Monday, January 14, 2013

The start of a new week...

Happy Monday, Workers,

I have a lot of work planned for us this week.  I hope your weekend was restful and you are ready to get busy!  To begin, please wash your hands thoroughly and read the message.  Next, you should  order your lunch and pick up a poem and a spelling contract.

Using your book club book, please choose 10 words as your spelling words for this week.  The words should be somewhat challenging and words that you would use in your writing.  Add these words to your new contract.

Once your contract is complete, please read the new poem.  I would like you to underline all of the nouns in the poem.  Be prepared to share if the nouns are common, proper, plural or singular.

__Lauren______, __________, and ___________ will share two truths and a fib at morning meeting.

Mrs. Harvey

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