Friday, December 23, 2016

Tonight's homework:

December 23, 2016
A day

Happy Polar Express Day,

Today will be a fun, fast day.  __________ will share today.
Please move your stick to bringing and wash your hands.  Next, you should complete one of the following:

Finish your Measure It
Complete the Mystery Picture
Read Quietly

We will start our day as soon as Morning Movers ends.

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework
Use Reflex

return Nook permission slip
PJ day tomorrow

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Tonight's homework:
Use Reflex

Iroquois presentation
return Nook permission slip
December 21, 2016
F day

Dear Super Singers,

Today will be a fun day of Holiday goodness!  Please come on in and get settled.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, I would like you to update your Reading Status.  Finally, please do page 30 in your Handwriting book.

__Avery_______, ___Gavin______, __Kaidence______ and __Cole______ will share.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Today's homework:
use Reflex
Iroquois project
RF story
dress for sing-a-long
December 20, 2016
D day

Hello Happy Students,

I am glad you're here today!  Please come on in, order your lunch and wash your hands.  When that is done, please update your reading status.  After that, I'd like you to complete page 29 in  your handwriting book.  For those of you who are fast finishers, you can watch the Brain Pop Electricity video!

______Ty__, ___Jenna______, _________, and _______will share today.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Tonight's homework:
Read (Practice Polar Express)
Use Reflex
Iroquois project

RF story

December 19, 2016
C day

Good Morning Festive Friends,

We have a fun-filled day today.  Please get settled right away so we are ready to leave for Holly Hanging when we are called.  After you have ordered your lunch and washed your hands, please put your library books on the cart.  Next, you should complete page 28 in your handwriting book.

We will visit the high school for Holly Hanging and then have Sing-a-long rehearsal. We will squeeze in book exchange this afternoon!

_________Jake___, __________, _________and ____________ will share their Iroquois project today.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Tonight's homework:
share poetry folder
Use Reflex
work on Iroquois project

Bring The Polar Express
December 16, 2016
B day

Hello Carolers,

You are doing a great job practicing for your "Let it Snow" remix.  I hope we get a chance to perform it soon!

Please order  your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, I'd like you to take a picture that represents this week's learning.  Try to be unique in your idea!  After that, please complete p.27 in your handwriting.  Finally, please use the red paper to create a caroling can decorate the cover with a winter scene and glue your "Let it Snow" lyrics inside!

Wondering how much longer until Christmas?  Find out at the link below!

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, December 15, 2016


Spelling activity
RF story
Geography packet
Iroquois project
December 15, 2016
A day

Hello Chilly Kids,

I hope you dressed warm; it's cold out there! I am glad you are here today.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, be sure to put your "Let it Snow" lyrics in a safe place.  After that, I'd like you to update your reading status and complete page 25 in your Handwriting book.  Those of you who are really efficient can work on your Geography Packet!

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:
Use Reflex

Spelling activity
RF story
Iroquois project

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

December 14, 2016
F day

Hello Good Students,

You must have been good kids....treats have been left for you!  Take a minute to put on your personalized Elf hat and then order your lunch!  Next, you should wash your hands!

Please update your reading status and complete page 24 in your handwriting book.  If you have time, please work on the Reindeer QR page.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tonight's homework:
use Reflex

Spelling activity
work on RF story
work on Iroquois project
December 13, 2016
E day

Good morning!

I hope you are well today!  Miss R. will be with you this morning as I have a meeting.  I look forward to seeing you after lunch.  Thank you in advance for being your best self today!

After you have ordered your lunch and washed your hands, please update your reading status.  Next, you should complete page 23 in your handwriting book.  If you finish all of that, please work on the Reindeer QR page from yesterday.

Have a great morning!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, December 12, 2016

Tonight's homework:
use Reflex

spelling activity
start planning Iroquois presentation

spelling suggestions:
laboratory    Native American   Iroquois
advice          December
December 12, 2016
D day

Happy Monday,

I hope your weekend was terrific!  I am looking forward to seeing your Iroquois projects at the end of this week.  How is your research coming along?

