to include the above items in your small moment story.  Also remember to ask yourself, "Does this support my reason?"  Make sure you are staying focused on the point you are trying to make.
     I can't wait to see your progress next week.  Enjoy the steps to building a strong essay.

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