Friday, December 21, 2012

Good morning and Merry Christmas,

I am happy to see all of you today!  We will have a fast, yet work-filled morning.  We have Art at 8:40 today for 15 minutes! 

After you wash your hands and move your stick, please work on your non-fiction book.  If that is done, you can have some writer's notebook time!

I hope to see you at morning meeting at 8:00.  Let's work together to meet that goal!

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Homework for Tonight:
read (update status)
 56 X 39   876 X 4

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Homework for Tonight:
read (update status)
 67 X 34  9234 X 12   301/4
work on non-fiction book
 study for science
vote for playground
snowman contest
***10:00 dismissal****
Happy Wednesday Writers,

I am so impressed with how your non-fiction books are turning out.  I am really looking forward to the celebration on Friday!  We will continue to work on the final drafts today. 

Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  While you are up, please add a proper noun and a common noun to the easel.  Next, please work with synonyms and antonyms on PC p. 139  When that is done, please practice your fluency on p. 162.  I hope to have some of you perform the piece at morning meeting.

Mrs. Harvey

p.s.  There is Math Olympiad today at 10:15.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Homework for Tonight:
Read (update status)
 SL 5.8 600/5   57 X 39
PC p. 182
 handwriting/ PC catch up
vote for playground
snowman contest

1 week 'til Christmas

Happy Tuesday Everyone,

The countdown is officially on....we have exactly one week until Christmas.  I hope you are excited, but also ready to work.  I hope to share this morning at morning meeting.

After you do your normal tasks (order and wash), please update your reading status.  Next, please practice prefixes on page 171 in your practice companion.  Lastly, you should use ixl on the ipad practice skill E.1- division facts!

Let's have  great day!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, December 17, 2012

Homework for Tonight:
read (update status)
 SL 5.7      567/3   791/6
PC p. 180
 Handwriting p. 81

Our last week together this year!

Good morning, Students,

I am very happy to see you today.  I can't believe this is the last week before Christmas!  I hope we can enjoy the holiday spirit together this week.  I will share during morning each day!

Please step right into our normal routine of washing hands and ordering lunch.  Next, I would like you to read our new poem.  Finally, please complete PC page 158.  You should be getting pretty familiar with those words by now!

Lastly, please spend some time writing in your writer's notebook.  I will be around to check your poetry folder shortly!

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, December 14, 2012

Homework for Tonight:
 share poetry folder
print (5)animal pictures
study for Science and S.S.
 vote for playground, snowman contest

Busy B Day

Good morning, Busy Bs!

Today is our jam packed B day.  Please get started by washing your hands and returning your library books.  While you are up, please order your lunch!  I hope to have Evan share this morning, but we will have to see if that really happens!  (I'm sorry, Evan!)

For morning work, I would like you to complete PC page 113.     When that is done, please finish up these various projects:

  • The wonderopolis summary
  • PC page 184
  • Your non-fiction book

If those items are all complete, please write in your writer's notebook!

Mrs. Harvey
Homework for Tonight:
read (update status)
 Studylink 5.6
Handwriting p. 80
 12/12/12, handwriting fix up, PC fix

Did you survive dozen day?

Welcome Learners,

I hope you survived "dozen" day!  I am glad to see you here today.  Evan will share.  Please wash, read and order as normal.

I will be around to check your homework.  As you wait for me, please update your reading status.  Next, please work on PC p. 138.  You will probably need the glossary of the theme reader to help you.  Work neatly please!

We will continue to work on multiplication methods today.  I need your help in adding partial products to our "how to multiply" poster. We will do that during math workshop!

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Homework for Tonight:
 12/12/12/ challenge
PC p. 161


Welcome Students,

Today is an exciting day....12/12/12/!  This is the last time in our livetimes that you will see a date with such cool numbers!  In honor of this special day, I present you with the 12/12/12/ challenge.

This morning, and throughout the day, you must complete the following:

On the 12x12 paper, put your name and the date.
Next, complete these 12 tasks.  Number each task and complete your work neatly and with color!
1.  List 12 math equations that equal 12.  Use a variety of operations.
2.  List the 12 multiples of 12
3.  List 12 machines that you will use today that require electricity.
4.  List 12 states that you hope to visit someday.
5.  You can have 12 of anything you want.  What do you choose?
6.  Around the perimeter of the page, draw 12 inventions that have been created since 12/12/1912.
7.  Use a dictionary to look up the twelfth letter in the alphabet.  Find the twelfth entry.  Write a sentence using the word.  Underline the word. 
8.  Write  a prediction using only 12 words that describes the world on 12/12/2012.
9.  Draw a picture using 12 straight lines.
10.  Find something other than a ruler that is exactly 12 inches long.  Draw a picture of it.
11. Find and write a word that is exactly 12 letters long.
12.  Eggs come in a group of 12 called a dozen.  Cows come in a group called a herd.  Find and list other animals and the names of the groups they come in.