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should read this week's poem.  After it is securely in your poetry folder, please number your spelling pretest paper to 20.  Maybe today is the day we squeeze it in before Phys. Ed!  You can then read until the announcements come on.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, December 9, 2016

Tonight's homework:
use Reflex
share poetry folder

research Iroquois topic
December 9, 2016
C day

Good morning Workers,

I hope you are well!  I am glad to be here with you today.  Thank you for being great for Mrs. Dagleish yesterday.

Please order your lunch, wash your hands and park your books on your cart.  Next, I'd like you to take a picture that represents your learning in the last two weeks.  Once that is done, please check out  I'd like you to try out the Moana Hour of Code.  You don't need to log in...

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

December 8, 2016
B day

Happy Thursday Students,

I am sorry that I can't be here with you today.  I know that you will be your respectful, awesome self even in my absence.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status.  Finally, please complete page 22 in your handwriting book.  If you finish all of that, you can steal a few minutes to read.

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:
Use Reflex

Complete a spelling activity
December 7, 2016
A day

Hello Students,

I hope you are well today!  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status.  After that, please complete page 20 in your handwriting book.  You will need to read the directions as this is a different page.  Please are skipping page 18-19.  We will do this a little later!

This will be a true test of your ability to read and follow directions!

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Today's homework:
Use Reflex
Spelling activity
December 6, 2016
E day

Hello there,

Did you know that "The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."  uses every letter in our alphabet?  It's true; Shannon told me!

Please move your stick to bringing and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status.  Finally, please work on page 17 in your handwriting book.

This will be a fast day, but I look forward to having some fun with you after Library!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, December 5, 2016

Tonight's homework:
Use Reflex

Spelling activity
11:00 dismissal tomorrow

Spelling suggestions:
Kwanzaa      Titan              Hanukkah
Chanukah     Christmas      fascination
December 5, 2016
E day

Good morning,

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!  I am glad to see you today.  Shannon_____, _Ty____ and ________ will share.

Please read through your new poem and put it in your clips.  Next, you should number your Spelling folder for your pretest.  Finally, please use the line plot form to build a line plot using the data on the chalk board.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, December 2, 2016

Tonight's homework:
Use Reflex
share poetry folder

item to share

Thursday, December 1, 2016

December 2, 2016
D day

Dear Singers,

Hi there.  I hope you are ready to spread some Christmas cheer!  We want to be sure to be ready when it is our turn!  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status.  While you're at it, make sure your List of Books Read List is up to date.  I will check those later today!  Finally, please complete Quick Check page 5-6.  You should be making sure your answers are reasonable!

I will be here when you get back from Phys. Ed.
_______, ______ and ________ will share.

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's Homework:
Use Reflex
Spelling activity

Santa Secret Shop tomorrow
return brown slip
December 1, 2016
C day

Dear Students,

Hello!  Welcome to December!  I can't wait to tell you about the CHEER GRAM that we will be participating in!  Please move your stick to bringing and wash your hands.  Next, you should put your library books on the cart.  Finally, please update your reading status and complete page 16 in your handwriting book!

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Use Reflex

spelling activity
letter to parents
add page
Santa Secret Shop on Friday
11:00 dismissal
November 30, 2016
B day

Hello there,

I am glad to see you today!  Please come on in, get settled and order your lunch.  While you are up, you should wash your hands too.  Next, please update your reading status and complete page 15 in your handwriting book.

Before Art, I would like you to share your observations about our mentor sentence from yesterday.  If you get everything else done, you can add more observations to that page in your writer's notebook.

_____Shannon_____, _____Gavin____ and ____Jake____ will share today.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tonight's homework:
use Reflex
spelling activity
return report card envelope

Santa Secret shop on Friday
return brown slip on Dec. 5
bring item to share
11:00 dismissal on Thurs.
November 29, 2016
A day

Hello all,

I hope you are off to a great start!  Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  After that, you should update your reading status.  Next, please complete page 14 in your Handwriting book.  Remember to trace the letters and words before you write it on your own!  When you are done with that, please re-read the Iroquois topics on the easel.  Think about what topics you are interesting in learning more about.

