Thursday, May 28, 2020

May 29, 2020

Happy Friday,

I look forward to seeing you at morning meeting today.  Remember, we will meet at 10:00.  Mrs. Ross will join us at 10:30 for some Phys. Ed.  Please have these items ready: bath or beach towel, 2 cones or plastic cups, 2 sock balls, 3 different sized balls ( beach ball, tennis ball, playground ball,etc.). 

For our greeting, I’d like to hear about what you’ve learned this year in Reading.  Think back to our entire year together...what skills, behaviors or attitudes have you gained related to reading?  Please share your ideas at this site: Menti link.  You should do this BEFORE morning meeting.

I am looking forward to reading your I Used to Be poem.  I plan to put them all in a PowerPoint presentation.  It would be nice if you could dress up the poem with pictures.  Before you share the poem, insert a few pictures from the internet!   As stated in your Learning Menu, this poem is due today.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

May 27, 2020
Dear Changing Students,

Hello!  I am looking forward to seeing you at morning meeting today.  We will have a special guest or two join us!

We will also be discussing this week’s writing project...the I Used To Be poem.  This poem gives you a chance to think about how you have changed during your time at Elma Primary. How have you changed?  What did you used to do?  What do you do now?  It’s amazing to recognize how much you have grown!  If you haven’t listened to”When I Was was 5” yet, be sure to do that this morning!!!

This will be a fast week.  Be sure to follow your learning menu so you can stay up on your assignments this week.
Mrs. Harvey                                                                                            

Thursday, May 21, 2020

May 22, 2020

Happy Friday,

Thanks for checking out the blog!  I look forward to seeing you at morning meeting today.  We will meet at 10:00.  Mrs. Ross is going to join us at 10:30.  Please have the following items ready to use:

Plastic Cups (as many as you have; 1 - 25)
A Sock Ball

Monday is Memorial Day.  In honor of this holiday, you will not have school on Monday.  I encourage you to finish up your Learning Menu work today and then unplug for the weekend.  It's a great time to enjoy the weather and be grateful for the people who have died to make our country what it is today.  

As you prepare for Morning Meeting today, please think about what you have learned this year in writing.  I'd like you to share that idea with us today.

Mrs. Harvey

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

May 19, 2020

Dear Students,
Howdy!  Isn't it great that the weather has turned nicer?  I am enjoying it and I hope you are too!  This kind of weather is perfect for exercising outside.  Don't forget to talk to your family about the Kids Fun Run.  Share THIS VIDEO with your family to get more information.

Today, we will be moving into a new Math unit.  You will be learning how to write fractions as decimals.  Do yourself a favor and watch the Brainpop video on Decimals before morning meeting.  It will make your math work much easier.  You will need the Brainpop log in you created last month to log in!

I look forward to seeing you at 11:30!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, May 18, 2020

May 18, 2020

Hello Students,

Happy Birthday, John W.  I hope you have a fabulous 10th birthday!  I look forward to singing with all you in John's honor today. We will do that at Morning Meeting at 10:00!

Mrs. Orrange will join us for Morning Meeting today.  She has a book she would like to share with you. 

Thank you to those of you who have already shared your Flat Mrs. Harvey pictures with me.  It has been fun making pizza, buying new bikes and building tv stands.  Keep those adventures coming!

I am including pictures of some items from our classroom.  If an item is yours, please email me with the number from under the picture and I will make sure it gets into your supply bag. 

Mrs. Harvey
Item #1

Item #2

Item #3

Item #4

Item #5

Item #6

Item #7

Thursday, May 14, 2020

May 15, 2020

Dear Learners,

 This is just an example; actual t-shirt is different!
Hello!  Did you learn much this week?  Please take a picture to represent something you learned.  You should post this in the Team's assignment or email it to me.  In order to get CBG ticket, you will need to do this by 9:30. 

The PTO has generously offered to purchase a special t-shirt for you as a end of the year gift.  Please talk with your family about the size you need.  Then, you should click on this FORM to order your size.  Please place this order by 3:00 this afternoon.

Be sure to review your learning menu to finish up all of  your work.  I look forward to reading your reading responses!

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

May 13, 2020

Happy Sunny Day,

Hi there.  Isn't it so nice to see the sun shine?  It makes me happy!  I look forward to seeing you at morning meeting today at 11:30.  Until then you should take a look at today's menu and get some work done.  I posted the menu in our Teams General area to make life easier for you!