You must complete the 12/12/12 challenge in the next 12 hours.  I look forward to your creative and organized work!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, December 10, 2012

2 weeks 'til Christmas

Good morning Workers,

I hope you are well today.  ___Ryan B.___, Jacob D. and _____Jayden will share.  Please wash your hand and order your lunch.  While you are up, please pick up your reading log so you can do your status.

After your status is complete, please do Studylink 5.2  This will allow you to practice the multiplication wrestling method of multiplication.  Work carefully through the many steps.  If you finish the studylink before I call for morning meeting, you can have some bonus ipad time. 

I will be around to check your homework.

Mrs. Harvey
Homework for Tonight:
read (update status)
Handwriting p.78
Studylink 5.3
459/2      701/6
work on non-fiction book
vote for playground
snowman contest

Friday, December 7, 2012

Homework for Tonight:
share poetry folder
vote for playground
snowman contest

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Spreading Christmas cheer with a clash!

Hello Clashing Christmas kiddos,

Good morning.  I hope to see you at morning meeting at 8:00 today.  Let's see if that can happen!  Please wash your hands, read this message and order your lunch.  Next, you should update your reading status.  I will call you over to check your homework.

It seems that many of you are enjoying various traditions at home, including the antics of your elf on the shelf.  Another tradition at this time of year is thinking of others who are less fortunate than us.  The 5th grade student council members will be visiting the City Mission next week.  They would like to take cards that have a kind message inside.  Please use the rest of your morning to make a card for a person who needs to hear a happy message this time of year.  Be sure to sign only your first name on the card.  The paper for the cards is on the front table.  Be artistic and neat!

Mrs. Harvey

Homework for Tonight:
read (update status)
Handwriting p. 77
spelling activity
division page     741/9     4,510/3
vote for playground
snowman contest

Shopping Day

Happy Thursday, Shoppers!

Today, you will have a chance to do some shopping for the people that you care about.  We will shop at 10:30 today.  In the meantime, ___________, ____________ and _____________ will share.  Please wash, read, order and update to start the day.

After your normal routine, I have a few tasks for you to do.  First, return your library books.  If you are in my first math group, please complete the division paper from yesterday.  If you haven't finished your math test corrections, please do those as well.  If you haven't hung your hands on the door,  please take care of that too!  Finally, please spend some time writing in your writer's notebook.  I will call you over to check your homework shortly.

Mrs. Harvey

Day 58 is really great!

Good Morning Students,

I hope you enjoyed your extra time off yesterday.  I was lucky enough to spend some time with your families discussing your progress.  ___________, ________________ and ______________will share this morning.

Today we will begin a new Math unit.  The focus of this unit is multiplication of larger numbers.  By the time you are done, you will know how to solve problems like 57 X 89.  To get in the Math mood, please finish correcting your math test and then complete Mathbox 4.11. Of course you do those things only after you update your status and complete the other routine items.  When your mathbox is done, please trace and cut out four green hands.

Mrs. Harvey
Homework for Tonight:
read (update status)
spelling activity
handwriting p.76
add notes to research notebook
Santa Secret shop tomorrow
SL 5.1    341 / 5    4117 / 7
vote for playground
snowman challenge

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Homework for Tonight:
read (update status)
spelling activity
handwriting 74-75
add notes to research notebook

Monday, December 3, 2012

Another 1/2 day...

Hi there Half Dayers,

We will again try to accomplish many things during today's shortened day.  Please get started with our routine right, wash, and update your status.  You can also put your stick in the bringing envelope to show that you are here!

This morning I need you to re-read the story in your theme reader called "Living Green."  It starts on page 71.  We will use this for some strategy work a little later so I need to your review the story now.  Be sure to read carefully and use your monitor and fix up strategies!

Mrs. Harvey

Homophone pairs

These are some tricky homophone pairs that we will be working with this week:

their, there and they're
weight and wait
sum and some
pair and pear
clothes and close
serious and Sirius
knight and night
no and know
it's and its
see and sea
cereal and serial
allowed and aloud
wood and would
Homework for Tonight:
read (update status)
983/5      456/9   408/4
spelling activity
handwriting p.72-73
Santa Secret Shop on Thursday

Welcome December!