______Jenna__, _______ and _Cole_____ will share today.

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, November 28, 2016

Tonight's homework:
use Reflex
spelling activity

Spelling suggestions:
geography      avalanche    primary     Everest
station            Christmas    Noel           natural
resources         everlasting

November 28, 2016
F Day

Dear Students,

Hello!  Welcome back from vacation!  I hope you had a lovely time with your family!  Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  After that, I'd like you to read your new poem.  Finally, please number the next page in your spelling folder from 1-20.  We will have your pretest shortly!

_________, _________ and _______ will share.

Mrs. Harvey
November 28, 2016
F Day

Dear Students,

Hello!  Welcome back from vacation!  I hope you had a lovely time with your family!  Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  After that, I'd like you to read your new poem.  Finally, please number the next page in your spelling folder from 1-20.  We will have your pretest shortly!

_________, _________ and _______ will share.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

November 23, 2016
E day

Happy Thanksgiving Students,

When I count my blessings, I certainly include all of you.  Thank you for being such hard-working, considerate people.  I am lucky to spend my days with you!  ________, ______, and _____will share today.

Please update your reading status after your wash your hands and order your lunch.  On your desk, you will find your personal narrative.  Please treat these special stories like gold as you put them in your take home folder.  What a great thing to share with your families this week!  Once you are done with all this, please get your spelling test paper ready for your test!

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tonight's homework:
use Reflex
study for digestion test challenge (optional)
Spelling activity
PJ day tomorrow
bring item to share
November 22, 2016                                                                                      54th day of school
D day

Dear Thankful Kids,

Hello!  I am glad to see  you today.  _Kiarah_______, ____Sam__ and ___Bailey____ will share.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  After that, update your Reading status.  Finally, please complete the next row of page 7 and then do page 13.

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, November 21, 2016

Tonight's homework:
Use Reflex
Spelling activity
study for test

PJ day on Wed.
bring item to share

Spelling Suggestions:
hallucinating       reminding      independently       penguin      Christmas
Thanksgiving      gratitude

November 21, 2016
C day

Happy Thanksgiving Week,

Are you excited for turkey, potatoes and pie?  I sure am!  __________, __________ and _______ will share today.

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  While you are up, please put your library books on the cart. Next, you should read the new poem.  Finally, please number from 1-20 in your spelling folder.  I hope to squeeze in a spelling pretest before Library today.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, November 18, 2016

November 18, 2016
B day

Hello Kiddos,

Thanks for coming to school today!  It will be a fast, work-filled half day.  We don't have any Specials today, so get ready to work, work, work!

After you move your stick to "bringing" and wash your hands, please use your ipad to capture a few pictures of that represent your learning.  Next, I'd like you to get a piece of paper and put a full heading on it. (Use the example next to the "Tenacity" sign.)  Then number the paper from 1-10.  This will be for your spelling test.  You will take that shortly.

____, ______ and ______ will share today.

Mrs. Harvey
November 18, 2016
B day

Hello Kiddos,

Thanks for coming to school today!  It will be a fast, work-filled half day.  We don't have any Specials today, so get ready to work, work, work!

After you move your stick to "bringing" and wash your hands, please use your ipad to capture a few pictures of that represent your learning.  Next, I'd like you to get a piece of paper and put a full heading on it. (Use the example next to the "Tenacity" sign.)  Then number the paper from 1-10.  This will be for your spelling test.  You will take that shortly.

____, ______ and ______ will share today.

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Tonight's homework:
use Reflex

Spelling activity
Food for food drive
bring item to share
November 17, 2016
A Day

Dear Students,

Welcome to Thursday!  Please order your lunch and wash your hands!  After that, you should update your reading status.  Lastly, I'd like you to do the sixth row on page 7 and then do page 12 in your handwriting book.

We will talk more today about the Iroquois.  What are you wondering about these American Indians?

________, ________, _________ will share today.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Tonight's homework:
Use Reflex

Spelling activity
Bring Food for Food Drive
KWT 610 22B
item to share
November 16, 2016
E day

Good morning,

I hope you are well today!  We will continue to work on your subtraction skills today.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status.  Finally, please complete the next row on p.7 in your handwriting.  Then you can move on to page 11.  Remember to trace the letters before you try them on your own.