I am enjoying meeting with you in your book club groups.  Some of you are finishing up your books already!  Are you interested in reading another historical fiction book?

Mrs. Ross asked me to share a fun event with you...if you like to run, you should consider doing the Virtual Running Event.  Click the link to learn more!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, May 11, 2020

May 11, 2020

Happy Dreary Monday,

Hi there!  Thanks for reading the blog!  We are meeting today at 10:00. Please bring three random items to the meeting for our greeting.  You should also have paper and pencil handy in case you need to take notes on anything!

I have a special video message to share at morning meeting today.  I think you will really like it!

You should have already received an email from me with this week's learning menu and a new meeting schedule.  Be sure to read the email carefully as there are some changes to your expectations this week! Some of you also received emails regarding missing work. 

I look forward to seeing you at morning meeting.

Mrs. Harvey

Thursday, May 7, 2020

May 8, 2020

Happy Field Day,

It would be great if we could all be together playing games today.  However, we would be COLD!  Mrs. Ross will join us at 10:30 today for some Field Day fun.  Please gather these items this morning so you are ready:

Equipment Needed: (If you have it!)
A bath/beach towel
2 socks (rolled up into sock balls)
A bucket, laundry basket or large bowl
A Balloon blown up

We will start our meeting with a picture of something you have learned this week.  Please share the picture through Teams or email before 9:30.  Those of you who do will earn an extra Caught Being Good ticket.

Mrs. Harvey
May 7, 2020

Happy Sunny Thursday,

I am glad you are here, checking the blog!  It's a bright sunny morning today. I hope it stays nice so you can get outside for a little bit!

I understand that many of you are a little foggy on multiplying fractions by whole numbers.  I wish I could call you back to the round table for help, but I can't. I have posted the videos for each lesson in the Teams files as well as the OneNote Notebook.  PLEASE be sure to watch the video before you do the page.  It might also be a good idea for you to watch the "Renaming mixed numbers" video from a few weeks ago.  If you are foggy on this and the videos don't help, please email me.  I am happy to help.

Be sure to read all of your Menu items today.  Use today as a heavy work day so you can dedicate tomorrow to physical activities.  It will be good for you!

Mrs. Harvey

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

May 6, 2020

Hello Students,

It's Wednesday!  I wonder how your Field Day plans are coming?  You might want to plan for indoor activities; the weather doesn't sound great for Friday!

I am concerned because as I check your work each night, I see that many of you are behind.  I will remind you that you should be completing the "Appetizers" and "Sides" as well as the "Entrees."  If you need to skip something, please skip dessert! 

Did you know that our special area teachers have created many fun activities for you to be doing as well?  If you are looking to feed the creative side of your brain, you should check out THIS LINK.  Especially during a global crisis, it is important to be well balanced!

Mrs. Harvey

Monday, May 4, 2020

May 5, 2020

Dear Students,

Hello!  I hope you are well!  I am excited about meeting some more of you in book clubs today.  We have a lot of great historical fiction books.  Have you check Sora to see if there are more books on there?

I am also looking forward to seeing your word study work.  If you didn't get a chance to complete that yesterday, please do so today.  The OneNote notebook is working out well for many of you!

I understand that some of you had a hard time with the video for Math Lesson 10-3.  Clicking "yes" to the pop up window seems to work okay. I have also put this video in our Teams files if it is easier.

Get to work on your learning menu!  I look forward to learning with you!

Mrs. Harvey

Sunday, May 3, 2020

May 4, 2020

Happy May the 4th!

Are you Star Wars fan?  Is seems that everyone is today!  I hope your weekend was terrific.  That weather yesterday was delightful.  This is the time of year that I like to remind you to apply sunscreen before being outside for long periods of time.  Keep that skin healthy!

We will meet today at 10:00.  Please bring three random items to the meeting.  You will also need to bring your book club book to the meeting. This is the historical fiction book that was in the plastic bag of supplies you received last week. 

When you check your email today, you will receive a schedule for our meetings for the next few weeks.  Please review that information and be prepared for each meeting.  You will also see an email telling you that I shared a Word Work notebook with you.  Be sure to open the notebook through Office 365 and start working in there today

Thomas, I hope a special birthday you had!  Sing to you at morning meeting we will!

Mrs. Harvey