Friday, December 22, 2017

December 22, 2017
A day

All Aboard,

Welcome Students!  I am glad to have you aboard the Polar Express today.  You have worked hard during this busy season.  I am proud of you!  Please move your stick to bringing and wash your hands.  Next, please record your assignments for vacation:

Vacation homework:

share poetry folder
use Xtramath

Finally, on a post it note, please write your reading goals for vacation.  Do you plan to finish your current book?  Start a new one?  How many pages or books will you read?

We will start the Polar Express right after Morning Meeting.

s. Harvey

Thursday, December 21, 2017

December 21, 2017
F day

Happy Winter Friends,

Today is the official start of Winter; isn't that surprising? 

Please order your lunch and wash your hands. Next, you should update your reading status.  I also need you to complete the QR page, the Present Perimeter page and your Measure it.  If  you are done with all of those tasks, you can read!

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

December 20, 2017
E day

Happy Sing-A-long Day,

This is a special day; I am glad I get to spend it with you!  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  I need you to update your reading status and organize your desk.  Next, please complete one activity on your vocab menu.  If there is time, please try to work on your Measure It!

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Today's homework:
complete vocab. activity
dress nicely for Sing-a-long

bring art smock
be prepared for lessons
December 19, 2017
D day

Dear Students,

Hello!  Come in and know me better!  (That is one of my favorite quotes from a Christmas movie; do you know which one?

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status.  After that, please finish page 163 from your Math textbook.  Once that is done, you can work on one of the following Math activities:

  • QR Multiplication page
  • Wrapping paper perimeter
  • This week's Measure it
Jordan___________, _Ben_________, __________ and ______________ will share.

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, December 18, 2017

Tonight's homework:

bring Christmas book to share
Bring Art smock

practice instrument
December 18, 2017
C day

Happy Holly Hanging,

I am excited to enjoy this festive tradition with you.  Please come in and get settled quickly.  We will leave for the high school by 9:15.  Jordan   Sophia__________,Hagan ______ and ________ will share.

I'd like you to order your lunch and wash your hands.  After that, please read the new poem.  You should clip that into your folder.  Then, you can illustrate the new poem in your folder!

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, December 15, 2017

Today's homework:
Share poetry folder
Bring art smock

mystery picture
December 15, 2017
B day

Happy Friday,

I am glad to see you on this beautifully snowy morning.  We have a lot to do today so I hope you're feeling productive!

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should grab your ipad and take a few pictures that represent your learning this week.  After that, make sure you have a challenging non-fiction book for Reading Workshop.  Finally, you can spend some time working on the mystery picture from yesterday.

_______LAELA____, Vincent_______ and _______ will share.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Today's homework:
Spelling activity
snow clothes

bring Christmas book
Letter for Santa

December 13, 2017
F day

Happy Wednesday,

I am glad to see you today!  Please come in and get yourself settled.  I'd like you to order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status.  Finally, please build the following chart in your learning log. 

Topic: Iroquois
What I know
What I want to know
What I learned

___Jonah_______, ______Matthew__ and _Jackson___________ will share today.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Spelling Suggestions:
perishable     Laela    Hanukkah   Chanukah
ornament      Noel      Emmanuel  consequences
weird    Nutcracker

Today's homework:
Spelling activity
bring snow clothes

bring Christmas book
December 12, 2017
E day

Good Morning Snow Bunnies,

I am glad to see you today!  I hope you enjoyed your snow day yesterday!  _Claire______, Brendan_______ and Alex_________ will share a Christmas book today.

Please get yourself organized and order your lunch.  You should also wash your hands.  Next, please read the new poem.  Finally, please get your spelling pre-test page set up.  I hope to start the test in 10 minutes!

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, December 8, 2017

Today's homework:
share poetry folder

bring a Christmas book
gather non-fiction books
December 8, 2017
C day

Hello Snow Bunnies,

I hope you got outside yesterday and played a little.   I also hope we can get out there today during recess!

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should take a picture that represents your learning from this week.  When that is done, please steal a few minutes to enjoy EPIC.  I'd love for you to find a few non-fiction books to add to your list!

_____Bella______, _Gianna Dentico _______ and Mrs. Harvey will share a Christmas book.

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Today's homework:
Spelling activity

book order due Friday
bring Christmas book
December 7, 2017
B day

Good Morning,

Thank you for being here today!  I know the snow is exciting.  Please use that excitement to get your day started!  I need you to order your lunch and wash your hands.

____Jonah _____, Sophia_________ and _________ will share today.  Please update your reading status.  You should also turn in your spelling homework and any notes you have.  Once that is done, please find your personal narrative in your writing folder.  Please spend some time revising and editing that piece of work.  I am hoping that some of
you can start typing that today.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

December 6, 2017
A day

Happy Wednesday,

I hope you enjoyed your 1/2 day yesterday.  __Gianna,  Matthew_____, ______ and ______ will share today.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Then, please update your reading status.  Finally, I'd like you to complete the possessive nouns page.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Today's homework:
Spelling activity

book orders
free share
clothes order
December 5, 2017
F day

Happy Half Day!

As usual, I will try to cram as much into our 1/2 day as possible!  Please move your stick to bringing and wash your hands.  Then you should update your Reading Status.  Once that is done, please add a sentence to the easel using your name that demonstrates your knowledge of possessives.

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, December 4, 2017

December 4, 2017
E day

Hello Students,

I am glad you're here today!  I hope your weekend was terrific!  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should get right down to business!
1.  Read the new poem
2.  Complete page A16 in your Map Skills packet
3.  Shop for Non-fiction books.  Try to pick two books that look interesting to you!

__Jackson_____, _________ and __________ will share.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, December 1, 2017

Today's homework:
Share poetry folder
return reading slip
study for SS test

instrument lessons
December 1, 2017
D day

Happy December,

It is an exciting time of year for many.  I look forward to spending this Christmas season with all of you.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  You should also turn in your spelling activity.

I'd like you to make sure your List of Books Read is current.  Be sure to have the title, author and number of pages.  Once that is set, please get your ipad and take a picture of what you learned this week.

__Brendan_______, _Claire__________ and __Hagan__________ will share.

Mrs. Harvey