Do you say, "Bless you!" when somebody sneezes? Did you every stop to wonder why?  Shannon
taught me that it's because when you sneeze your heart stops for a millisecond!

__Will___, ____Kaidence___ and __Isabelle_____ will share!

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tonight's homework:
Use Reflex (And I mean it!!!)

Spelling activity
Food Drive
November 15, 2016
E Day

Good morning,

I am glad to see you today!  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  After that, I'd like you to update your reading status.  Finally, please do the 4th row of p. 7 in your handwriting book.   Once your hand is warmed up, complete page 10.

___________, ___________ and __________ will share.

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, November 14, 2016

Tonight's homework:
use Reflex

Spelling activity
Food drive

Spelling suggestions:
difficulty        digestive       excruciating     allegiance
magically        personal       voracious          headquarters
November 14, 2016
D day

Hello Students,

I hope your weekend was enjoyable!  I look forward to working with you today.  _Isabelle____, Kaidence,Gray___Will__ Avery  and _Owen_Gavin_ will share a student council letter.

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should read this week's poem.  Lastly, please do Row 3 on Handwriting book page 7.  Once you are warmed up, you should complete p. 9. Remember to trace the letters before trying it yourself!

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Tonight's homework:
use Reflex

For some:
Student council letter
finish PN
Dynamath p. 9
November 10, 2016
C day

Dear Students,

Hello!  Thank you for coming to school today!  Please wash your hands thoroughly and order your lunch.  While you are up, please put your library books on the cart.  Next, you should update your reading status.  Finally, please find your handwriting book in your desk.  Take some time to flip through the book to get an idea of what is to come!

_Emma____, __Dylan______ and _Gray______ will share today.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Tonight's homework:
use Reflex

write Student Council
PC p.134
illustrate personal narrative
November 9, 2016
B day

Hello Americans,

We have a new president-elect for our country: Donald Trump will be our president for the next four years.  I am sure you will hear a lot about this in the months to come.

Please order your lunch and wash your hands as usual.  Next, you should update your reading status.  Once that is done, please finish Practice page 4-1 and Quick Check 4-1 from yesterday's math lesson.  If you are done with that, you can get your iPad and check out the Hunting Lodge post at my blog.  Can you find the captions that you wrote?

Later today, we will have a Pizza Party celebration because you won the Elma Library contest.  It will be a fun time!

Mrs. Harvey
November 9, 2016
B day

Hello Americans,

We have a new president-elect for our country: Donald Trump will be our president for the next four years.  I am sure you will hear a lot about this in the months to come.

Please order your lunch and wash your hands as usual.  Next, you should update your reading status.  Once that is done, please finish Practice page 4-1 and Quick Check 4-1 from yesterday's math lesson.  If you are done with that, you can get your iPad and check out the Hunting Lodge post at my blog.  Can you find the captions that you wrote?

Later today, we will have a Pizza Party celebration because you won the Elma Library contest.  It will be a fun time!

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tonight's homework:
Use Reflex
November 8, 2016
A Day

Hello Citizens,

I am glad to see you today; it is election day.   Today, our country will elect a new president as well as many other positions in government.  I have the feeling you are part of an historical time!

I hope you survived yesterday's Hunting Lodge experience.  I thought it was wonderful!  We will view some of the pictures and do some writing about your time later today.

Please update your reading status and order your lunch.  Of course you should wash your hands too.

Mrs. Harvey

Hunting Lodge Experience

On November 7, Students from Elma Primary
 and Marilla Primary had the fabulous experience of
working with Earth Spirit to learn about the Iroquois.
Students moved through three different stations learning about Iroquois artifacts, folklore and game and building an authentic hunting lodge.
Students from Mrs. Harvey's class wrote captions to commemorate their experience...

Look at all the Iroquois artifacts!

Mr. Scott chooses volunteers to be the Iroquois tribes.
Avery was chosen as the clan mother for the Cayuga Eagles.
We even got to feel some different artifacts.
Ty and Dylan are feeling the moose skin.

Oh No!  A "leaf-a-lanche!"
Sam, Kiarah and Emma are going in the Hunting Lodge that we have finished.

