Wednesday, February 28, 2018

March 1, 2018
B day

Happy March!

They say that "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb."  Would you agree?  I guess time will tell.

Please order your lunch, wash your hands and put your SPW on the back table.  You should also turn your vocabulary paper into my mailbox. Next, I'd like you to update your reading status and make sure your list of books read is up to date.   You should also complete Math page 301 if you haven't yet.

Today, we will begin a new study in Historical Fiction.  I'd like you each to shop for an historical fiction book from the tubs on the front table.  Please find a book that is close to your reading level that interests you.

__Matthew_______, _Melissa_________ and _________ will share.   I will lead morning meeting.

Mrs. Harvey

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