Hello Proactive Learners,

Now that you are aware of being proactive, we change our "word" to "Begin with the end in mind."  Please read page 54 in your planner to get an idea of what this phrase means. 

After you have read your planner, washed your hands, read this message and ordered your lunch, please read our new poem.  I would also like you to get a page ready in your word work section for today's Spelling pretest.  I hope to start the test right after announcements so do not delay.  When all of that is done, please work on Math box 4.10.  Mr. Fenz comes this morning so it is important that you are efficient!

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, November 30, 2012

Homework for Tonight:
share poetry folder
vote for playground

The End of the month...

Welcome Learners,

I am shocked to realize that we are at the end our our third month together.  As I conference with your parents, I am aware of how much we have learned together in 55.5 days!  I am proud of the work you are all doing!

Tomorrow is December 1st.  That means it is time for me to check your "books read" list.  Please finish up any books you have started and make sure your list is up to date.  I will check your list Monday morning!  Remember, you need to have three books read in order to meet the goal!

This morning, please complete your normal routine.  After you have updated your status, please come see me with your homework  While you wait for me or when you are checked in, please work on Math box 4.9. 

________Gabby____, _______________ and _______________ will share at morning meeting.

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Homework for Tonight:
Read (update status)
Spelling activity
904/6       4531 X 8  (Hi Joey!)
Handwriting p. 70-71
vote for playground

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A full day!

November 29, 2012

Hello Class,

I am not able to be here with you this morning, but I look forward to seeing you later today.  I hope you have a great start to your day.  Please begin by washing your hands, reading the message and ordering your lunch.  While you are up, please also return your library books.

Our schedule is a little different today.  We will have Library at 8:05.  I need you to work on Math box 4. 8 until morning meeting.

Mrs. Harvey
Homework for Tonight:
Read (update status)
Spelling activity
893/7      821 X 4
Handwriting (2 pages)
Bring library books
vote for playground

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

.5 of a day

Hello Half Dayers,

Today we dismiss at 10:00.  My goal is to accomplish a lot of work before you go home.  Please start by washing, reading and putting your stick in the bringing bags.  Your next job is to update your status.  I look forward to seeing you with your homework when that is all done.

After I check your homework, please work on Studylink 4.8.  You should only do #2-11.  Keep in mind the sentence, "King Hector Died Unexpectantly Drinking Chocolate Milk."  That should help you with your conversions!

We will have a short P.E. class today at 8:20.  We will have library tomorrow.  You will need to bring your books on Thursday a.m.  Thanks for getting right to work....

Mrs. Harvey
Homework for Tonight:
Read (complete status)
SL 4.6
Handwriting p. 66-67
spelling activity
653/5    621 X 7
return report card envelope
vote for playground

Monday, November 26, 2012

Glad to see you

November 27, 2012

Hello Learners,

I am happy you are back today!  Ryan A__________, _Brianna__________ and ____________ will share.  After you wash, read and order, please start your day by updating your reading status.  I look forward to seeing your homework as soon as your update is complete. 

After I have checked your homework, please complete the measuring page I gave you.  When that is done, you can do some work in your research notebook.  Remember, we are just taking notes at this stage!

Mrs. Harvey
Homework for Tonight:
Read (complete status)
SL 4.7
Handwriting p. 64-65
678/4             45 X 6
return report card envelope
vote for playground

Welcome back!

November 26, 2012

Hello Students,

I am happy to see you today.  I hope your Thanksgiving vacation was a special one.  _Owen_________, _____________ and ______________ will share today!

Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  Next, please turn to the next blank page in your Word work section and number from 1- 20.  When that is done, please visit the easel to mark down your favorite Thanksgiving food.  We will use that data to make a line plot later.  Finally, please work in your writer's notebook.

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Homework for Tonight:
return report card envelope
be grateful

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 21, 2012

Hello Iroquois Experts,

I hope you enjoyed learning about the Iroquois yesterday.  You will continue to study their lifestyle with Mrs. Winiecki during Social Studies.  As we prepare for Thanksgiving, let me take a minute to tell you that I am thankful for YOU;  I truly appreciate working with you all every day.

_______________, _______________ and _________________will share.  Please update your status after you have washed your hands and ordered your lunch.  I will be waiting for you at the side table.  Bring your status and your spelling activity over as soon as possible.

After you have checked in with me, please finish the survival essay you started yesterday.  When you finish that, hold on to it and enjoy some free writing time in your writer's notebook.