Jacob is carrying wood for the lodge.

Emma was cold, but cool!

Kaidence and Jenna are piling leaves to cover for  the Hunting Lodge.
Kiarah is working hard on the hut, and working hard
at not getting dirty.
Did someone order a pound of leaves?
Owen did a great job collecting leaves for the lodge.
Pick me!
Listen up and start building!

This is the hunting lodge like the Native Americans made.
Four fourth grade classes worked on it.  We built this out of wood and leaves.  
The new and improved hunting lodge!
Our Hunting Lodge has been finished...first the wood then the leaves now all our hard work payed off. We all worked together to build one big hunting lodge.   Always believe.
Mrs.Harvey,Isabelle and Shannon are in the Lodge that we built out of  logs, sticks and leaves.
Isabell says, "I could sleep in here, but not by myself!"

Inside the lodge, it is dark from all the leaves and sticks covering us.
Isabelle was tired and dirty, so she took a break inside.
Looking at the Iroquois artifacts with Mr. Scott...this weapon was called the belly ripper.

We shook it up with these Iroquois maracas!
Isabelle and Shannon were having a lot of fun singing with  Scott.  Shannon was shaking
the rattle as hard as she could.

We learned lots of different games.
All the students learned how to play double ball.
The Iroquois girls played double ball but the  boys played lacrosse.
Playing double ball was really hard.

We are anxious to use Native American instruments.  

Playing games outside was a lot of fun.
Target practice!

We are lining up to shoot corn through a hoop!
We are getting ready to play a game where you have to throw a piece of hard corn through a moving hoop.

Ready?  Set.  Corn!
We tried to shoot a corn dart through a hoop.  It was really hard.

You need good accuracy for this game!

Jenna was chosen to be a clan mother.

Monday, November 7, 2016

November 7, 2016
F day

Hello Builders,
It is a perfect day to learn about the Iroquois and their hunting lodges.  I hope you are ready to work and learn!  Please move your stick to "bringing."  Next, empty your backpack of everything except for your lunch and your change of shoes/clothes.  Make a neat pile of your backpack belongings on your desk.  Finally, please wait quietly at your desk for Mrs. Miller's directions.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, November 4, 2016

Tonight's homework
Use Reflex
Share Poetry folder

Dress for outside work on Monday
Bring Brown Bag lunch on Monday
November 4, 2016
E day

Happy Friday,

I am glad you see you today!  Please get settled and right to work; I have high hopes for you today!   After you have ordered your lunch and washed your hands, you should pick up your iPad.  Snap a few pictures that represent your specific learning from this week.  Once you have done that, please find the Educreations app on your iPad.  Log in using the direction I gave you and explore the app- how can you use this to show your learning?

Mrs. Harvey

p.s. _____Sam____, ___Shannon______, and __Kylie_______ will share today.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Tonight's homework:
use Reflex
study for Science test
Remind Mom and Dad about Hunting Lodge on Monday

L/W share
November 3, 2016
D day

Good  morning,

I am glad to see you!  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, I'd like you to update your reading status.  If you need time to finish your Math test, please do that next.  If you are done with your math test, you should sneak in a few minutes of reading time!

___Dylan___, _______ and _______ will share a L/W fact.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Tonight's homework:
use Reflex
Study for Science test
November 2, 2016
C day

Hello Dam Builders,
Today we will work together to learn more about dams and how they affect the environment around them. Once you get settled, I'd like you to re-read pages 65-68 in the Land and Water book with a partner. First, please order your lunch and wash your hands.  You should also put your library books on the cart. Next, I'd like you to update your reading status.  Finally, find a partner and read "Releasing a River."  You should be looking for the positive and negative effects of dams.

Mrs. Harvey

p.s. ________, _________ and __________ will share.
November 2, 2016
C day

Hello Dam Builders,
Today we will work together to learn more about dams and how they affect the environment around them. Once you get settled, I'd like you to re-read pages 65-68 in the Land and Water book with a partner. First, please order your lunch and wash your hands.  You should also put your library books on the cart. Next, I'd like you to update your reading status.  Finally, find a partner and read "Releasing a River."  You should be looking for the positive and negative effects of dams.

Mrs. Harvey

p.s. ________, _________ and __________ will share.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tonight's homework:
Use Reflex
Study for Land and Water test

Bring dam materials
November 1, 2016
B day

Hello Sleepy Kids,

I hope you had a great time last night!  I bet you are on the tired side today.  Please come in and get settled into our morning routine: wash your hands, order your lunch, and update your reading status.  Today marks the first day of a new month.  I hope to check your list of books read.  Make sure that list is all filled in with author, title and number of pages.  Once that is done, you should read quietly.

______Will__, __________ and _________ will share a L/W fact.

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, October 31, 2016

Tonight's homework:
study for Science test (Test on Friday)

bring dam materials
October 31, 2016
A day

Happy Halloween Kids,

I am excited to see your costumes today!  We will get dressed for the parade and party right after lunch.  Until then, we have some work to do.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, read through the new poems with a partner.  Choose one poem to perform for the class.  You should practice that poem many times, complete with fun voices and body movements.  We will share at morning meeting today.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, October 28, 2016

Tonight's homework:
use Reflex
share poetry folder
bring costume!

type personal narrative
L/W facts
Friday, October 28, 2016
F Day

Happy Friday!

I am glad to see you today!  Please come in and get settled!  After you have washed your hands and ordered your lunch, I'd like you to pick up your ipad.  Please take a few pictures to represent your learning this week.  The goal is to be specific and unique.

Once you have your pictures, please complete 18 in  your Blue Math packet.  After that,  you should begin the Practice side of P3-5.

Kiarah will do the announcements.  ___Kaidence______, _____Isabelle_____ and ____Ty_____ will share.

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Tonight's homework:
use Reflex

prepare L/W facts
October 27, 2016
E day

Dear Students,

Hello!  I am glad you're here!  Sam will do the announcements.  _Jake_______, _Bailey______ and _______ will share a Land/Water fact today.

After you wash your hands and order your lunch, please head to your desk.  Once your ribbon is on, you should update your reading status.  After that, please complete page 16 in your Blue Math packet.

Mrs. Harvey
October 27, 2016
E day

Dear Students,

Hello!  I am glad you're here!  Sam will do the announcements.  _Jake_______, _Bailey______ and _______ will share a Land/Water fact today.

After you wash your hands and order your lunch, please head to your desk.  Once your ribbon is on, you should update your reading status.  After that, please complete page 16 in your Blue Math packet.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Tonight's homework:
use Reflex
wear Team Jersey

L/W share
October 26, 2016
D day

Hello Promisers,

Welcome!  I hope you all can plant the promise to be drug free!  I look forward to seeing your GREEN today!  Owen will do the announcements.  _____Will____, ___gavin____ and _____ will teach us about Land/Water.
Please complete the following:
  1. Wash hands
  2. Order lunch
  3. Reading Status
  4. Complete side 7 of the Division page
Thank you!
Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tonight's homework:
Use Reflex
study for SS test tomorrow
October 25, 2016
C day

Hi there Crazy Sock Wearers,

I am happy to see you today!  Please come in, order your lunch and wash your hands.  While you are up, you should put your library books on the cart.  Next, you should update your Reading Status.

I have a second job for you this morning.  Please find a white board on the black shelf near your desk.  Write a 6 digit number on the slate.  Please do not use any digit more than 3 times.  (No fair writing 999,999!)  Be prepared to share your number at morning meeting.

Kylie will do the announcements.  ______, _______ and _______ will share a Land/Water fact.

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, October 24, 2016

Tonight's homework:
Study for SS test
Use Reflex
Wear Crazy Socks
Wear Red Ribbon 
Bring Library books

edit PN
October 24, 2016
B day

Hello Drug-Free Kids,
Welcome to Red Ribbon Week!  Did you remember to wear red?  While I hope that you will always pledge to be drug-free, this week focuses on making that commitment.  I have a ribbon for you to wear; can you commit to wearing it all week?