Mrs. Harvey
Homework for Tonight:
Read (complete status)
Spelling activity
Handwriting p. 62-63
vote for playground
return conference form

Monday, November 19, 2012

Iroquois Day

November 20, 2012

Hello Iroquois Clan members,

Today we will spend a lot of time learning about the Iroquois Native Americans.  You will travel in clans based on the brown card I gave you this morning.  Keep this card safe!  Our day will start at 8:00 with a visit to Scott from Earth Spirit.  He will teach us about the Iroquois lifestyle.  What questions do you have about how the Iroquois lived?

We will not have time for sharing this morning. Please update your status and wash your hands.  After your lunch has been ordered, get right to work on taking notes on your animal.  Remember to write one fact down on each index card.

I will be around to check your homework.  Please have everything spread out neatly!

Mrs. Harvey
Homework for Tonight:
Read (complete status)
Spelling activity
DMP p. 30
Handwriting p. 60-61
Studylink 4.4
return conference form
bring white t-shirt

Thankful for you!

November 19, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving week,

Happy Monday, kids!  I hope you had a great weekend.  We are in for a short, but busy week.  I hope you are ready to be proactive in many ways!  _______Gabby_________, _____Carlos________ and ____Jacob __________will share.

Please wash, read and order.  Next, you should update your reading status.  Finally, please enjoy the new poem.  After you read it, please take some time to illustrate the poem.

I look forward to seeing your reading status and your poetry folder at the side table as soon as possible.

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, November 16, 2012

It's Friday already!

November 16 , 2012

Happy Friday Problem Solvers,

I appreciate you helping me with the morning time problem.  We will try again to meet for morning meeting close to 8:00a.m.  ________Gabby______, ____Jacob scott______ and ______Charlie Jacobs______________ will share. 

Please wash, read and update.   As soon as you are ready, please come see me with your homework.  After you have been checked, please pick up your ipad and solve this problem:   185/5 

Take a picture of the work when you are done and then take a few pictures that represent your learning this week. Try to take a unique picture!

I hope to see you soon!

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Homework for Tonight:
Bring old white t-shirt
Read (status)
DMP p. 29
SL 4.3
Handwriting p. 58-59
spelling activity

Measurement Sorting Day

November 15, 2012

Happy Thursday everyone,

I am looking forward to seeing if your night time status work gets us to the rug earlier!  Please read, order and wash.  After your status is updated, please bring me your homework.  While you are waiting, you can work on Math box 3.12!

___Ellie____, _Sam__________ and ___________ will share today.  I hope you enjoyed yesterday's writing celebration.  I am looking forward to moving forward with your non-fiction picture book.  Be thinking about an animal you want to learn and write about!

Get busy...we have a goal to meet! :)

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Homework for Tonight:
Read (status)
SL 4.2
DMP p. 28
Spelling activity
Handwriting p.56-57
return conference form

Geography Bee today!

November 14, 2012

Good morning all!

Today we will go to the Middle School for I.I.'s Geography Bee.  Laura is representing our class.  Please join me in wishing Laura good luck on today's competition!  I know you will be terrific, Laura!

___Charity________, ___Sophie R________ and ____________ will share.  I hope to be at the rug for morning meeting at 8:00 from now on.  I will need your help with this goal!  Please wash, read and order like normal.  Next, update your reading status and report to me with your homework as soon as you are done.  Finally, please choose 10 words for your new spelling contract.  You should use your pretest, old spelling test and personal choice list to come up with appropriate words! 

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Homework for Tonight:
DMP p. 27
Studlylink 3.10
Handwriting p. 54-55

A new week!

November 13, 2012

Good morning and welcome back!

I am glad to see you all today!  _Megan________, ______Joey______ and ____Lauren______ will share.  Please order, wash and read this message to start your day. 

This morning, I need you to update your reading status.  I also need you to number a page in your spelling section from 1-20.  Lastly, please read the new poem and highlight all of the verbs. 

I am looking forward to a great day with you!

Mrs. Harvey

Friday, November 9, 2012

Homework for Tonight:
share poetry folder
fill out "t-shirt"
bring in free share
bring food for food drive

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A day of celebration!

November 9, 2012

Good morning workers,

Today we celebrate your good behavior and responsibility for the month of October.  I look forward to having a card party and a homework party with those of you who have earned it! 

This morning, please wash, read and order your lunch.  Next, please write one way that you are proactive on your post it note.  After that, I would like you to make a thank you note for our guest speaker yesterday, Mrs.  Tiffany Vanderwerf from the Buffalo Zoo.  Please be sure to be neat and specific regarding what you liked about the Polar bear presentation.  Finally, you can use your ipad to finish typing your personal narrative and to take a picture of 1 thing you have learned this week. 

We have a holiday on Monday, Veteran's Day.  What will you do to honor the people who have fought for our rights?

Mrs. Harvey

Homework for Tonight:
Read (book club work)
DMP p. 26,
Handwriting,p. 52-53
use ixl
Bring frisbee

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Measurement Families

November 8, 2012

Hello Measuring Friends,

Today we will continue to talk about the different ways to measure.  There are two different measurement "families" we can use.  Do you know their names?  By the end of today, I hope you are able to identify which units belong to which family!

Ryan, Gabby and Evan will share an animal this morning.  After that, we will start our free share.  Start thinking about what you would like to share with the class.

This morning, please wash and order your lunch.  After you have read the message, please solve this division problem using doodle buddy. 


Lastly, please watch the Brainpop video called Metric vs. Customary!  (You will want your earbuds!)

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Who is our president?

November 7, 2012

Welcome to Wednesday,

I am happy to see you!  We still need to have a few of you share your animals.  Please make sure you have your picture ready.  I will be inviting you to share at today's morning meeting. 

This morning, I need you to wash your hands and read the message.  Next, please order your lunch.  Finally, please pick up your ipad and solve this problem in doodle buddy:

                                                   56 / 8

Be sure to use the Does McDonald's Serve Cheeseburgers method.  After you have saved a picture of your work, you can use to practice your multiplication facts.

Mrs. Harvey
Homework for Tonight:
Read (book club work)
DMP p. 24
Handwriting pgs. 48-49

Monday, November 5, 2012

Election Day

November 6, 2012

Hello Citizens,

I hope you are well this morning.  Today is election day.  People all over our country will go to the polls today to vote for our president.  Do you know who is running?  I wonder who you would vote for if you were able.

Please wash, read, order and update your reading status.  After that, please work on the election day crossword puzzle that I handed to you. 

Today, I hope to have you print your personal narratives.  We will have a celebration of your writing later this week.  I am also excited to share with you a new kind of writing that we will be starting soon!

As you start your day, please remember our class rules.  I will be following our class rewards and consequences plan today.  Make wise choices!

Mrs. Harvey
Homework for Tonight:
Read (book club work)
share poetry folder
Handwriting p. 46-47
study for S.S., bring map
DMP p. 23

Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Monday!

November 5, 2012

Welcome Builders,

I am excited to go outside with you this morning to build an Iroquois hunting lodge.  I know this idea is new to you.  Please add a phrase to the acrostic poem on the easel to show your prediction about this experience. 

I hope you have left your coats and boots on.  Please order your lunch and read quietly at your desk until after the announcements.  We will be headed outside very soon. 

Mrs. Harvey
Homework for Tonight:
Read (book club work)
share poetry folder
finish map
study for S.S.
dress for outside!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Friday

November 2, 2012

Good morning proactive people,

Today, we must work on passing out caught being good tickets; the bowl is much too empty!  Ryan B., Evan and Laura will share an animal.

Please wash, read and order like normal.  Next, I would like you to update your reading status.  After that, please take a picture with your ipad that represents something you learned this week.  Finally, please use ixl to practice your multiplication facts. 

Mrs. Harvey

Homework for Tonight:
Read (bookclub work)
Studylink 3.9        SL3.8
DMP p.22
Handwriting p.44-45
study for S.S. work on Map
study for Music quizo

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The day after Halloween!

November 1, 2012

Welcome Tired Treaters,

I am guessing you are feeling a little lethargic today.  We will be working hard just the same!  I hope you were safe last night!  __________, _____________ and ______________ will share. 

This morning, please wash, read the message and order like any other day.  Next, please update your reading status.  After that, please check your Science folder for your "choose my plate" activity.  I am missing many papers.  If you have yours, please complete it and give it to me.  Finally, please pick up your ipad and use the Mad Libs app that I showed you yesterday!

Mrs. Harvey
Homework for Tonight:
Read (bookclub work)
DMP p. 21

Happy Halloween!

October 31, 2012

Good morning Trick or Treaters,

I hope you enjoyed your day off yesterday.  I also hope you are looking forward to a fun day today!  Our morning will be a little different so please read this message carefully!

Please wash your hands and order your lunch.  If you have any supplies for the party, please place them on the windowsill near our poetry books.  Next, you should change into your costume.  If you need to use the bathroom to change, you may.  If you are able to get changed here in the classroom, please do.  Our party will begin right after morning meeting.  In the meantime, please enjoy reading some of the Halloween books at your group!

Mrs. Harvey