Will will do the announcements.  ___Cole__Gray___, _______ and __Jenna_____ will share a Land/Water fact.  Please read through your new poem.  Once you have read it, please underline all of the nouns.  If time allows, you can illustrate the border.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, October 21, 2016

Tonight's homework:
use Reflex
study for SS test, test on 10/26
share poetry folder
wear RED on Monday
October 21, 2016
A day

Hello Busy Kids,

I am glad to see you today.  It was a fast week; I hope you learned a lot despite how quickly it went by.  Please order your lunch, wash your hands and grab your iPad.  First you should take a picture that represents your learning this week.  Next, I'd like you to use Reflex math.  Let's all shoot for the green light today!

Ty will do the announcements.  ___Cole_____, ________ and ______ will share a land or water fact.

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  I hope we have time to review rivers with this video today.  Remind me to show it to you before Phys. Ed!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Tonight's homework:
Use Reflex
study for SS test, test on 10/26

finish revising PN
October 20, 2016
F Day

Dear Magical Students,

I am happy to be with you today.  Thank you for earning another positive report from Mrs. Dagleish.  Please wash your hands, order your lunch and update your reading status.  Once that is done, please pull out your map and check it over.  I will be collecting these later today.  You should make sure you have done your very best work.

Dylan will do the announcements.  _Owen     Kiarah_________, _Avery_______ and _________ will share a Land or Water fact.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

October 19, 2016
E day

Hello Workers,

I am sorry that once again, I can't be with you today.  I am in the building at a meeting, so I will try to stop in and see you.  (Did you notice my compound sentence there?!)

Isabelle will do the announcements.  You should all order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, do a quality job of updating your reading status.  Once that is done, I'd like you to read until the announcements come on!

You will notice that I gave each of you a "caught being good ticket."  That is from the Monday report.  I wonder how many you will earn today?

Do your best,
Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:
Map due on Thursday
Reflex math

personal narrative
Map Skills p. A14
book orders due Friday
October 18, 2016
D day

Dear Pattern Seekers,

Hello!  I am happy to see you today!  I was pleased to get a great report from Mrs. Degliesh about your work yesterday.  Dylan will do the announcements today.

Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  Next, you should update your reading status.  When that is done, you can steal a few minutes to read.  I am wondering if anyone is ready to share a Land or Water fact.  You might choose to work on that this morning!

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, October 14, 2016

October 17, 2016
C day

Hello Students,

Happy Monday.  I am sorry that I can't be here today.  I am at a conference learning even more about voracious reading.  Please be sure to follow our class rules today: be respectful, responsible and a risk taker! While you're still up, please put your library books on the cart.

Jenna will do the announcements.  We will begin the bossy Land and Water share on Thursday.  Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  Next, you should read the new poem.  Finally, please illustrate the poem with pictures that come to mind.

Mrs. Harvey
Tonight's homework:
use Reflex
work on Map
share poetry folder

book order due 10/21
finish personal narrative
October 14, 2016
B day

Happy Friday,

It has been a short week, but I hope you still have a plethora of items that you have learned!  Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  After that, you should update your reading status.  Finally, I'd like you to take a few pictures to represent your learning this week.  Once that is done, you can have a few minutes of Free Ipad time!

Mrs. Harvey

Sam will do the announcements this morning!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Tonight's homework:
Work on Map (Due Thursday 10/20)

Fall Fest tonight!
October 13, 2016
A Day

Hello Book Lovers,

Today will be a fun day for most of you.  We will go to the Book Fair at 1:00.  I love to see what books you pick!  Cole will do the announcements.

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status.  After that, I'd like you to complete the division page.  Please start with Side 7.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Tonight's homework:
Use Reflex
work on Map (Due Thursday Oct. 20)
Book fair tomorrow (Bring $$$)

book orders due Oct. 21
October 12, 2016
F day

Good morning,

I am happy to see you today; it feels like forever since I have seen you!  I hope you had a great long weekend!  I can't wait to hear about it!  Bailey will do the announcements this morning.

After you order your lunch and wash your hands, please update your reading status.  Then, you should read the new poem.  If time allows, you can illustrate the white space around the poem.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, October 7, 2016

Tonight's homework:
use Reflex
share poetry folder

Book orders due Oct. 14

                                             October 7, 2016
E Day

Happy Friday,

I am looking forward to working with you today. ____Cole___ and ________ will share today.  Emma will do the announcements.  

Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status.  Once that is done, please take a few pictures that represent your learning this week.  Try to be unique in your picture taking!  

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Tonight's homework:
Use Reflex

bring item to share
finish PN
October 6, 2016
D day

Hello Photographic Kids,

I love to see how everyone gets all gussied up on Picture Day.  We will have our pictures taken at 1:00 today; you'll have to stay fancy until then!

Please order your lunch and wash your hands right away.  Next, you should update your reading status.  Finally, please put your name on the new pink Math packet and number the pages.  You can can begin working on page 1 when that is all done.

_____Sam_,_______Jenna____ and ____Ty___ will share.  Grayson will do the announcements.
Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Tonight's homework:

work on personal narrative
bring an item to share

October 5, 2016
C Day

Dear Multipliers,

I am so impressed with how you did on your first Math test.  We will pass those back today so you can see your grade.  I am curious to see how that translates to multiplication facts; we will take a timed test today to see your progress!

______Avery_____, ___Bailey  _____ and _Shannon________ will share.  Kaidence will do the announcements.  Park your library books on the cart right away.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands while you are up.  Next, update your reading status.  Finally, get warmed up for your timed test by completing side 4 of the mulitplication page on your desk.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tonight's homework:
Reflex math
picture day on Thursday!!
job applications due Friday
 For Hire: class librarian
                 iPad cart
                 class photographer
October 4, 2016
B day

Happy Sunny Day,

Good morning!  Because of Mr. Fenz' visit yesterday, the sharers didn't have a chance to share.  Therefore,  ________, __Sam_____ and __Will_____ will share today.  Also Gavin will do the announcements.

Please do your normal morning routine: wash hands, order lunch update reading status.  When that is done, you can illustrate yesterday's Black poem or read your chapter book.

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, October 3, 2016

October 3, 2016
A day

Happy Monday!

I hope your weekend was great!  _____Jenna___, __Sam_____ and __Will_____ will share today.

Please order your lunch, wash your hands and update your reading status.  Next, you should read this week's new poem.  Once you have read and put it in your clips, you can illustrate the poem.

Mrs. Harvey
October 3, 2016
A day

Happy Monday!

I hope your weekend was great!  _____Jenna___, __Sam_____ and __Will_____ will share today.

Please order your lunch, wash your hands and update your reading status.  Next, you should read this week's new poem.  Once you have read and put it in your clips, you can illustrate the poem.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, September 30, 2016

Tonight's homework:
share poetry folder
September 30, 2016
F Day

Hello Half Dayers,

Today will be a fast, busy day as we dismiss at 12:00.  I appreciate you getting right to work.  Please order your lunch and wash your hands.  Next, you should update your reading status.  Finally, please take some time to revise this week's mentor sentence.

_Kiarah_______, __Owen_______ and __DYLAN_______ will share today.

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Tonight's homework:
use Reflex Math

add mini stories to wn
bring library card
bring item to share
September 29, 2016
E day
Hello Readers,

The P.T.O. has planned a special celebration of this year's Reading Theme.  We will attend a concert today to kick off the Reading theme!

Please order your lunch and wash your hands as normal.  Then you should update your reading status. Once that is done, please work on labeling the parts of speech in this week's mentor sentence.  Remember, you rewrite the sentence in the second box, skipping lines in between each row.  Then you label the parts of speech that you know!

_Jake________, _Gavin,___Izzy____ and ___Emma____ will share.

Mrs. Harvey
September 29, 2016
E day
Hello Readers,

The P.T.O. has planned a special celebration of this year's Reading Theme.  We will attend a concert today to kick off the Reading theme!

Please order your lunch and wash your hands as normal.  Then you should update your reading status. Once that is done, please work on labeling the parts of speech in this week's mentor sentence.  Remember, you rewrite the sentence in the second box, skipping lines in between each row.  Then you label the parts of speech that you know!

_Jake________, _Gavin,___Izzy____ and ___Emma____ will share.

Mrs. Harvey